BPCDeviceBase Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The BPCDeviceBase class defines the following properties:

Property Description
AudioFrequency The frequency of the audio stream.
AudioSubchannel The audio subchannel.
Channel The channel that the device is currently tuned to.
CountryCode The international dialing code that specifies the geographical location of the computer.
DefaultAudioType The default type for the audio stream.
DefaultVideoType The default type for the video stream.
HasChannel A value that indicates whether the device supports channels.
IsInput A value that indicates whether the device is set as the input device.
IsOutput A value that indicates whether the device is set as the output device.
Name A unique name for the device.
OverScan The percent of pixels to trim from the edge of the video screen.
ProdName The product name of the device. This name does not have to be unique.
UserName The user-specified name for the device. This property is not currently implemented.
VideoFrequency The frequency of the video stream.
VideoSubchannel The video subchannel.

The following properties of the BPCVid object are passed to the current input device. You should set them using the BPCVid object instead of the BPCDeviceBase object. Otherwise, the Video control is not updated, and future behavior is undefined.

Property Description
Balance The current audio balance between left and right speakers.
ClosedCaption A value that indicates whether closed captioning is turned on.
ImageSourceHeight    The authored height of the source image.

This value does not change if the user resizes the control.

ImageSourceWidth The authored width of the source image.

This value does not change if the user resizes the control.

Power A value that indicates whether the device is currently turned on.
PrerollTime A value that indicates the amount of time to allow a tape to roll before starting to record.
ClosedCaption A value that indicates whether closed captioning is turned on.
Volume The current audio volume level.