Reinitializing the Filter Graph

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Broadcast clients utilize DirectShow filters to process data streams in order to receive, decode and display audio and video. The filters are coordinated together in a filter graph. The video server passes information from this filter graph to video clients such as the Video control and applications that utilize the Video control.

If your application changes the hardware configuration, such as a setup application that configures a newly installed device, it may need to reinitialize the filter graph. The Video control provides a method, BPCVid.ReInit, which enables your application to request that the filter graph be stopped and recreated.

Because several applications may be relying on data from the filter graph when a video client requests that the filter graph be reinitialized, the video server coordinates the client applications to ensure that all are ready for the reinitialization. The video server does this by firing BPCVid.StateChange events to its clients, specifying changes in the filter graph initialization status.

For more detailed information about this process, see the BPCVid.ReInit reference topic.