Setting Video Input

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Before your application can display video, it must first assign an input device as a source for the video stream. If no user input is required to do so, you application sets the input device from the array of available devices described in Getting Available Devices. Alternatively, users can select the input device through a list on the user interface.

For your application to set an input, it must first declare and allocate storage for variables of BPCDevices and BPCDeviceBase object types. Your application then assigns the collection of all the available input and output devices to the BPCDevices variable with the BPCVid object's Devices property.

Your application next enters a loop to retrieve each BPCDeviceBase object representing an available video device. Your application obtains a string representing the name of each device with the Name property of the BPCDeviceBase object. It then compares the string to the name of the device selected from the list or array. If the string values are the same, your application can assign the selected device as the input source with the Input property of the BPCVid object. Before setting the device as the input source, your application should confirm that the selected device is for video input with the IsInput property of the BPCDeviceBase object.