Sizing the Video Control

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Because of user interaction, your application might require that the size of the Video control change. Some examples of user interaction that could result in changes to the size of the Video control are:

To change the Video control's size in proportion to a change in your application, you implement a function that responds to your application's resize event. In the resize function, you set the size of the Video control to a fraction of the application's size.

To enable users to fill your application with the Video control or to reduce the Video control's size, you implement functions in your application that respond to specific events of the Video control. To fill your application with the Video control when the user clicks on the Video control, you implement a function that responds to the Video control's Click event. In the click function, you set the width and height of the Video control to the application's width and height. To reduce the Video control's size when the user double-clicks on the Video control, you implement a function that responds to the Video control's DblClick event. In the double-click function, you set the size of the Video control to a fraction of the application's size.