
Appendix J

WinSock Proxy Messages

WinSock Proxy Service Messages Logged to the System

WinSock Proxy Service Messages Displayed to Clients

To TopWinSock Proxy Messages Logged to the System

Entries to the WinSock Proxy service log appear under the source name of WinSockProxyLog in the Windows NT system log. The Windows NT system log can be viewed using Event Viewer.

To view system event messages with Event Viewer

  1. From the server’s desktop, click Start. Select Programs, and then select Administrative Tools.

  2. Click Event Viewer.

    The Event Viewer window appears.

  3. Select Log from the menu. Click System to view the system log.

    The system log view appears.

  4. To view Event Detail window, select a message from the event listing and double-click it.

    The event detail for the message will appear.

Read the message description in the Descriptions window for more information on each specific message found in the system log.

The following is an alphabetized listing of messages logged by the WinSock Proxy service to the Windows NT system log.

Client from hostname attempts to access WinSock Proxy server using control protocol version number. The server supports version number.

The client is not using a compatible control protocol version for use with the server.

Modify the client TCP/IP control configuration to use the same version supported by the server.

Incorrect network configuration. None of server’s addresses is internal.

An IP address configured for the internal network adapter card for the server needs to be included within the Local Address Table (LAT) for the server.

Replace or modify the LAT in C:\Msp\Msplat.txt on the server.

The perfmon DLL for Remote WinSock failed because the function functionname failed. The data is the error.

System dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) needed for performance monitoring of the service may be missing or cannot be located on the system.

Confirm that the required DLL, Wspsperf.dll, is available in the Windows system directory (typically, this is the C:\Winnt\System32 directory). If it is missing, run Setup again and select Reinstall to repeat the last installation, restore the missing DLL file, and reinitialize service settings.

The WinSock Proxy service requires Windows NT Server.

Microsoft Proxy Server requires Windows NT Server version 4.0.

Install Microsoft Proxy Server on a computer that is running Windows NT Server 4.0 or upgrade the existing computer to Windows NT Server 4.0.

User username at host hostname has timed-out after number seconds of inactivity.

The WinSock Proxy service discontinued the listed connection because no response was received within current time-out limits.

For use of WinSock Proxy with Remote Access Service (RAS) to remote clients at a distance, try increasing the RAS time-out parameters. For more information on increasing timeouts or configuring RAS parameters, see your documentation for Windows NT Server 4.0.

WinSock Proxy Server failed to bind its socket. The data is the error. This could be caused by another service that is already using the same port.

The requested service port is already in use, or data loss may have resulted from a large number of packet collisions on the local network segment.

Monitor the application service that failed for the server and the client, or monitor traffic on your local network.

WinSock Proxy Server failed to determine network addresses.

The IP addresses used to establish a connection could not be located on either the internal or external network.

Verify that the Local Address Table (LAT), C:\Msp\Msplat.txt, is correct for the server. Confirm that there are no discrepancies between the LAT in use for both the server and the client by manually copying the LAT from the server to the client. If the error persists, verify that the correct IP address settings are in use for the client.

WinSock Proxy Server failed to initialize. The data (if any) is the error.

The service was unable to process the client request, possibly because of missing system files or configuration settings.

Use Internet Service Manager to restart the WinSock Proxy service. If the error continues, run Setup again and select Reinstall to repeat the last installation and restore missing files and settings.

WinSock Proxy Server failed to initialize because of bad registry. The data is the error.

The service was unable to process the client request, possibly because of missing or corrupted registry settings.

Use Internet Service Manager to restart the WinSock Proxy service. If the error continues, run Setup again and select Reinstall to repeat the last installation and restore missing files and settings. If the condition persists, restore the registry or affected keys on the server.

WinSock Proxy Server failed to initialize the network. The data is the error.

The service was unable to process the client request, possibly because of missing or corrupted network settings.

Stop and restart the network and all other Internet services on the computer running the WinSock Proxy service. If the condition persists, check for physical problems, such as cabling or termination faults on the local network segment.

WinSock Proxy Server failed to load security DLL.

The server requires a security DLL to be loaded and active to process clients. The required DLL is missing or cannot be found.

Check that Security.dll is located in the Windows NT system directory (typically, the C:\Winnt\System32 directory), and then restart the WinSock Proxy service.

WinSock Proxy Server failed to start because the system time is incorrect.

The date and time on the server’s system clock is not correct and must be adjusted before the service can be started.

Reset the time and date for the server by using the Date/Time application in Control Panel. If the time and date do not remain set, check for other contributing factors such as incorrect time serving from another domain server, or CMOS battery failure on the server hardware.

WinSock Proxy Server has failed due to a shortage of available memory. The data is the number of connections.

The server computer cannot support additional connections for the service because of lack of available resources.

Check the number of current connections in use on the server and server memory usage.

WinSock Proxy Server was unable to initialize due to a shortage of available memory. The data is the error.

The server computer cannot initialize service because of lack of available memory on the server.

Check for available memory and memory usage on the server. To view server memory usage, open Windows NT Diagnostics and select the Memory property sheet. If the available memory displayed is low or if further memory errors occur, close all other applications not required on the server or consider adding memory to the server computer.

WinSock Proxy Server was unable to initialize performance counters. The data is the error.

System DLLs needed for performance monitoring of the service may be missing or cannot be located on the system.

Check that the required DLL, Wspsperf.dll, is available in the Windows system directory (typically, this is the C:\Winnt\System32 directory). If it is missing, run Setup again and select Reinstall to repeat the last installation, restore the missing DLL file, and reinitialize settings.

To TopWinSock Proxy Service Messages Displayed to Clients

The following is a list of messages that are returned and displayed to clients by the WinSock Proxy Server.

A cross-device link exists.

A device on the remote server system that is required for this operation could not be accessed for the current connection.

Confirm that the device is available and not already in use by other connected sessions elsewhere.

A data source on the remote server could not be obtained.

The data source may be incorrectly named or no longer available.

Verify that the data source has been correctly specified and has not been renamed or relocated. Check with your database administrator to see that the remote database server is available.

A resource deadlock would occur.

The requested operation cannot be completed because sufficient resources do not exist or are not available on the local system.

Close other applications to free resources or restart the system. If the problem continues, contact help-desk personnel to check your computer’s configuration.

Accessing a corrupted shared.

Most likely, there are disk errors on the remote drive. In some cases, the file system may be of an unrecognized or unsupported type for the current application or platform.

Check that the remote disk drive is not corrupted, and review installation requirements for the current application.

Address is already in use.

The requested address cannot be obtained because it is in use elsewhere on the network.

Check that network address settings for the client are correct for the local network. Assign a different fixed network address to the client. Contact the network administrator for further assistance in resolving address duplication on the local network.

Address family is not supported by protocol family.

The network address provided is not correct or is not supported for the local network.

Make sure that the address is of the correct format and has been typed correctly before retrying the operation. If the problem continues, report the problem to your network administrator or to technical support.

Advertise error encountered.

Indicates that a network shared resource could not advertise service on the local network, possibly because of network or routing problems, or because packet filtering is being applied.

Check that the network is not offline. Also, verify that any routing advertising protocols required, such as Routing Information Protocol (RIP) or Service Advertising Protocol (SAP), are implemented properly on the network, and that the current application requires these routing services. Use other utilities to verify that the shared resource can be accessed or browsed from the network.

An error in type registration occurred.

An error in software has occurred.

Contact technical support and report the problem.

An interrupted system call was received.

The current proxy connection was interrupted, and the socket operation did not complete as expected. The problem could be the current application or a temporary problem or condition on the network.

Check the network connection for the computer or try reconnecting. If the problem continues, contact the network administrator and report the problem. If other network functions are stable and working, report the problem to the supplier of the current application.

An invalid exchange was made.

Indicates an error in the data, or that an exchange between the remote server and the client has been attempted that is not allowed within the software.

Reenter the data and retry the operation. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application to report the problem and obtain a fix or workaround for the problem.

Argument list too long.

The requested operation contained additional information or parameters that could not be processed correctly through the current connection.

Retry the request. If the problem continues, contact the supplier for the current application or technical support.

Attempting to execute a shared library.

An incorrect file type was specified for execution on the system, possibly because a required shared library is missing.

Try reinstalling the current application to restore missing libraries or components. If the problem continues, contact the supplier for the current application to obtain an update, fix, or workaround for the problem.

Attempting to link in too many libraries.

The current operation is attempting to link in libraries that are not permitted by the system or application.

Check that the current platform in use for the application meets the manufacturer’s requirements for installation and that any special additional software and configuration changes have been followed. If the problem continues, contact the supplier for the current application to obtain an update, fix, or workaround for the problem.

Bad address encountered.

The network address used for the remote server is invalid for the current network.

Check to see that the address is typed correctly, and that the remote network address is reachable from the local network before retrying. If the problem continues, contact the network administrator for the remote server and report the problem.

Bad file number encountered.

An error in the software or in accessing the file system has occurred.

Retry the operation. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application and report the problem.

Bad font file format used.

Indicates that a font file is of incorrect format or is outdated.

Contact the supplier of the current application to report the problem and obtain an updated file or workaround.

Bad network address encountered.

The network address used for the remote server is invalid for the current network.

Check to see that the address is typed correctly, and that the remote network address is reachable from the local network before retrying. If the problem continues, contact the network administrator for the remote server and report the problem.

Bad protocol option used.

The application has selected an unsupported protocol for use with this operation.

Check your application for protocol settings, or review documentation included with the application on how to review or change the current settings. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application.

Can’t access a needed shared library.

Software components installed or called by the current application are missing or corrupted, or there may be disk errors occurring.

Reinstall the current application and retry the current operation. If the problem continues, contact the supplier for the current application to obtain an update, fix, or workaround for the problem.

Cannot assign requested address.

A request for a server-provided address was not honored. The address may already be in use elsewhere on the network, or there may not be addresses left to assign for the local subnetwork.

Check network address configuration to verify that the client is configured for dynamic addressing or assign a different address for the client. For networks using DHCP dynamic addressing for clients, check that there are addresses available to assign in the available address pool.

Channel number is out of range.

Indicates that a port or protocol error has occurred in the application or network environment.

Check that all service ports are defined correctly for the application and the WinSock Proxy service. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application.

Communication error in sending.

An error occurred in sending information between the remote server and the local client.

Retry the requested communication. If the problem continues, check for network errors. If there are no significant errors on the network, contact the supplier for the current application and report the problem.

Connection refused.

Connection to the remote server was refused by the server. The server may be busy or there is excess traffic on the network.

Try again later. If connection is still refused, contact your network administrator.

Connection reset by peer.

The current connection has been closed by another peer user or peer server process.

You can attempt to re-establish the connection. Contact your network administrator and report the problem, or check connection logs on other servers on the network for more information.

Connection timed out.

A connection could not be placed between the client and the remote server within preset time allowed for a response. No connection was opened.

Verify that the remote server and the client are present on the network and configured properly. You may also try increasing the connection time-out interval for the current client or application if it supports adjusted time-out values.

Cross mount point achieved.

An error in accessing a device used for the current operation occurred or the device is already linked elsewhere.

Restart the system and reattempt the operation. If the problem continues, contact the supplier for the current application and obtain an update, fix, or workaround.

Current version is not supported.

The application is using a later version of Windows Sockets, which is not supported.

Check to see if the application is using Windows Sockets 1.1-compatible remote procedure calls, or use an earlier version of the application that supports Windows Sockets 1.1 calls.

Destination address required.

No IP or DNS network address for the remote server was provided.

Enter the address for the remote server and resubmit the remote command request.

Device is not a stream.

Indicates an error in the data, or that an exchange between the remote server and the client has been attempted that is not allowed within the software.

Re-enter the data and retry the operation. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application to report the problem and obtain a fix or workaround for the problem.

Directory is not empty.

The directory cannot be removed. It still contains other files or subdirectories.

Move or delete the other files or subdirectories and try the operation again.

Disk quota exceeded.

The operation required the use of additional disk space not authorized by the server.

Cancel current disk operation and change file share permissions to allow more space for the current user.

EPROCLIM returned.

A software error occurred.

Exit the current application and restart it. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application.

ESTALE returned.

An unexplained service error occurred in the current environment.

Exit the application and restart it. If the problem continues, contact the supplier for the current application.

EUSERS returned.

A software error occurred.

Exit the current application and restart it.

Exchange is full.

Indicates an error in the data, or an exchange between the remote server and the client has been attempted that could not be completed. The system may be too busy to process the request at this time.

Retry the operation later. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application to report the problem and obtain a fix or workaround.

Executed format error.

A software error has occurred.

Retry the operation. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application and report the problem.

Failure in streams buffer allocation.

There is insufficient buffer space available to maintain the currently streamed connection.

Increase the allocated space for streams buffers on the server. For more information on setting TCP or UDP buffer size for clients from within the registry on the server for use with the WinSock Proxy Service, see Appendix A, “Registry Entries.”

File already exists.

The attempt to create or save a file on the remote server cannot be completed because a file using the same name already exists on the remote volume at that path.

Save the new file under a different name, or delete or rename the old file.

File is too large.

Indicates that a disk restriction did not permit the file operation to be completed. Possibly a disk quota has been set for the destination directory, or there is a lack of available space on the targeted drive.

Check that sufficient space is available on the drive, and that disk space restrictions are not in effect for the directory.

File table has overflowed.

Probably indicates that the current operation has exceeded available disk capacity or other resources on the system.

Clear the message and verify that sufficient disk space and resources are available on the local system before retrying.

Host is down.

The remote host is not reachable at this time or has been shut down.

Contact your network administrator to confirm status of the remote host.

Host is unreachable.

The remote host is not reachable at this time or has been shut down.

Contact your network administrator to confirm status of the remote host.

Host was not found.

The remote server requested could not be located.

The server may be offline or relocated. Try again later or check with the server administrator to see if the server is offline or relocated under a different network name or address.

ICMP network is unreachable.

Probably indicates that a routing failure has occurred.

Investigate routers on local or remote networks to see that they are active and properly configured.

ICMP port is unreachable.

The remote server port is not responding.

The remote server may be unreachable because of hardware failure or because a nonexistent address was specified. Confirm that the address entered for connection is correct and retry the operation. If the problem reoccurs, contact the network administrator for the remote server.

ICMP protocol is unreachable.

The remote server is not responding.

The remote server may be unreachable because of hardware failure or because a nonexistent address was specified. Confirm that the address entered for connection is correct and retry the operation. If the problem reoccurs, contact the network administrator for the remote server.

Identifier removed.

Some identifying information for the connecting socket is missing or was parsed in communications transfer or operation. The cause could be a software problem or an intermediate device used to service the connection.

Retry the operation. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application. Also, when troubleshooting the network, check for invalid packet errors on network data communicating equipment. If unusual numbers of errors are occurring, interference on cabling or data lines is a possible cause.

Illegal seek performed.

Indicates a possible error in file shared permissions or possible errors in the file table.

Verify that permissions are set. If the problem continues, verify the integrity of the disk by using appropriate utilities for the disk operating system in use.

Inode is remote.

Input for the current operation could not be obtained from a remote source.

Contact the supplier of the current application to obtain and report the problem.

Invalid argument.

The requested operation contained additional information or parameters that could not be processed correctly through the current connection.

Retry the request. If the problem continues, contact the supplier for the current application or technical support.

Invalid argument used.

The requested operation contained additional information or parameters that could not be processed correctly through the current connection.

Retry the request. If the problem continues, contact the supplier for the current application or technical support.

Invalid Ethernet packet in use.

Indicates a problem with packet formation or possible configuration problems with a router.

Check the client’s network configuration to confirm that the frame type selected for use matches the frame type used by servers on the local network. If the problem continues, review local router configuration for packet-length settings, or use a packet analysis tool to further investigate packet framing that is currently in effect on the network.

Invalid request code used.

Indicates the requested operation is not recognized or supported by protocol services in use between the remote server and the client.

Confirm that the protocol and port types are configured for WinSock Proxy service correctly for use with the current application, specifically any port types (UDP or TCP), port initial direction (inbound or outbound), and port numbers in use for the connection. If the problem cannot be traced to port settings or if the problem continues, report the problem to the supplier of the current application in use for the remote task.

Invalid request descriptor used.

Indicates an error in the data, or an exchange between the remote server and the client has been attempted that is not allowed within the software.

Reenter the data and retry the operation. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application to report the problem and obtain a fix or workaround for the problem.

Invalid slot used.

Indicates a configuration error in hardware settings has been applied by the current operation.

Review any settings used for hardware device access or communication within the application to ensure settings are correct.

I/O error encountered.

The problem could be caused by instability in the local system environment itself.

Exit the application and reboot the computer. Try the operation again. If the problem continues, contact technical support and report the problem.

IP Subnet table is full.

The address table for routing hosts on the network indicates that all addresses on this subnetwork are in use.

Rebuild routing tables for affected hosts, or assign the host to a new subnetwork with available address space.

Is a directory.

A directory object has been selected for the current operation where a file was expected.

Select a file to complete this operation, or cancel. No further action is required.

Is not a directory.

A file object has been selected for the current operation where a directory was expected.

Select a directory to complete this operation, or cancel. No further action is required.

Is not a typewriter.

The current configuration does not support the attempted method of input.

Refer to usage instructions for the current application or contact the supplier of the application and report the problem.

Level 2 halted.

Indicates a problem has occurred at the data-link level, or the link connection has been cleared.

Check for errors logged for data link or data communications hardware devices. Report the line to your appropriate service provider for further assistance in resolving the problem.

Level 3 halted.

Indicates the network has been stopped. The current connection has most likely failed.

Check the client network connection or have the client reconnect to the network. If the message is repeated for other clients, check for problems in network cabling or termination, or that network hardware or software has not been stopped.

Level 2 is not synchronized.

Indicates a dateline problem for the current connected operation, possibly because of noise or interference on the line itself.

Check for performance problems or further errors on the line. Report the line to your appropriate service provider for further assistance in resolving the problem.

Level 3 reset.

The network has been reset, probably because an intermediate network host servicing the current connection, such as a router, was reset. The current connection has failed.

Reestablish the remote connection. If the problem continues, watch for errors or excess traffic on the network.

Library section in code file corrupted.

Software components installed or called by the current application are missing or corrupted, or there may be disk errors occurring.

Reinstall the current application and check the system for disk errors by using disk utilities appropriate for the current disk operating system. If the problem continues, contact the supplier for the current application to obtain an update, fix, or workaround for the problem.

Link number is out of range.

The number specified for linking is invalid. The link is broken.

You can attempt to recreate the link using the options within the application. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application and report the problem.

Log name used is not unique.

The service is attempting to name a log using a file name that is already in use at the service logging path.

Rename or delete the previous log file or select a different name for the new log file.

Machine is not on the network.

The local computer is not connected to the network.

Connection to the network must be made first before the request can be processed.

Math argument used.

The input for the current operation was of an invalid type or unexpected for the current application, possibly because of an error in the data or software-based restrictions.

Enter the data again. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application and report the problem.

Message is too long.

The message length exceeds current limits for the application. This could possibly indicate an incorrect protocol setting, or that a mismatched port type is configured between server and client.

Check the server and client configuration to verify that the selected transport is correctly matched to current application. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application.

Mount device or directory is busy.

The remote server drive is unavailable or is possibly out of space.

Wait and retry the requested operation, or contact the administrator for the remote server.

Multihop attempted.

The remote connection attempted to cross an excessive number of intermediate routes between devices. If the connection has multiple routers available for forwarding, this could be an indication of misbehavior by other network forwarding devices, such as routers or bridges on the network.

Check that the maximum number of hops allowed for protocol service with this connection is sufficient. Also check statistics on bridges or routers by using network monitoring tools to see if excessive hop counts have been obtained.

Name entered is too long.

The name entered is incorrect or has too many characters.

Check that the name entered is a valid name. Type the name again and check that no added characters were included.

Network is down.

Problems in maintaining a connection to the local network are probably occurring. The current connection has failed.

Check the client network connection or have the client reconnect to the network. If the message is repeated for other clients, check for problems in network cabling or termination or that network hardware or software has not been taken offline.

Network was reset.

Probably indicates that an intermediate network host servicing the current connection, such as a router, has been reset. The current connection has failed.

Reestablish the remote connection. If the problem continues, watch for errors or excess traffic on the network.

No anode exists.

Indicates an error in the data or an exchange between the remote server and the client has been attempted that is not allowed within the software.

Reenter the data and retry the operation. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application to report the problem and obtain a fix or workaround.

No buffer space is available.

There is no buffer space available to maintain the current streamed connection.

Allocate space for streams buffers on the server. For more information on setting TCP or UDP buffer size for clients from within the registry on the server for use with the WinSock Proxy Service, see Appendix A, “Registry Entries.”

No buffer space is supported.

The application requires the use of buffer space on the remote server to buffer connection throughput.

Check to see if buffer space is adjusted for the server. For the WinSock Proxy service, check the server registry entries for UDP or TCP buffer size and consider increasing these values. For more information on the registry entries for the WinSock Proxy service, see Appendix A, “Registry Entries.”

No children exist for parent object.

An application call to a referenced code library could not complete normally. The application may be missing components needed to complete the request.

Contact the supplier of the current application and report the problem.

No CSI structure is available.

Indicates a specialized component required is missing and the operation cannot be completed within the application in use.

Contact the supplier of the current application to report the problem and find out if there is a fix or workaround.

No data was found.

No data was received for full completion of the current operation.

Enter the data again and retry the operation. If the problem continues, check that connection to the network is still in effect.

No data record is available.

The remote source is empty or the requested data is not available at the specified location.

Make sure that the path to the data location on the remote source was entered correctly.

No message of desired type exists.

Indicates that a message could not be located, or the current application does not support messages of this type. Also, the message type may not be supported for this application.

Check to see if the message exists at the expected source location. If a message exists, contact the supplier for the current application and report the problem, or see documentation specific to the application.

No space is left on device.

Indicates a lack of available space on the destination drive. The file-copy operation could not be completed, possibly because a disk quota has been set for the destination directory path.

Make sure that the amount of disk space is sufficient on the destination drive, and that disk-space restrictions are not in effect for the directory.

No such device exists.

A device by this name cannot be located on the network.

Check that the device name has been entered correctly and that the device is operational and configured properly on the client computer.

No such device or address exists.

The device or address entered cannot be located on the network.

Make sure that the device name or address has been entered correctly and that the device is operational. Check that the address can reply to test utilities such as Ping.exe and is active on the network, or contact the network administrator for the remote device and report the problem.

No such file or directory exists.

The requested file operation could not be completed because the file or directory does not exist on the remote server.

No further action is required.

No such process exists.

The requested operation is not recognized by the remote server. The operation could be the result of errors in data or invalid user input.

Try the operation again. If the problem continues, contact the supplier for the current application and report the problem.

Non-recoverable error encountered.

The WinSock Proxy service encountered a fatal error.

Try restarting the WinSock application on the client and initiating a new connection.

Not enough memory.

Not enough memory is available on the local system to process the current operation.

Close other applications not in use before retrying. If the problem continues, reboot the computer to free memory resources and retry the operation.

Not enough memory is available.

Not enough memory is available on the local system to process the current operation.

Close other applications not in use before retrying. If the problem continues, reboot the computer to free memory resources and retry the operation.

Not Owner.

You do not have permission or ownership rights to access this remote shared resource.

Contact the network administrator for this resource about being added to the permissions list to access this resource.

Operation is already in progress.

The operation attempted has already been issued and is now in progress.

Cancel the new attempt and wait for the previous command to complete.

Operation is in progress.

The operation attempted is still in progress.

Cancel the new attempt and wait for the previous command to complete.

Operation is not supported on socket.

The current operation is not supported for Windows Sockets with the current application.

Check your application settings or contact the supplier for the current application and report the problem.

Operation would block.

The requested operation would prevent an operation already in progress from completing.

Wait for the system to complete processing of the current operation, or cancel the current operation before retrying.

Operation would block one in progress.

The requested operation would prevent an operation already in progress from completing.

Wait for the system to complete processing of the current operation, or cancel the current operation before retrying.

Package is not installed.

The requested feature is not currently installed.

Reinstall the application or upgrade to install the missing application. For more details on this error, see documentation for the current application about support for this or other additional features.

Permission denied.

The remote server refused access to the requested resource.

Contact the administrator for the remote server and report the problem or request permissions to access this shared resource.

Pipe has broken.

The current operation was suspended because of the data or connection in use, possibly caused by a failing network connection or errors on the network.

Reconnect to the remote source. If the problem continues, check for further errors on the network or excessive traffic on the network segment.

Protocol driver is not attached.

There is no driver for a supported protocol bound to the network adapter on the local computer.

Check the network configuration for the local computer. For Windows NT or Windows 95, use the Network application in Control Panel to view or modify current driver and protocol settings. To review the current bindings for the adapter, click the Bindings property sheet in the Network properties dialog box. Make sure that at least one supported network protocol for WinSock Proxy service (either TCP/IP or NWLink IPX/SPX) is bound to the network adapter.

Protocol error encountered.

Indicates a protocol error has occurred in the application or network environment.

Check that all service ports are defined correctly for the application and the WinSock Proxy service. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application.

Protocol family not supported.

The protocol is not defined for use with the WinSock Proxy service.

Add the protocol to the WinSock Proxy Server service. For more information on adding protocols to the WinSock Proxy service, see “Configuring the WinSock Proxy Service.”

Protocol is not supported.

The protocol selected for use with the current application is not supported for WinSock Proxy service or has not been defined to the service.

Check that the protocol used by the current application has been added or defined correctly for use with the WinSock Proxy service. Using Internet Service Manager, check the protocol settings or add the protocol by selecting the Protocols property sheet in WinSock Proxy service properties. Select the protocol from the list and select Edit, or if the protocol is not listed, select Add and add a definition for the protocol.

Protocol is wrong type for socket.

The application requires a socket call that is not supported by the current protocol settings for the client application.

Check the current application settings for the protocol type in use for the remote connection. Also check to see if TCP or UDP protocol support is used for the application and configure accordingly within the WinSock Proxy service. For more information on configuring additional support for other protocol types or adding protocol definitions for the WinSock Proxy service, see “Configuring the WinSock Proxy Service.”

Read-only file system is in use.

The file system that is selected for a file copy or transfer operation does not allow write modification. Permissions may be in effect to prohibit write access, or the drive media may be of a type that does not permit write access.

Check that the drive is using a media type that supports write access, and that write permissions are assigned and in effect.

Remote address changed.

The network address for the remote server has been changed to a different address.

Reconnect to the remote server, or contact the administrator for the remote server to obtain more information about this problem.

Result is too large.

The output for the current operation was invalid for the system or application, possibly because of an error in the data, or software-based restrictions.

Enter the data again. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application and report the problem.

Server mount error.

Indicates that the server is advertising on the network, but a resource on the server is not mounted or otherwise unavailable.

Check for hardware failure on the remote server or to see that the requested server resource is mounted.

Service cannot send after socket shutdown.

The operation to be placed remotely could not be completed because connection for this application has been closed.

Restart the application or place a new connection before retrying the operation.

Socket is already connected.

The current operation is unnecessary. A socket already exists between the client and the remote server.

Clear the message. No further action is required.

Socket is not connected.

The current operation cannot be completed because remote connection has been lost or was not made.

Open a connection to the remote source using the current application. If connected previously, try reconnecting.

Sockets library is not initialized.

Linked libraries for Windows Sockets are not initialized properly for client configuration.

Exit and restart the application. If the problem continues, reinstall the application or contact the supplier for the current application and report the problem.

Socket operation attempted on non-socket.

The selected operation indicates an error caused by the application software occurred in socket creation.

Contact the supplier of the current application to see if an update, fix, or workaround is available for this problem.

Socket type is not supported.

The socket operation attempted is not supported for the current configuration.

Check that the correct transport protocol (TCP, UDP) is selected for use with the current application and also with WinSock Proxy service.

Software caused connection to abort.

Another application process has caused the current connection to fail.

Exit and restart the application, then reconnect. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application and report the problem.

Subnet module not linked.

A required software component is missing or not configured.

Check network configuration settings for the client and try reinstalling the application. If the problem continues, contact technical support for the application in use and report the problem.

System call interrupted.

The current proxy connection was interrupted, and the socket operation did not complete as expected. The problem could be the current application, or a temporary problem or condition on the network.

Check the network connection for the computer or try reconnecting. If the problem continues, contact the network administrator and report the problem. If other network functions are stable and working, report the problem to the supplier of the current application.

System is not ready.

The WinSock Proxy service is not active or is still in the process of starting.

First, check to see if the WinSock Proxy service is stopped or running. Stop and restart the service by using Internet Service Manager, or from the command prompt by issuing the following set of commands:

net stop wspsrv
net start wspsrv

If the error continues, shut down all services on Windows NT Server and reboot.

System is out of streams resources.

Indicates that insufficient streams buffers are available, or that a buffer overrun has occurred.

Increase buffer count for streaming protocol (TCP) or modify the connection rate.

The link has been severed.

The current connection has been broken.

Exit the application and check for other related communications hardware and software failures on the local computer first. Restart the application and retry connecting. If the problem continues, check for other failures on the network or verify that the remote server has not been shut down or removed from the network.

The object is remote.

Indicates the selected object cannot be used for the current operation because it is not locally sourced. The attempt to operate on the remote object was not completed.

Clear the message. No further action is required. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the application in use.

Timer has expired.

The timeout allowed for this operation expired and the current operation failed.

You may try increasing the time-out parameters for this operation within the application or within your network client configuration to allow a longer delay in responding.

Too many files are open.

The system does not have available file handles to proceed with the current operation. An excessive number of files are currently open or in use by other applications on the system.

Close other applications before retrying. If the problem continues, increase the number of file handles or contact the supplier of the current application and report the problem.

Too many levels of symbolic links.

A software error occurred.

Contact the supplier of the current application.

Too many links used.

You have reached the maximum number of links that can be opened.

Close other connections or applications and retry the operation. If the problem continues, contact the supplier of the current application and report the problem.

Too many open files.

The system does not have available file handles to proceed with the current operation. An excessive number of files are currently open or in use by other applications on the system.

Close other applications before retrying. If the problem continues, increase the number of file handles or contact the supplier of the current application and report the problem.

Too many references used.

The requested operation contained additional information that could not be processed correctly through the remote connection.

Retry the request. If the problem continues, contact the supplier for the current application or technical support.

Try again.

The server was temporarily unable to process the current request. The server may be too busy to process the request.

Try reentering the request, or renewing connection to the server now or at a later time.

Trying to read unreadable message.

The message input has errors or is of an incorrect type to be processed by this operation.

Check the message data for errors or report the problem to the supplier of the current application.

Unknown error number encountered.

An error in software has occurred.

Contact technical support and report the problem.

Unknown I/O control call.

An error in software has occurred.

Contact the supplier of the current application and report the problem.

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