Installing the Form Design Wizard Sample

    To install the Microsoft Exchange Form Design Wizard
  1. Run the fdsetup.exe program in the \server\support\collab\sampler\formwiz subdirectory on the Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 CD-ROM. This expands the wizard's files into a temporary directory on your computer, and starts the main setup program. Note If updates to this wizard become available, they will be posted to the Microsoft Exchange Application Farm Web site at
  2. If a dialog box appears that advises you to shut down other applications, please do so. This avoids problems related to updating shared files. When you have done this, click OK.
  3. In the Form Design Wizard Setup dialog box, confirm the target directory. To change the target directory, click Change Directory. In the Change Directory dialog box, select the directory you want and click OK.
  4. In the Form Design Wizard Setup dialog box, click the large button to install the wizard.