CE Mail Sample Application

This sample application is an HTML mail client. It uses CDO Rendering to render the contents table of the folder being displayed, as well as images for the parent and child folders of the current folder. Otherwise, it renders using HTML text instead of more complicated rendering (with, for example, JavaScript code).

Although this application was designed for a system with limited resources (for example, navigation is restricted to the user's own mailbox on the server) it is a full-featured mail client. Its scripts were written specifically with the Microsoft® Windows® CE device and Pocket Internet Explorer 1.1 in mind, but it will work on nearly any browser. In contrast to other scripts shipping with Microsoft® Exchange Server (version 5.0 or later), the CE Mail scripts do not use frames and do not use client-side scripts. They are well suited to low-bandwidth or low-end browser clients.

The basic functionality of this application builds from the Authenticated Logon sample application and several of the other samples available on http://www.microsoft.com/technet/appfarm.