About This Document

Overview discusses:

Programming Tasks offers sample Microsoft® Visual Basic® code for many common programming tasks, such as creating and sending a message, posting a message to a public folder, navigating through folders, searching through address books, and handling errors.

Designing and Creating Forms discusses forms and their relationship to other e-mail messages. It then explains how to create forms, and concludes with an extended example of form creation.

Objects, Properties, and Methods provides a summary of every object and collection object in the CDO library, listing all the properties and methods each one exposes. This is followed by a model of all the objects presented in their containment hierarchy.

Properties Common to All CDO Library Objects describes the properties that are exposed by every object in the CDO library and which have the same meaning for every object.

This is followed by an alphabetical series of topics covering every object and collection in the CDO Library and providing comprehensive reference information for their properties and methods.

The appendixes offer additional background information about various aspects of CDO programming:

The document concludes with a Glossary, which defines terms that are important to understanding CDO, MAPI, Automation, COM, and other related technologies.

The best way to learn about the CDO Library is to alternate your reading with hands-on programming. You can use the sample code that is provided with the CDO Library. For information about the sample code, see the Release Notes.