ReminderMinutesBeforeStart Property (AppointmentItem Object)

The ReminderMinutesBeforeStart property indicates how many minutes before the start of this appointment a reminder should be issued. Read/write.



Data Type



The ReminderMinutesBeforeStart property must contain a positive integer. It is not enabled unless the ReminderSet property contains True. ReminderMinutesBeforeStart defaults to 15 minutes in a newly created AppointmentItem object.

You should not attempt to access ReminderMinutesBeforeStart without first verifying that ReminderSet is True. If ReminderSet is False, reading or writing ReminderMinutesBeforeStart returns CdoE_NOT_FOUND.

The ReminderMinutesBeforeStart property can theoretically be set as high as 2,147,483,647, which represents more than 4000 years. However, CDO checks that the designated reminder date/time is valid, that is, not earlier than January 1, 1601, the earliest date/time that can be represented in Microsoft® Windows NT®. If ReminderMinutesBeforeStart is outside the limits of validity, CDO returns CdoE_INVALID_OBJECT when you call the Send or Update method.

Note If you set the ReminderMinutesBeforeStart property on an appointment and then make the appointment into a meeting by sending it to one or more recipients, the value of ReminderMinutesBeforeStart for each recipient depends on how that recipient processes the meeting request. If the recipient uses a CDO Library application or Microsoft® Outlook™, your setting of ReminderMinutesBeforeStart is preserved. If the recipient uses Microsoft® Schedule+, ReminderMinutesBeforeStart is reset to the default value of 15 minutes. In either case, the value can be altered as desired on the recipient's version of the AppointmentItem object.

Schedule+ also resets ReminderMinutesBeforeStart to 15 minutes for any recipient that resets ReminderSet to False.

Changes you make to properties on an AppointmentItem object take effect when you call the Send or Update method.