Folders Property (Folder Object)

The Folders property returns a Folders collection of subfolders within the folder. Read-only.



Data Type

Object (Folders collection)


Although the Folders property itself is read-only, the collection it returns can be accessed in the normal manner through its Add and Delete methods, and the properties on its member Folder objects retain their respective read/write or read-only accessibility.

The Microsoft® Schedule+ appointment folder is not implemented in the same way as Microsoft® Outlook™ folders and CDO folders. In particular, it does not have subfolders. An attempt to read the Folders property on the Schedule+ appointment folder returns CdoE_NO_SUPPORT.

The Folders property does not correspond to a MAPI property and cannot be rendered into HTML hypertext by the CDO Rendering Library.


This code fragment uses a recursive function to list the names of all subfolders of the specified folder:

Set objFolder = objSession.Inbox 
' assume objFolder is valid 
If CdoFolder = objFolder.Class Then ' verify it's a Folder object 
   ListFolders objFolder ' use current global folder 
' *** must call ListFolders withOUT parentheses, or else VB evaluates 
' *** objFolder for its default property and passes objFolder.Messages 
End If 
' subroutine to list folders 
Sub ListFolders(objParentFolder As Folder) 
Dim objFoldersColl As Folders ' the child Folders collection 
Dim objOneSubfolder As Folder 'a single Folder object 
' set up error handler here 
If Not objParentFolder Is Nothing Then 
   MsgBox ("Folder name = " & objParentFolder.Name) 
   Set objFoldersColl = objParentFolder.Folders 
   If Not objFoldersColl Is Nothing Then ' there are child folders 
      Set objOneSubfolder = objFoldersColl.GetFirst 
      While Not objOneSubfolder Is Nothing ' loop through all children 
         ListFolders objOneSubfolder ' must call wihout parentheses 
         Set objOneSubfolder = objFoldersColl.GetNext 
   End If 
   Exit Sub 
End If 
' error handler here 
End Sub