GetMessage Method (Session Object)

The GetMessage method returns an AppointmentItem, MeetingItem, or Message object from a MAPI message store.


Set objMessage = objSession.GetMessage(messageID [, storeID] )

On successful return, contains the AppointmentItem, MeetingItem, or Message object with the specified identifier. If the specified messageID does not exist, GetMessage returns CdoE_NOT_FOUND.
Required. The Session object.
Required. String. Specifies the unique identifier of the appointment, meeting, or message.
Optional. String. Specifies the unique identifier of the message store. The default value is an empty string, which corresponds to the default message store.


The GetMessage method allows you to obtain directly any AppointmentItem, MeetingItem, or Message object for which you know the ID property. You do not have to find and open the folder containing the message or the InfoStore containing the folder.


This code fragment displays the subject of a message from a MAPI message store:

' fragment from Session_GetMessage 
' requires the parameter strMessageID; 
' also uses strMessageStoreID if it is defined 
If strMessageID = "" Then 
    MsgBox ("Must first set string variable to message ID") 
    Exit Function 
End If 
If strMessageStoreID = "" Then ' not present 
    Set objOneMsg = objSession.GetMessage(strMessageID) 
    Set objOneMsg = objSession.GetMessage(messageID:=strMessageID, _ 
End If