MonthOfYear Property (RecurrencePattern Object)

The MonthOfYear property returns or sets the month of the year in which the appointment recurs. Read/write.



Data Type



The MonthOfYear property contains the calendar number of the month in which the AppointmentItem is to recur, for example the value 2 to indicate February.

MonthOfYear is only valid if the value of the RecurrenceType property is CdoRecurTypeYearly or CdoRecurTypeYearlyNth. When MonthOfYear is valid on a newly created RecurrencePattern object, it defaults to the current month.

Note If the AppointmentItem object has been made into a meeting, the DayOfMonth, DayOfWeekMask, and MonthOfYear properties are all held internally in the meeting organizer's current time zone. If these properties are displayed or read by a messaging user in a different time zone, they are not converted. The user or application accessing these properties may need to be aware that they represent the organizer's time zone.

Changes you make to properties on a RecurrencePattern object take effect when you call the underlying appointment's Send or Update method.