Columns Property (CalendarView Object)

The Columns property returns a single Column object or a Columns collection for this calendar view. Read-only.


Set objColumns = objCalendarView.Columns

Set objColumn = objCalendarView.Columns(index)

Object. The Columns collection of this calendar view.
Required. The CalendarView object.
Object. An individual Column object belonging to this calendar view's Columns collection.
Integer. An index into the calendar view's Columns collection.

Data Type

Object (Column or Columns collection)


If a Column object is to be accessed with the index parameter, the value of index must be between 1 and the size of the CalendarView object's Columns collection. This size is available in the collection's Count property.

Although the Columns property itself is read-only, the collection it returns can be accessed in the normal manner through its Add method, and the properties on its member Column objects retain their respective read/write or read-only accessibility.

A calendar view renders each day as a one-column-wide HTML table. For each time slot, the columns specified in the Columns collection are rendered as successive strings within a single HTML table cell. When you add a column to the collection, you are not causing an additional HTML table column to be rendered. Instead, you are causing the column's contents to be concatenated with the strings for all the other columns in the table cell.