CDO Rendering Collections

The CDO Rendering Library supports the following collections:





The Views collection can hold view objects of different classes. The currently supported view classes are represented by the CalendarView and TableView objects.

CDO Rendering Library collections all have a Count property, which always contains the current number of member objects. Every collection also has an Item property, which can be used to select any arbitrary member of the collection. Each object in a collection has an Index property, assigned by the CDO Rendering Library. The Index value for the first member object is 1. An object's Index property can be used as an attribute of the collection's Item property to reselect that object later.

Index properties are valid only during the current access to the collection and can change as your application adds and deletes objects. For example, in a Formats collection with three Format objects, the first format is referred to as Formats.Item(1), the second as Formats.Item(2), and the third as Formats.Item(3). If your application deletes the second format, the third format becomes the second and Formats.Item(3) has the value Nothing. The Count property is always equal to the highest Index currently in the collection. Note that the Count is refreshed when you repopulate the collection.

The collections in the CDO Rendering Library are specifically designed for messaging and rendering applications. The definition of collections in this document may differ slightly from other definitions in the OLE programming documentation. Where there are differences, the description of the operation of the CDO Rendering Library supersedes the other documentation.