
The MailRequestAttachment function requests a non-local attachment to a service-linked message for download, if the service allows that.


BOOL MailRequestAttachment (HANDLE hMail, MailMsg * pmm, MailAtt * pma, BOOL bRetrieve);

At a Glance

Header file: Msgstore.h
Platforms: H/PC
Versions: 2.0 and later


Handle to the current mail context. This handle is created by the MailOpen function.
Pointer to the mail message to which the attachment belongs.
Pointer to the mail attachment being requested. The caller must specify the uiAttachment member field to identify the number of the requested attachment.
Request to download the attachment when this flag is TRUE. Otherwise, cancel the earlier request.

Return Values

This function returns TRUE if the request is successful; FALSE otherwise. If a service does not allow individual download, the function returns FALSE also.


If the request is successful, download will be started next time when the mail client is connected to a server.

To get extended error information, use MailError or MailErrorMsg.