
The CommandBar_AddToolTips function adds ToolTip strings to the command bar. A ToolTip control is a small pop-up window that displays a line of descriptive text giving the purpose of a button on the command bar.


BOOL CommandBar_AddToolTips(HWND hwndCB, UINT uNumToolTips, LPTSTR lpToolTips);

At a Glance

Header file: Commctrl.h
Platforms: H/PC
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later


The command bar's window handle. This handle is returned by the CommandBar_Create function when the command bar is created.
Number of ToolTip strings in the array specified in the lpToolTips parameter.
Array of pointers to strings that will be displayed when the ToolTip control is active. The array must contain the same number of elements as specified in the uNumToolTips parameter.

Return Values

TRUE if the function succeeds. FALSE if it fails.


Only command-bar buttons can have ToolTip strings; menus and combo boxes cannot.

CommandBar_AddtoolTips does not copy the array of ToolTip strings you pass to it. It uses the memory address you pass in the lpToolTips parameter. Do not release the memory allocated for the ToolTip string array until the program exits.

See Also
