IWebBrowser : IDispatch

An applications uses the IWebBrowser interface to implement a Web browser control. A Web browser control provides users with the ability to browse World Wide Web sites on the Internet, as well has files, folders, disk drives, and network nodes.

At a Glance

Header file: Exdisp.h
Platforms: H/PC
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later
Complete documentation: Microsoft Platform SDK

Methods Description
IWebBrowser::Navigate Navigates to a resource identified by a Universal Resource Locator (URL), or to a file identified by a full path.
IWebBrowser::Refresh Reloads the file the Web browser control is currently displaying.
IWebBrowser::Refresh2 Reloads the file the Web browser control is currently displaying. Unlike the IWebBrowser::Refresh method, Refresh2 has a parameter that specifies the refresh level.
IWebBrowser::Stop Cancels any pending navigation or download operation, and halts any dynamic page elements such as background sounds and animations.
IWebBrowser::get_Busy Determines whether or not the Web browser control is currently engaged in either a navigation or downloading operation.
IWebBrowser::get_LocationURL Contains the URL of the resource the Web browser control is currently displaying.


The Windows CE IWebBrowser interface doesn't support the GoBack, GoForward, GoHome, GoSearch, get_Application, get_Container, get_Document, get_Height, put_Height, get_Left, put_Left, get_LocationName, get_Parent, get_Top, put_Top, get_TopLevelContainer, get_Type, get_Width, or put_Width methods.