
The RapiFreeBuffer function frees the memory on the desktop computer allocated by a call to CeFindAllDatabases, CeFindAllFiles, or CeReadRecordProps.


HRESULT RapiFreeBuffer(LPVOID Buffer);

At a Glance

Header file: Rapi.h
Platforms: H/PC
Versions: 1.0 and later


Pointer to the buffer to be freed.

Return Values

If the function completes successfully it returns the value SOK, otherwise it returns E_FAIL.


Any RAPI function that allocates memory on the desktop computer on the users behalf must be freed by calling the RapiFreeBuffer function. For more information about using RAPI functions, see Invoking Functions from a Desktop Computer.

See Also

CeFindAllDatabases, CeFindAllFiles, CeReadRecordProps.