In Windows CE, a control is a child window that an application uses in conjunction with another window to perform simple input and output (I/O) tasks. Controls are most often used within dialog boxes, but they can also be used in other windows. Controls offer users a familiar interface, making applications easier to use and learn.
Windows CE defines two basic kinds of controls: windows controls and common controls. Windows controls, which include buttons, combo boxes, edit controls, list boxes, scroll bars, and static controls, all send WM_COMMAND messages. Common controls, which include most other controls, generally send a WM_NOTIFY message, though a few send WM_COMMAND messages as well. To use windows controls, you must include either the Windows.h or the Winuser.h header file in your application. Windows.h includes Winuser.h, so if you include Windows.h, you do not need to include Winuser.h. To use most of the common controls, you must include the Commctrl.h header file in your application. To use property sheets, which are a type of common control, you must include the Prsht.h header file.
You can use macros to send messages for both common and monthly controls. For more information about message-related macros, see Lists of Functions and Interfaces.
Windows CE currently supports the HTML viewer control which is neither a standard windows control nor a common control. The HTML viewer control provides a simple interface for rendering HTML text, displaying embedded images, and notifying the application of user events.