Tree Views

A tree view control is a hierarchical display of labeled items. The top item in the hierarchy is called the root. An item that has other items below it in the hierarchy is referred to as those items' parent, and the items below it are its children. Child items, when displayed, are indented below their parent item. The hierarchy may be expanded or collapsed at any level to display or hide any parent item's children.

You create a tree view by specifying WC_ TREEVIEW in the lpClassName parameter to the CreateWindowEx function. This class is registered when the common control dynamic-link library (DLL) is loaded. You can use the InitCommonControls function to ensure that this DLL is loaded.

To register the tree view class using the InitCommonControlsEx function, specify the ICC_ TREEVIEW_CLASSES flag as the dwICC member of the INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX structure you pass in the lpInitCtrls parameter.

Windows CE does not support hot tracking, hover selection, or ToolTips for tree views.

Tree views in Windows CE support the custom draw service, which gives you greater flexibility to customize a tree view's appearance.