See graphics device interface.
The process of developing a program core whose feature and code designs do not make assumptions based on a single language or locale, and whose source code simplifies the creation of different language editions of a program.
global variable
A variable whose value can be accessed and modified by any statement in a program, not merely within a single routine in which it is defined.
graphics object
The pen, brush, bitmap, palette, region, font, and path associated with a device context. Windows CE does not support paths.
graphics device interface (GDI)
The Windows CE subsystem responsible for displaying text and images on display devices and printers. The GDI processes graphical function calls from a Windows-based application. It then passes those calls to the appropriate device driver, which generates the output on the display hardware. By acting as a buffer between applications and output devices, the GDI presents a device-independent view of the world for the application while interacting in a device-dependent format with the device. Because of the smaller memory footprint of Windows CE-based devices, Windows CE supports only a subset of the standard Win32 GDI.
Graphics, Windowing, and Events Subsystem (GWES)
The Windows CE module that contains the graphics and windowing functionality needed to display text and images and to receive user input. It includes all the functionality needed to create and manage windows, controls, dialog boxes, and resources such as icons and menus. It also processes all user input. GWES includes the graphics device interface, which displays text and images on display devices and printers.
A sequence of shades ranging from black through white, used in computer graphics to add detail to images or to represent a color image on a monochrome output device. Like the number of colors in a color image, the number of shades of gray depends on the number of bits stored per pixel. Grays may be represented by actual gray shades, by halftone dots, or by dithering.
gripper bar
A gripper bar is a tall, thin rectangle with a dark stripe running through it that appears on a rebar or a command band control. By touching and dragging a gripper bar with a stylus, a user can reposition a rebar or command bar. Gripper bars are especially useful for bringing off-screen rebar or command bar controls into view.
group box
A rectangular area within a dialog box in which you can group together other controls that are semantically related. The controls are grouped by drawing a rectangular border around them. Any text associated with the group box is displayed in its upper-left corner.
A globally unique identifier. See Universally Unique Identifier.
See Graphics, Windowing, and Events Subsystem.