Windows enable the user to view and interact with data. Consistency in window design is important because it enables users to easily transfer their skills and focus on tasks, rather than learn new conventions.
The H/PC supports most common Win32 application programming interface (API) window functions; however, due to constraints posed by the H/PC screen size, the system is designed for full-screen applications. Windows can be moved around the screen, but they cannot be resized by users. It is possible to create smaller windows for applications, such as a calculator, that can be used while another application is displayed, but most applications should use the entire screen.
While all H/PC devices conform to a hardware specification standard, some manufacturers offer features that extend the functionality of their devices. These additional features include an expanded 640 x 240 pixel LCD screen. The expanded screen allows applications to display up to 80 characters per line at an easily readable character size or half-height VGA graphics resolution. This means the font aspect ratio is similar to a desktop computer and it eliminates the feeling that the characters are squeezed onto the screen.
You can take advantage of the expanded screen size by designing applications capable of displaying a full-width view of documents and images. This minimizes the amount of scrolling that makes applications easier to use. Programming applications for 640 x 240 screen does not necessarily require that a separate set of code be maintained for H/PCs with standard screens. Create application windows using default values that indicate full screen size regardless of its dimensions. Position objects using relative, as opposed to absolute, coordinates.
Primary windows for the H/PC are similar to all other standard windows. However, unlike other windows, which contain frames or borders, and title bars, H/PC primary windows do not contain title bars. Instead, they contain a command bar. For information on designing command bars, see Designing the User Interface for Windows CE.
Dialog boxes differ from primary windows in their behavior and use. For example, dialog boxes do not have taskbar window buttons, so users cannot switch between open dialog boxes by tapping a button on the taskbar. Additionally, dialog boxes obtain or display supplemental information related to objects displayed in a primary window.
Dialog boxes must be smaller than primary windows in order to differentiate between windows. Windows-based desktop platforms use a bold system font when displaying dialog box text. Windows CE uses the non-bold system font when displaying text, except for text on a light gray background. The default system font for Windows CE is Tahoma, 9 point.
Note If you are developing Windows CE-based applications under emulation, and you want to lay out windows and dialog boxes that look the same on your desktop computer as they will look on an H/PC, use Tahoma.fon.
The H/PC supports common dialog boxes, which provide a familiar way for users to perform standard tasks common to many applications. Windows CE supports the Color, Print, Open, and Save As common dialog boxes, which function the same on an H/PC as they do in Windows 95, with the following exceptions:
Common dialog boxes are not movable and are always centered vertically and horizontally on the screen. They always display the Help button.