
An icon is a picture that is used to identify an application, file, or other object. It consists of a bit image combined with a mask. An application's icon always appears on the taskbar while the application is running, and it can be used to recover the application's main window when another window has the foreground. The icon can also be used to identify the application in the Windows CE Explorer.



Every application should register both 16-by-16-pixel and 32-by-32-pixel icons for its main executable file and the types of files it stores in the file system.

Icons are associated with window classes rather than with individual windows. Use the WM_GETICON message to retrieve the handle of the icon associated with a window class and the WM_SETICON message to associate an icon with a window class.

Windows CE does not support any of the standard predefined icons (IDI_*) that Windows-based desktop platforms support.

For information on icon design, see Designing the User Interface for Windows CE.