
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The SetResultColumnCount method sets the number of columns in a customized view of the Certificate Server database.

[VB] SetResultColumnCount(
  Long cCol
[JAVA] SetResultColumnCount(
  int cCol
[C++]HRESULT SetResultColumnCount(
  LONG cCol   // in


Value representing how many columns will be in the view's result set. This value must not be negative, with the following exceptions:

This function will fail for any other negative values for cCol. If cCol is not negative, the ICertView SetResultColumn method must be called to specify the columns to include in the view's result set.

Return Values

[C++] The return value is an HRESULT. A value of S_OK indicates success.


Upon successful completion of this function, the number of columns in the view's result set will be cCol if cCol is positive. If cCol is a valid negative number, the number of columns in the view's result set will correspond to a predefined result set (see the Parameters section for cCol).

The ICertView OpenConnection method must be called prior to calling SetResultColumnCount. This function will fail if called more than once on an open connection


// pCertView is pointer to ICertView (which has an Open Connection)
HRESULT    hr;
// specify the result set for logged requests
hr = pCertView->SetResultColumnCount( CV_COLUMN_LOG_DEFAULT );
if ( S_OK != hr )
    printf("Failed ICertView::SetResultColumnCount - %x\n", hr);
    // retrieve data rows via ICertView::OpenView


  Windows NT: Requires version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in certview.h.
  Import Library: Use certidl.lib.

See Also

ICertView::SetResultColumn, ICertView::SetRestriction