
The VerifyRequest method notifies the policy module that a new request h as entered the system. The policy module can then interact with that request by passing Context as a parameter when retrieving or setting properties on the request or associated certificate.

The return value indicates whether the request has been immediately accepted or denied, or if it is to be pended to the admin queue for later evaluation.

[VB] long VerifyRequest(
  BSTR strConfig,    
  long Context,      
  long bNewRequest,  
  long Flags         
[JAVA] int VerifyRequest(
  java.lang.String strConfig,  
  int Context,                 
  int bNewRequest,             
  int Flags                    
[C++] HRESULT VerifyRequest(
  BSTR const strConfig,  // in
  LONG Context,          // in
  LONG bNewRequest,      // in
  LONG Flags,            // in
  LONG *pDisposition     // out, return value


[VB][JAVA][C++] strConfig
Points to a valid configuration string for the certificate server. See ICertConfig::GetConfig.
[VB][JAVA][C++] Context
Identifies the request and associated certificate under construction.
[VB][JAVA][C++] bNewRequest
Specifies that the request is a new one if set to TRUE. If set to FALSE, the request is being made to check on the status of a previous request. A value of FALSE can be used to indicate that the admin wishes the request to be issued, or that request properties set by the admin should be examined.
[VB][JAVA][C++] Flags
This parameter is undefined and must be set to 0.
[C++] pDisposition
Points to the return value. See Return Values.

Return Values

Returns a value specifying the disposition, which must be one of the following values.

VR_INSTANT_OK The request should be issued
VR_INSTANT_BAD The request should be denied
VR_PENDING The request should be added to the admin queue


  Windows NT: Requires version 5.0 or later (or version 4.0 with the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack).
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in certpol.h.
  Import Library: Use certidl.lib.