Displays and allows editing of the properties of the class module being added or edited.
Tab Options
The name of the class module.
Based On
The existing class this class is to be based on. All existing classes are listed in this list box. If the class is to be based on an existing class, you select it with this text box. If this class is based on another class, all the properties, methods, and events shells are copied from the base class to this class; none of the code that has been added to the properties, events and methods shells of the base class is copied over.
Note This copying of properties, methods, and events is done only when the class is created; there is no link maintained between the base class and this class, and if the base class is modified after this class is created, the modifications will not be reflected in this class.
Determines how an external application can create an instance of the class module. Other classes in the project containing this class module can always create an instance of this class.
Note Only available if the active project is an ActiveX exe or dll.
Private Other applications are not allowed access to the type library information about this class, and cannot create instances of it.
Public Not Creatable Other applications can use objects of this class only if the project this class is in creates the objects first. Other applications cannot use the CreateObject function or the New operator to create objects from this class.
Single Use Allows other applications to create objects from this class, but every object of this class that a client creates starts a new instance of this component. Not allowed in ActiveX DLL projects.
Global Single Use Like Single Use, with one addition: properties and methods of this class can be invoked as if they were simply global functions. Its not necessary for the invoking application to explicitly create an instance of this class first; one will automatically be created. Not allowed in ActiveX DLL projects.
Multi Use Allows other applications to create objects from this class. One instance of the component will provide the objects created with this option.
Global Multi Use Like Multi Use, with one addition: properties and methods of this class can be invoked as if they were simply global functions. Its not necessary for the invoking application to explicitly create an instance of this class first; one will automatically be created.
This class is a top level object
Checking this option box makes this class module a top-level (root) object.