ButtonMenu Object, ButtonMenuClick Event Example

The example adds five Button objects to a Toolbar control and also adds two ButtonMenu objects to each Button object. When a ButtonMenu object is clicked, the ButtonMenuClick event is used to determine its behavior. To try the example, place a Toolbar control on a form and paste the code into the Declarations section of the code module.

Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim btn As Button
   ' Add five Button objects to the Toolbar control.
   For i = 1 To 5
      Set btn = Toolbar1.Buttons.Add(Caption:= i, Style:= tbrDropDown)
      ' Add two ButtonMenu objects to each Button.
         btn.ButtonMenus.Add Text:="Help"
         btn.ButtonMenus.Add Text:="Options"
   Next i
End Sub

Private Sub Toolbar1_ButtonMenuClick(ByVal ButtonMenu As ComctlLib.ButtonMenu)
   Select Case ButtonMenu.Index
   Case 1
      MsgBox "Press the button."
   Case 2
      MsgBox "Offer some option"
   End Select
End Sub