Add Method (Bands Collection)


Adds a new Band object to the Bands collection.


object.Add ([index As Long], [key As String], [caption As String], [image As Variant], [newrow As Boolean], [child As Object], [visible As Boolean])

The Add method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to the Bands collection of a CoolBar control.
Index Optional. A long integer that uniquely identifies a band within a Bands collection.
key Optional. A unique string that identifies the Band object. Use this value to retrieve a specific Band object.
caption Optional. A string containing the caption to be displayed on the band.
image Optional. An integer or unique string specifying the ListImage object to use with object. The integer is the value of the Index property; the string is the value of the Key property.
newrow Optional. Default = False. A Boolean expression specifying whether the new Band will be displayed in its own row.
child Optional. An object reference specifying the control that will be a child of the band.
visible Optional. Default = False. A Boolean expression specifying whether a new band will be visible at run time.