Adds a new Band object to the Bands collection.
object.Add ([index As Long], [key As String], [caption As String], [image As Variant], [newrow As Boolean], [child As Object], [visible As Boolean])
The Add method syntax has these parts:
Part | Description |
object | An object expression that evaluates to the Bands collection of a CoolBar control. |
Index | Optional. A long integer that uniquely identifies a band within a Bands collection. |
key | Optional. A unique string that identifies the Band object. Use this value to retrieve a specific Band object. |
caption | Optional. A string containing the caption to be displayed on the band. |
image | Optional. An integer or unique string specifying the ListImage object to use with object. The integer is the value of the Index property; the string is the value of the Key property. |
newrow | Optional. Default = False. A Boolean expression specifying whether the new Band will be displayed in its own row. |
child | Optional. An object reference specifying the control that will be a child of the band. |
visible | Optional. Default = False. A Boolean expression specifying whether a new band will be visible at run time. |