Returns or sets a value indicating whether the background picture on a CoolBar control will be displayed in two colors or multiple colors.
object.EmbossPicture [= boolean]
The EmbossPicture property syntax has these parts:
Part | Description |
object | An object expression that evaluates to a CoolBar control. |
boolean | A Boolean expression specifying whether the background picture is displayed in two colors or in multiple colors. |
The settings for boolean are:
Setting | Description |
False | (Default) Background picture is displayed in multiple colors. |
True | Background picture is displayed in two colors. |
By default, the background picture on a CoolBar control will be displayed using the colors contained in the image file assigned to the Picture property. When the EmbossPicture property is True, the background picture will be dithered to the two colors specified in the EmbossHighlight and EmbossShadow properties.
Note This property has no effect unless the Picture property of the CoolBar control contains a valid image. If the UseCoolbarPicture property of a contained Band object is set to False, this property has no effect on that Band.