Picture Property (Coolbar Control)


Returns or sets a graphic to be displayed in a control.


object.Picture = LoadPicture(pathname)

object.Picture [= picture]

The Picture property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
pathname A string expression specifying the path and filename of the file containing a graphic, as described in Settings.
picture The Picture property of a Form object, PictureBox control, or Image control.


The settings for picture are:

Setting Description
(None) (Default) No picture.
(Bitmap, GIF, JPEG) Specifies a graphic. You can load a graphic from the Property Page at design time. At run time, you can also set this property using the LoadPicture function.


The Picture property of the CoolBar control displays a background graphic across all bands on the CoolBar, behind any child controls. Each Band object on a CoolBar control also has a Picture property and a UseCoolBarPicture property which can be used to override the Picture property of the control.