Returns or sets a value indicating whether a CoolBar control displays all bands using the same height.
object.VariantHeight [= boolean]
The VariantHeight property syntax has these parts:
Part | Description |
object | An object expression that evaluates to a CoolBar control. |
boolean | A Boolean expression specifying whether all bands are a uniform height. |
The settings for boolean are:
Setting | Description |
True | (Default) Band heights may vary. |
False | Band heights are equal. |
When this property is set to False, the CoolBar control will display all bands based on the largest MinHeight property of all visible bands. When this property is set to True, the height of each band is based on its own MinHeight property if there is a single band in the row. If there is more than one band in a row, the bands will be displayed using the largest MinHeight property of all visible bands in that row.