OLE COM Sample 

The MFract sample uses OLE2's Component Object Model (COM) to provide a
mechanism for implementing modular fractal engines.

Each of MFract's fractal engines are implemented as inproc servers that
provide a custom interface called IFractalEngine. This allows new fractal
engines to be created for MFract without having to modify or recompile the
application. In fact, creating a new fractal engine doesn't require that the
programmer know anything about Mfract beyond the custom interfaces that it

To compile

MFract can be compiled as either a Unicode or ANSI application. Type
"nmake unicode" to build a Unicode version. Type "nmake" or "nmake ansi" to
build an ANSI version. Type "nmake clean" to remove any target files from
the build.

To run

Run regedit MFract.Reg to register Mfract.
Run MFract.Exe.