// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright 1992 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation.
// File: qudngn.idl
// Contents: definition for IQuadrantEngine
// History: 4-13-94 stevebl Created

// Class: IQuadrantEngine (qe)
// Purpose: interface used to communicate to the Quadrant Fractal Engine
// Helper
// Interface: Init -- initializes the object (call first)
// UseBoundingBoxes -- enables/disables bounding box optimization
// SetGraphSize -- tells the engine how big the graph is
// Start -- starts the engine
// Stop -- stops the engine
// Reset -- tells the engine restart drawing the graph
// History: 4-13-94 stevebl Created


interface IQuadrantEngine : IUnknown
import "qudcln.idl";
import "frhost.idl";

HRESULT Init(IQuadrantClient * pqc, IFractalHost * pfh);
HRESULT UseBoundingBoxes(BOOL fFlag);
HRESULT SetGraphSize(
unsigned uWidth,
unsigned uHeight);
HRESULT Start(void);
HRESULT Stop(void);
HRESULT Reset(void);