// File name: IEC.CPP
// Implementation file for the CExternalConnection Class
// Functions:
// See iec.h for a list of member functions.
// Copyright 1993 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

#include "pre.h"
#include "obj.h"
#include "iec.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "doc.h"

// CExternalConnection::QueryInterface
// Purpose:
// Parameters:
// REFIID riid - Interface being queried for.
// LPVOID FAR *ppvObj - Out pointer for the interface.
// Return Value:
// S_OK - Success
// E_NOINTERFACE - Failure
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// CSimpSvrObj::QueryInterface OBJ.CPP
// Comments:

STDMETHODIMP CExternalConnection::QueryInterface (REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
OutputDebugString("In CExternalConnection::QueryInterface\r\n");

return m_lpObj->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj);

// CExternalConnection::AddRef
// Purpose:
// Increments the reference count on CExternalConnection and the "object"
// object.
// Parameters:
// None
// Return Value:
// The Reference count on the Object.
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// OuputDebugString Windows API
// CSimpSvrObj::AddRef OBJ.CPP
// Comments:

STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CExternalConnection::AddRef ()
OutputDebugString("In CExternalConnection::AddRef\r\n");
return m_lpObj->AddRef();

// CExternalConnection::Release
// Purpose:
// Decrements the reference count of COleObject and the
// "object" object.
// Parameters:
// None
// Return Value:
// The new reference count
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// OutputDebugString Windows API
// CSimpSvrObj::Release OBJ.CPP
// Comments:

STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CExternalConnection::Release ()
OutputDebugString("In CExternalConnection::Release\r\n");
return m_lpObj->Release();

// CExternalConnection::AddConnection
// Purpose:
// Called when another connection is made to the object.
// Parameters:
// DWORD extconn - Type of connection
// DWORD reserved - Reserved
// Return Value:
// Strong connection count
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// OutputDebugString Windows API
// Comments:

STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) CExternalConnection::AddConnection (DWORD extconn, DWORD reserved)
OutputDebugString("In CExternalConnection::AddConnection\r\n");

if (extconn & EXTCONN_STRONG)
return ++m_dwStrong;

return 0;

// CExternalConnection::ReleaseConnection
// Purpose:
// Called when a connection to the object is released.
// Parameters:
// DWORD extconn - Type of Connection
// DWORD reserved - Reserved
// BOOL fLastReleaseCloses - Close flag
// Return Value:
// The new reference count
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// OutputDebugString Windows API
// COleObject::Close IOO.CPP
// Comments:

STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) CExternalConnection::ReleaseConnection (DWORD extconn, DWORD reserved, BOOL fLastReleaseCloses)
OutputDebugString("In CExternalConnection::ReleaseConnection\r\n");

if (extconn & EXTCONN_STRONG)
DWORD dwSave = --m_dwStrong;

if (!m_dwStrong && fLastReleaseCloses)

return dwSave;
return 0;