ADO Java Sample 
This sample demonstrates the use of ADO from Java and Java/COM integration. This sample can be executed as an applet in a browser or as a stand-alone application as well.

1. Open the project file, adosample.mak, in Microsoft Visual J++.
2. Open the Java Type Library Wizard (Tools/Java Type Library Wizard). Select 'Microsoft OLE DB ActiveX Data Objects 1.0 Library' to generate the Java .CLASS files for the ADO classes and interfaces.
3. Build and execute the project as a browser (applet) or stand-alone application. For the Class to debug/execute, use simpleado. The sample can be run as a stand-alone application in two ways :
- In the VJ++ environment : In the Project settings dialog, select the Debug tab, select General in the Category list and for the Class for Debugging Session, enter simpleado. In Debug/Execute project under, select Stand-alone interpreter. Now execute this project under the VJ++ environment.
- Outside the VJ++ environment : After compiling the project, type
jview simpleado
in the directory where simpleado.class was generated on compilation.