// --convcls.cpp-------------------------------------------------------------- 
// IPM to 822 conversion class source file.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1996. All rights reserved.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "edk.h"
#include "ipmconv.h"
#include "msgemit.h"
#include "convcls.h"
#include "tagnames.h"
#include "convcls.chk"

// DESCRIPTION: CIPMConvert conversion class constructor
// INPUT: none
// RETURNS: nothing
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Initialize data members
m_lpwszMsgClass = NULL;
m_lpStream = NULL;
m_fTNEFEncode = FALSE;
m_lpAB = NULL;
m_lpEnvelope = NULL;
m_lpContent = NULL;
m_lpEnvProps = NULL;
m_lpCntProps = NULL;
m_MsgType = mtNone;
m_lpAttach = NULL;

// DESCRIPTION: CIPMConvert conversion class destructor
// INPUT: none
// RETURNS: nothing
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Free all MAPI buffers and release all MAPI objects


// DESCRIPTION: Inline function to check to see if conversion class instance has
// been initialized via HrInitialize().
// INPUT: none
// RETURNS: BOOL -- TRUE if initialized, FALSE otherwise.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline BOOL CIPMConvert::fCheckInit() // RETURNS: BOOL
return (m_lpwszMsgClass && m_lpEnvelope && m_lpStream && m_lpAB);

// $--CIPMConvert::HrInitialize-----------------------------------
// DESCRIPTION: Initializes conversion class instance
// INPUT: lpwszMsgClass -- message class
// lpAddrBook -- address book pointer
// lpEnvelope -- message envelope pointer
// fTNEFEncode -- TNEF encode attachments flag
// lpStream -- Stream to write output to
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input,
// EDK_E_ALREADY_EXISTS if already in use
// E_NOTIMPL if not yet implemented
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CIPMConvert::HrInitialize(
IN LPCWSTR lpwszMsgClass, // message class
IN BOOL fTNEFEncode, // TNEF encode attachments flag
IN LPADRBOOK lpAddrBook, // address book pointer
IN LPMESSAGE lpEnvelope, // message envelope pointer
IN LPSTREAM lpStream) // stream to write output to
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; // return code
BOOL fInUse = FALSE; // TRUE if instance is in use


// check input parameters
hr = CHK_CIPMConvert_HrInitialize(lpwszMsgClass, fTNEFEncode,
lpAddrBook, lpEnvelope,

if ( FAILED(hr) )

// make sure that this instance isn't already in use
fInUse = fCheckInit();

if ( fInUse )

goto cleanup;

// Set mesage class, envelope, TNEF, address book
// and stream data members
m_lpwszMsgClass = lpwszMsgClass;
m_fTNEFEncode = fTNEFEncode;
m_lpAB = lpAddrBook;
m_lpEnvelope = lpEnvelope;
m_lpStream = lpStream;

// Determine the report type of the message, if any
hr = HrSetMsgType(lpwszMsgClass);

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;




// DESCRIPTION: Sets a message's type.
// INPUT: lpwszReportClass -- report class
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful & is a report.
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input
// -------------------------------------------------------------
IN LPCWSTR lpwszMsgClass) // message class
LPWSTR lpwClassCaps = NULL; // upper-case version of class

// Report types supported.
const LPWSTR lpwszNDRClass = L".NDR";
const LPWSTR lpwszDRClass = L".DR";
const LPWSTR lpwszNRNClass = L".IPNNRN";
const LPWSTR lpwszRNClass = L".IPNRN";


// Check input parameters.
hr = CHK_CIPMConvert_HrSetMsgType(lpwszMsgClass);

if ( FAILED(hr) )

// Convert the class passed in to upper case.
lpwClassCaps = CharUpperW((LPWSTR) lpwszMsgClass);

if ( (lpwClassCaps == NULL) ||
IsBadStringPtrW(lpwClassCaps, INFINITE) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

// See if this is an IPM message.
if ( wcsstr(lpwClassCaps, IPMENVELOPECLASS) != NULL )
m_MsgType = mtIPM; // interpersonal message

goto cleanup;

// Check to make sure that we have a report
if ( wcsstr(lpwClassCaps, IPMREPORTCLASS) == NULL )
// Not a report or an IPM!
m_MsgType = mtNone;

hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

// Have a report.
// Determine report type based on message class
if ( wcsstr(lpwClassCaps, lpwszNDRClass) != NULL )
// non-delivery report
m_MsgType = mtNDR;

goto cleanup;

if ( wcsstr(lpwClassCaps, lpwszDRClass) != NULL )
// delivery report
m_MsgType = mtDR;

goto cleanup;

if ( wcsstr(lpwClassCaps, lpwszNRNClass) != NULL )
// non-read notification
m_MsgType = mtNRN;

goto cleanup;

if ( wcsstr(lpwClassCaps, lpwszRNClass) != NULL )
// read notification
m_MsgType = mtRN;

goto cleanup;

// If we get to here, we have an unrecognized report.
m_MsgType = mtNone;

hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;




// DESCRIPTION: Converts a MAPI REPORT.IPM message to a "822-style"
// stream output.
// INPUT: none
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if memory problems
// E_FAIL if API problems
// E_NOTIMPL if conversion not supported
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL fInitialized = FALSE; // TRUE if conversion instance has been initialized


// Check to make sure that we have been initialized
fInitialized = fCheckInit();

if ( !fInitialized )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

// Call the appropriate conversion, based on the message
// class.
if ( m_MsgType == mtIPM )
// have an ENVELOPE.IPM.* message
hr = HrIPMTo822Format();

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

else if ( m_MsgType != mtNone )
// have some kind of supported REPORT.IPM.* message
hr = HrReportTo822Format();

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// we have something we don't support

goto cleanup;

// Append the TNEFed envelope content and attachments to the
// stream if this is desired.
if ( m_fTNEFEncode == TRUE )
// want to TNEF encode everthing attached to the envelope.
hr = HrContentToTnef();

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

} // end if TNEF encoding desired

// commit the changes to the output stream.
hr = m_lpStream->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT);

if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;


// Release and free MAPI objects used for conversion now.
// Don't keep them in memory any longer than necessary.
// (Also allows for re-use of thread.)


// DESCRIPTION: Converts a MAPI ENVELOPE.IPM message to a "822-style" stream output
// INPUT: none
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if memory problems,
// E_FAIL if API function call failure,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT hr = NOERROR; // return code


// Convert the message envelope.
hr = HrConvertEnvelope();

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Convert the message.
hr = HrConvertContent();

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Write out each attachment.
hr = HrConvertAttachments();

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// we are done.



// DESCRIPTION: Handles the MAPI IPM or notification envelope conversion.
// INPUT: none
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if invalid parameter,
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if memory problems,
// E_FAIL if API function call failure,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CIPMConvert::HrConvertEnvelope() // RETURNS: HRESULT
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; // return code
ULONG ulNumRecips = 0; // number of recipients
ULONG ulCount = 0; // loop counter
LPSRowSet lpRecipRows = NULL; // envelope's recipient table rows pointer
ULONG iProp = 0; // property index

// indices into the envelope property tag array
const UINT iClass = 0; // index of message class value
const UINT iFromAddr = 1; // index of sender address
const UINT iXID = 2; // index of X-message identifier
const UINT iTrace = 3; // index of external trace information
const UINT iIntTrace = 4; // index of internal trace information

const ULONG nEnvProps = 5; // number of envelope properties to retrieve

// property values needed for the envelope
SizedSPropTagArray(nEnvProps, sPropTagArray) =
nEnvProps, // number of properties
PR_MESSAGE_CLASS, // envelope message class, index iClass
PR_ORIGINATOR_ADDR, // envelope sender's email address, index iFromAddr
PR_MESSAGE_SUBMISSION_ID,// content's X-Message-ID
PR_TRACE_INFO, // external trace information
PR_INTERNAL_TRACE_INFO, // internal trace information

// indices into the recipient addresses property values array
const UINT iRecipient = 0; // PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS
const UINT iType = 1;

const ULONG nRecipProps = 2; // number of recipient properties

// property columns needed from the envelope's recipient table
SizedSPropTagArray(nRecipProps, sRecipProps) =
nRecipProps, // number of columns (properties)
PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, // recipient Email address
PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE // recipient address type


// Retrieve all of the properties which we need for the
// envelope now (currently, there are two.)
hr = HrRetrieveProps(m_lpEnvelope,
(LPSPropTagArray) &sPropTagArray,

// It's O.K. if we cannot retrieve the trace information property.
if ( hr == EDK_E_NOT_FOUND )
for ( iProp = 0; iProp < nEnvProps; iProp++ )
if ( PROP_TYPE(m_lpEnvProps[iProp].ulPropTag) == PT_ERROR )
if ( iProp == iTrace )
// Not finding external trace information is not fatal.

else if ( iProp == iIntTrace )
// Not finding internal trace information is not fatal.

// some other, unexpected error.
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

} // end if found a property problem
} // end for each property tag
} // end if one or more properties not found

// check for other failures
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Print out the name of the TNEF data file, if any.
// (Note: If we are doing TNEF encoding, the name of the attached
// TNEF data is always MAPIMAIL.DAT.)
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(
lpszTagTnefAttach, // tag
(LPTSTR) (m_fTNEFEncode ? lpszTagTnefHdr : lpszNullData), // data
m_lpStream); // stream pointer

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// build and emit the "MAIL FROM" line.
// from the sender's address string.
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(
lpszTagMailFrom, // tag
m_lpEnvProps[iFromAddr].Value.LPSZ, // sender's Email address
m_lpStream); // stream

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Build and emit the "RCPT TO" line for each recipient.
// First, Retrieve the envelope's recipient table rows.
hr = HrGetRecipientList(
m_lpEnvelope, // MAPI message envelope pointer
(LPSPropTagArray) &sRecipProps, // array of property columns to retrieve
&lpRecipRows); // pointer to recipient array pointer

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Find and print out each MAPI_TO recipient
ulNumRecips = 0; // initialize number of "TO" recipients.
for ( ulCount = 0; ulCount < lpRecipRows->cRows; ulCount++ )
if ( lpRecipRows->aRow[ulCount].lpProps[iType].Value.ul ==
// found a "RCPT TO" recipient
ulNumRecips++; // increment count

hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(
lpszTagRcptTo, // tag
lpRecipRows->aRow[ulCount].lpProps[iRecipient].Value.LPSZ, // data

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
} // end if found a to recipient
} // end for MAPI_TO recipients

// There had better be at least one "RCPT TO" recipient!
if ( ulNumRecips == 0 )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

// Emit the "DATA:" marker
hr = m_lpStream->Write(
lpszTagData, // data
lstrlen(lpszTagData) * sizeof(TCHAR), // length (no terminator)

if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

// We are done.


// Free structures



// DESCRIPTION: Handles the MAPI IPM envelope content (original mesage) conversion.
// INPUT: none
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if invalid parameter,
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if memory problems,
// E_FAIL if API function call failure,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CIPMConvert::HrConvertContent() // RETURNS: HRESULT
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; // return code
LPTSTR lpTempString = NULL; // data string
ULONG ulCount = 0; // temporary count variable
ULONG ulNumRecips = 0; // number of recipients
LPSRowSet lpRecipRows = NULL; // content's recipient table rows pointer
LPTRACEINFO lpTraceInfo = NULL; // external trace information
LPTRACEENTRY lpTraceEntry = NULL; // external trace entry
PINTTRACEINFO lpIntTraceInfo = NULL; // internal trace information
PINTTRACEENTRY lpIntTraceEntry = NULL; // internal trace entry
ULONG cbBodyText = 0; // # bytes in body text
LPSTREAM lpTextBody = NULL; // ANSI text body stream
BOOL fBody = TRUE; // FALSE if no body text
ULARGE_INTEGER scbStream = {0}; // # bytes to copy
LARGE_INTEGER sOffsetZero = {0}; // zero offset
ULONG iProp = 0; // index into property value array
BOOL fPriority = TRUE; // FALSE if message has no priority

// temporary file name buffer
TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH + 1] = TEXT(".\\");

// temporary string buffer
TCHAR szTempBuf[ulMaxOutStringLen + 1] = TEXT("");

// temporary file name prefix
const LPTSTR szPrefix = TEXT("CNV");

// indices into content properties
const UINT iClass = 0; // index of message class value
const UINT iFromAddr = 1; // index of sender address
const UINT iXID = 2; // index of X-message identifier
const UINT iSentTime = 3; // index of sent time value
const UINT iImportance = 4; // index of importance value
const UINT iPriority = 5; // index of priority value
const UINT iSubject = 6; // index of the subject value

const ULONG nCntProps = 7; // # of message content properties

// property values needed for the message content
SizedSPropTagArray(nCntProps, sPropTagArray) =
nCntProps, // number of properties
PR_MESSAGE_CLASS, // content's message class, index iClass
PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS,// content's sender's email address, index iFromAddr
PR_SEARCH_KEY, // dummy--acutally use PR_MESSAGE_SUBMISSION_ID on from
// the envelope
PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME, // content's sent time, index iSentTime
PR_IMPORTANCE, // content's importance value, index iImportance
PR_PRIORITY, // content's priority value, index iPriority
PR_SUBJECT // content's subject, index iSubject

// indices needed from envelope properties array
const UINT iTrace = 3; // index of external trace information
const UINT iIntTrace = 4; // index of internal trace information

// indices into the recipient addresses property values array
const UINT iRecipient = 0; // PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS
const UINT iType = 1; // PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE

const ULONG nRecipProps = 2; // # of recipient properties

// property columns needed from the content's recipient table
SizedSPropTagArray(nRecipProps, sRecipProps) =
nRecipProps, // number of columns (properties)
PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, // recipient Email address
PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE // recipient address type

// "Spread" between importance values and their corresponding
// priority values
const ULONG nPriorityImportanceSpread = 1;


// Open the envelope's content
hr = HrOpenContent();

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Retrieve and store the content properties needed.
hr = HrRetrieveProps(m_lpContent,
(LPSPropTagArray) &sPropTagArray,

// The PR_PRIORITY property may not be available for Schedule+
// "ENVELOPE.IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request" messages.
if ( hr == EDK_E_NOT_FOUND )
for ( iProp == 0; iProp < sPropTagArray.cValues; iProp++ )
if ( PROP_TYPE(m_lpCntProps[iProp].ulPropTag) == PT_ERROR )
if ( iProp == iPriority ) // no PR_PRIORITY property
// This isn't an error for some types of IPM
// messages. Merely compute the priority from
// the importance.
fPriority = FALSE; // message has no priority


else // some other error
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;
} // end if found bad property tag
} // end for
} // end if property not found

if ( FAILED(hr) )
// general error case
goto cleanup;

// Print out the "X-Message-Class:" tag and data line to the stream.
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Build the date and time string
hr = HrCreateDateTimeString(
&(m_lpCntProps[iSentTime].Value.ft), // PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME property value

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Print out the "Date:" tag and data line to the stream.
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;


// Print out the "X-Message-ID:" tag and data line to the stream
// The X message ID is already null-terminated.
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(
(LPTSTR) m_lpEnvProps[iXID].Value.bin.lpb, // really a null-terminated string

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Build the trace information string, if any.
if ( PROP_TYPE(m_lpEnvProps[iTrace].ulPropTag) != PT_ERROR )
// have valid trace information
lpTraceInfo = (LPTRACEINFO) (m_lpEnvProps[iTrace].Value.bin.lpb);

// Print out trace information data
// Note: It's O.K. for there to be no trace information
// on NDR's just created by the gateway.
for ( ulCount = 0; ulCount < lpTraceInfo->cEntries; ulCount++ )
// retrieve trace entry.
lpTraceEntry = &(lpTraceInfo->rgtraceentry[ulCount]);

// Create "External-Received-By" string
hr = HrCreateExternalTraceString(
lpTraceEntry->lAction, // trace action
lpTraceEntry->rgchCountryName, // country name
lpTraceEntry->rgchADMDName, // ADMD name
lpTraceEntry->rgchPRMDId, // PRMD identifier

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Print out the "External-Received-By:" tag and data line to the stream.
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;


// Build "External-Received-At" date and time string
hr = HrCreateDateTimeString(
&(lpTraceEntry->ftArrivalTime), // trace arrival time

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Print out External-Received-At data and time string
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(
lpszTagExternalRcvdAt, // tag
lpTempString, // data
m_lpStream); // stream

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;


// Create "External-Attempted-By" string
hr = HrCreateExternalTraceString(
lpTraceEntry->lAction, // trace action
lpTraceEntry->rgchAttCountryName, // country name
lpTraceEntry->rgchAttADMDName, // ADMD name
lpTraceEntry->rgchAttPRMDId, // PRMD identifier

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Print out the "External-Attempted-By:" tag and data line to the stream.
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;


// Build "External-Deferred-At" date and time string
hr = HrCreateDateTimeString(
&(lpTraceEntry->ftDeferredTime), // trace deferal time

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Print out External-Deferred-At data and time string
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(
lpszTagExternalDefdAt, // tag
lpTempString, // data
m_lpStream); // stream

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;


} // end for trace entries
} // end if any trace information

// Build the internal trace information string, if any.
if ( PROP_TYPE(m_lpEnvProps[iIntTrace].ulPropTag) != PT_ERROR )
// have valid trace information
lpIntTraceInfo = (PINTTRACEINFO) (m_lpEnvProps[iIntTrace].Value.bin.lpb);

// Print out trace information data
// Note: It's O.K. for there to be no trace information
// on NDR's just created by the gateway.
for ( ulCount = 0; ulCount < lpIntTraceInfo->cEntries; ulCount++ )
// retrieve trace entry.
lpIntTraceEntry = &(lpIntTraceInfo->rgIntTraceEntry[ulCount]);

// Create "Internal-Received-By" string
hr = HrCreateInternalTraceString(
lpIntTraceEntry->lAction, // trace action
lpIntTraceEntry->rgchCountryName, // country name
lpIntTraceEntry->rgchADMDName, // ADMD name
lpIntTraceEntry->rgchPRMDId, // PRMD identifier
lpIntTraceEntry->rgchMTAName, // MTA name


if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Print out the "Internal-Received-By:" tag and data line to the stream.
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;


// Build "Internal-Received-At" date and time string
hr = HrCreateDateTimeString(
&(lpIntTraceEntry->ftArrivalTime), // trace arrival time

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Print out Internal-Received-At data and time string
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(
lpszTagInternalRcvdAt, // tag
lpTempString, // data
m_lpStream); // stream

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;


// Create "Internal-Attempted-By" string
hr = HrCreateInternalTraceString(
lpIntTraceEntry->lAction, // trace action
lpIntTraceEntry->rgchAttCountryName, // country name
lpIntTraceEntry->rgchAttADMDName, // ADMD name
lpIntTraceEntry->rgchAttPRMDId, // PRMD identifier
lpIntTraceEntry->rgchMTAName, // MTA name

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Print out the "Internal-Attempted-By:" tag and data line to the stream.
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;


// Build "Internal-Deferred-At" date and time string
hr = HrCreateDateTimeString(
&(lpIntTraceEntry->ftDeferredTime), // trace deferal time

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Print out Internal-Deferred-At data and time string
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(
lpszTagInternalDefdAt, // tag
lpTempString, // data
m_lpStream); // stream

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;


} // end for trace entries
} // end if any trace information

// Print out the "From:" tag and data line to the stream.
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(
lpszTagFrom, // tag
m_lpCntProps[iFromAddr].Value.LPSZ, // PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS property value
m_lpStream); // stream

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Get the recipients from the recipient table's rows.
hr = HrGetRecipientList(
m_lpContent, // message content pointer
(LPSPropTagArray) &sRecipProps, // columns/properties desired
&lpRecipRows); // pointer to recipient table row pointer

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Find and print out the MAPI_TO recipients.
ulNumRecips = 0; // initialize count of to recipients
for ( ulCount = 0; ulCount < lpRecipRows->cRows; ulCount++ )
if ( lpRecipRows->aRow[ulCount].lpProps[iType].Value.ul ==
// found a "TO" recipient
ulNumRecips++; // increment count

// Print out "TO" tag and data line
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(
lpszTagTo, // tag
lpRecipRows->aRow[ulCount].lpProps[iRecipient].Value.LPSZ, // data

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
} // end if found a to recipient
} // end for

// It is O.K. for an IPM message content to have no "To" recipients.
// (The envelope, however, must have "RCPT TO" recipients

// Find and print out the MAPI_CC recipients.
for ( ulCount = 0; ulCount < lpRecipRows->cRows; ulCount++ )
if ( lpRecipRows->aRow[ulCount].lpProps[iType].Value.ul ==
// found a "CC" recipient
// Print out "CC" tag and data line
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(
lpszTagCC, // tag
lpRecipRows->aRow[ulCount].lpProps[iRecipient].Value.LPSZ, // data

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
} // end if found a cc recipient
} // end for

// find and print out BCC recipients
for ( ulCount = 0; ulCount < lpRecipRows->cRows; ulCount++ )
if ( lpRecipRows->aRow[ulCount].lpProps[iType].Value.ul ==
// found a "BCC" recipient
// Print out "BCC" tag and data line
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(
lpszTagBCC, // tag
lpRecipRows->aRow[ulCount].lpProps[iRecipient].Value.LPSZ, // data

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
} // end if found a bcc recipient
} // end for

// Print out a blank line
hr = m_lpStream->Write(
lpszNewLine, // data
lstrlen(lpszNewLine) * sizeof(TCHAR), // length (no terminator)

if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

// Print out the "Subject:" tag and data line to the stream
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(
m_lpCntProps[iSubject].Value.LPSZ, // PR_SUBJECT property value
m_lpStream); // stream

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Build priority string.
// First, check to see if a priority was assigned.
if ( fPriority == FALSE )
// Set the priority based on the message's importance.
m_lpCntProps[iPriority].Value.ul =
m_lpCntProps[iImportance].Value.ul - nPriorityImportanceSpread;

} // end if no priority

hr = HrCreatePriorityString(
m_lpCntProps[iPriority].Value.ul, // PR_PRIORITY property value

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Print out the "Priority:" tag and data line to the stream
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;


// Build the importance string
hr = HrCreateImportanceString(
m_lpCntProps[iImportance].Value.ul, // PR_IMPORTANCE property value
&lpTempString); // buffer pointer

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Print out the "Importance:" tag and data line to the stream.
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;


// Write the ANSI body text header and data information
// to the stream.
// This means that we must first convert the compressed
// rich text format body to ANSI.

// Create a temporary, buffered stream to hold the ANSI text.
hr = OpenStreamOnFile(
MAPIAllocateBuffer, // allocation routine
MAPIFreeBuffer, // deallocation routine
szFileName, // temporary file name
szPrefix, // file prefix
&lpTextBody); // stream pointer

if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

ASSERTERROR(!FBadUnknown(lpTextBody), "Bad lpTextBody");

// Convert the RTF compressed stream data to ANSI text
// data.
hr = HrRTFCompressedToText(
m_lpContent, // MAPI message pointer
lpTextBody, // stream to copy ANSI text to
0,// use current code page
&cbBodyText); // # bytes copied to stream

// It is O.K. for there to be no RTF body text
// (Note: The MAPI error code MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND is returned in this
// case.)
if ( hr == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND )
// no message body
fBody = FALSE;

// not an error

// Test for other errors
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

ASSERTERROR(!FBadUnknown(lpTextBody), "Bad lpTextBody.");

// Format the number of bytes in the message body data.
szTempBuf, // buffer
TEXT("%ld"), // format string
cbBodyText); // data length (in bytes)

// Emit the body text "----beginbody" tag and data.
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(
lpszTagBodyHdr, // tag
szTempBuf, // data

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

if ( fBody == TRUE ) // There is body text
// Go back to the begging of the ANSI body text
// source stream.
hr = lpTextBody->Seek(
sOffsetZero, // 0 offset
STREAM_SEEK_SET, // from beginning
NULL); // don't care

if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

// Copy all the ANSI body text to the output stream
scbStream.LowPart = cbBodyText; // # bytes to copy
hr = lpTextBody->CopyTo(
m_lpStream, // output stream pointer
scbStream, // # bytes to copy
NULL, // don't care
NULL); // don't care

if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

} // end if body

// Emit the body text footer.
hr = m_lpStream->Write(
lpszTagBodyEnd, // data
lstrlen(lpszTagBodyEnd) * sizeof(TCHAR), // data length (no terminator)

if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

// We are done.


// Release MAPI and OLE objects
ULRELEASE(lpTextBody); // Deletes temporary file as a side-effect

// Free buffers




// DESCRIPTION: Handles the MAPI IPM original message attachments conversion.
// INPUT: none
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if invalid parameter,
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if memory problems,
// E_FAIL if API function call failure,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CIPMConvert::HrConvertAttachments() // RETURNS: HRESULT
LPMAPITABLE lpTable = NULL; // attachments table pointer
LPSRowSet lpRows = NULL; // table rows
ULONG iLoopCounter = 0; // loop counter index
LPATTACH lpAttachment = NULL; // message attachment pointer
ULONG nProps = 0; // # of properties
LPSPropValue lpPropVals = NULL; // property value array pointer
LPTSTR lpFileName = NULL; // file name pointer
ULONG cbAttachSize = 0; // # bytes in attachment
PVIRTUALSTREAMONPROPERTYlpStreamAtData = NULL; // buffered attachment data stream
STATSTGsStatStg={0};// stream statistics

// temporary string buffer
TCHAR szTempBuffer[ulMaxOutStringLen + 1] = TEXT("");
// Attachment header buffer
TCHAR szAttachHdr[ulMaxOutStringLen + 1] = TEXT("");

// property tag array for attachment number
SizedSPropTagArray(1, sPropAttachNum) =
1, // one property
PR_ATTACH_NUM // property tag

// indices into the property value array
const UINT iAttachMethod = 0;
const UINT iFileName = 1;

const ULONG nAttachProps = 2; // # of attachment properties

// properties to retrieve per attachment
SizedSPropTagArray(nAttachProps, sAttachPropTags) =
nAttachProps, // number of properties to retrieve
PR_ATTACH_METHOD, // attachment "type"
PR_ATTACH_FILENAME // attachment 8.3 file name


// Handle the attachment for the message contents.
// First open the attachments table.
hr = m_lpContent->GetAttachmentTable(MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, &lpTable);

if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

ASSERT_IUNKNOWN_PTR(lpTable, "Bad lpTable");

// Retrieve the desired rows.
// (HrQueryAllRows does a SetColumns for us)
hr = HrQueryAllRows(lpTable, // MAPI table pointer
(LPSPropTagArray) &sPropAttachNum, // columns to retrieve
NULL, // restriction pointer
NULL, // order set pointer
0, // max rows, defaults to all
&lpRows); // pointer to row array pointer

if ( FAILED(hr) || (hr == MAPI_W_POSITION_CHANGED) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;


ASSERT_READ_PTR(lpRows, sizeof(SRowSet), "Bad lpRows");

// handle each attachment
for ( iLoopCounter = 0; iLoopCounter < lpRows->cRows; iLoopCounter++ )
// Release objects from previous iteration

// Free MAPI memory from previous iteration.

// Open the attachment
hr = m_lpContent->OpenAttach(
lpRows->aRow[iLoopCounter].lpProps[0].Value.ul, // attachment #
&IID_IAttachment, // interface

if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

// Get the desired properties for this attachment.

// Notes:
// If the attachment is not a binary attachment, this function may fail,
// because the PR_ATTACH_FILENAME property won't be there.
hr = lpAttachment->GetProps(
(LPSPropTagArray) &sAttachPropTags, // property tags
fMapiUnicode, // flags
&nProps, // number of properties
&lpPropVals); // pointer to property value arrray

ASSERTERROR(nProps == sAttachPropTags.cValues,
"Bad nProps");
ASSERTERROR(!IsBadReadPtr(lpPropVals, sizeof(SPropValue) * nProps),
"Bad lpPropVals");

// Not an error if the PR_ATTACH_FILENAME property
// doesn't exist. (This just isn't a binary attachment!)
if ( (PROP_TYPE(lpPropVals[iFileName].ulPropTag) == PT_ERROR) &&
(lpPropVals[iFileName].Value.l == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND) )
// We have a non-binary attachment.
// This is not really an error.
// We just drop this attachment and
// continue with the next.

} // end if problems getting binary attachment properties

if ( FAILED(hr) || ( hr == MAPI_W_ERRORS_RETURNED) )
// If things are O.K., hr should be NOERROR now.
// general failure
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

// Determine if this attachment is a binary attachment
// (i.e. if it has binary data in the PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN
// property). The only types of attachments which we
// handle are binary attachments (PR_ATTACH_METHOD == ATTACH_BY_VALUE).
// All unresolved,
// OLE and embedded message attachments will be dropped.
if ( lpPropVals[iAttachMethod].Value.l != ATTACH_BY_VALUE )
// We don't have a resolved, binary attachment.
// Just drop this attachment and continue.

} // end if not a resolved, binary attachment

// Open a buffered stream on the binary attachment data property.
hr = HrOpenVirtualStreamOnProperty(
lpAttachment,// MAPI property object pointer
PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN, // binary attachment
MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, // flags (reduces RPCs)
&lpStreamAtData); // buffered stream pointer

if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

ASSERT_IUNKNOWN_PTR(lpStreamAtData, "Bad lpStreamAtData");

// Determine the number of bytes of binary attachment
// data.
hr = lpStreamAtData->Stat(
&sStatStg,// stream statistics structure pointer
STATFLAG_NONAME);// statistics flags

if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

// See if data is too long for us to handle
if ( sStatStg.cbSize.HighPart != 0 )

goto cleanup;

cbAttachSize = sStatStg.cbSize.LowPart; // # bytes of data

// Make sure that the file name isn't NULL.
lpFileName = lpPropVals[iFileName].Value.LPSZ;
if ( (lpFileName == NULL) || (*lpFileName == 0) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

// Create the attachment header from the attachment
// file name and the # bytes in the attachment.
// Format: FileName:#bytes
// e.g. FILE1.TMP:54
lstrcpy(szAttachHdr, lpFileName);
lstrcat(szAttachHdr, _ultoa(cbAttachSize, szTempBuffer, 10));

// Emit the attachments "----beginattach" tag and data line
hr = HrEmitTagDataLine(

if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;

// Copy the binary attachment data from the input
// stream to the output stream.
hr = lpStreamAtData->CopyTo(
m_lpStream, // destination stream
sStatStg.cbSize, // number of bytes to copy
NULL, // don't care
NULL); // don't care

if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

// Emit the attachment's footer "----endattach" text.
hr = m_lpStream->Write(
lpszTagAttachEnd, // data
lstrlen(lpszTagAttachEnd) * sizeof(TCHAR),// length (no terminator)

if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;

// We are done with this attachment. Do the next

} // end for


// Free all MAPI structures

// Release all MAPI object



// DESCRIPTION: Retrieves and stores properties desired on specified object
// INPUT: lpObject -- pointer to message object
// lpPropTags -- property tag array pointer
// OUTPUT: lppPropVals -- pointer to property value array pointer
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input,
// EDK_E_NOT_FOUND if one or more
// properties not found,
// E_FAIL otherwise
// -------------------------------------------------------------
IN LPMAPIPROP lpObj, // MAPI object pointer
IN LPSPropTagArray lpPropTags, // counted property tag array pointer
OUT LPSPropValue * lppPropVals) // pointer to property value array pointer
ULONG ulCount = 0; // count of properties retrieved


// check input parameters
hr = CHK_CIPMConvert_HrRetrieveProps(lpObj, lpPropTags,

if ( FAILED(hr) )

hr = lpObj->GetProps(lpPropTags, // properties to retrieve
fMapiUnicode, // flags
&ulCount, // number of properties retrieved
lppPropVals); // array of property values

switch ( hr )


goto cleanup;


if ( FAILED(hr) || (ulCount != lpPropTags->cValues) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);

goto cleanup;
} // end switch

// more consistency checks
ASSERTERROR(!IsBadReadPtr(lppPropVals, sizeof(LPSPropValue)),
"Bad lppPropVals");
ASSERTERROR(!IsBadReadPtr(*lppPropVals, sizeof(SPropValue) * ulCount),
"Bad *lppPropVals");




// DESCRIPTION: resets all of the conversion class' data members
// and frees all MAPI memory allocated by the class.
// This allow the thread's class instance to be re-used
// for another conversion (if desired).
// INPUT: none
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
VOID CIPMConvert::Reset() // RETURNS: VOID
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; // return code


// Reset all of the conversion class' data members.
// This allows the class instance to be re-used by this
// thread (Also frees MAPI memory).
m_lpwszMsgClass = NULL;
m_fTNEFEncode = FALSE;
m_lpAB = NULL;
m_lpEnvelope = NULL;
m_lpStream = NULL;
m_MsgType = mtNone;

// Release OLE objects


