// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// ExAdmin.CPP: Implements methods which support Exchange Admin Configuration
// Extension Dialogs.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1996. All Rights Reserved.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
#error EXADMIN cannot be compiled in UNICODE.

#include "edkafx.h"
#include "ExAdmin.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "ErrCpp.H"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Following is used to determine the languages we support

struct EnumLangParams
WORD langRequested;
BOOL fFound;
typedef EnumLangParams*PEnumLangParams;

BOOL CALLBACK EnumResTypesCallback(HANDLE hModule,LPTSTR lpszType,LONG lParam);
BOOL CALLBACK EnumResNamesCallback(HANDLE hModule, LPCTSTR lpszType,
LPTSTR lpszName, LONG lParam);
BOOL CALLBACK fEnumLangProc(HANDLE hMod, LPCTSTR ptzType, LPCTSTR ptzName, WORD wLang, LONG lParam);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

__inline HRESULT CHK_HrGeneral(
IN VOID* pvExtensionData, // Extension data for all sheets
IN HWND hDlg) // Window handle of the property sheet.
if( !hDlg)

return( NOERROR);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

__inline HRESULT CHK_bInitSheet(
IN ADMIN_ObjectInfo* poi, // Server name & other DNs.
IN ULONG fFlags,
OUT ADMIN_SheetInfo** ppSheetInfo, // Property sheet description array
OUT UINT* pcsi, // Number of property sheets
OUT VOID** ppvNotUsed) // Local data (NOT USED)
if( !TEST_READ_PTR( poi, sizeof( ADMIN_ObjectInfo)))

if( !TEST_WRITE_PTR( ppSheetInfo, sizeof( VOID *)))

if( !TEST_WRITE_PTR( pcsi, sizeof( UINT)))

if( !TEST_WRITE_PTR( ppvNotUsed, sizeof( VOID *)))

return( NOERROR);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

__inline HRESULT CHK_ADMIN_Initialize(
IN ADMIN_AdministratorConnections* pAdminConnections, // Global Administrator Connections
IN ADMIN_AdministratorFunction* pAdminFunctions, // Global admin function
OUT ADMIN_ExtensionFunction** ppExtensionFunction)// Global Extension function
if( !TEST_READ_PTR( pAdminConnections, sizeof( ADMIN_AdministratorConnections)))

if( !TEST_READ_PTR( pAdminFunctions, sizeof( ADMIN_AdministratorFunction)))

if( !TEST_WRITE_PTR( ppExtensionFunction, sizeof( VOID *)))

if( !TEST_FUNCTION_PTR( (FARPROC) pAdminFunctions->pfnGetObjectData))

return( NOERROR);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

__inline HRESULT CHK_LoadStringA(
UINT wID,// ID of resource
LPSTR szBuf,// Buffer to store resource
int cchBuf)// Size of buffer in chars
if( wID == 0)

if( !TEST_WRITE_PTR( szBuf, cchBuf))

return( NOERROR);

__inline HRESULT CHK_LoadStringW(
UINT wID,// ID of resource
LPWSTR wzBuf,// Buffer to store resource
int cchBuf)// Size of buffer in chars
if( wID == 0)

if( !TEST_WRITE_PTR( wzBuf, sizeof( WCHAR ) * cchBuf))

return( NOERROR);

// MFC initialization for the DLL. No multi-threaded code allowed.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL CInitDLL::InitInstance()
// Any DLL initialization goes here.
TRACE0("InitDLL.DLL initializing\n");
SetDialogBkColor(); // Grey dialogs in the DLL as well.
return TRUE;

// Exit MFC for the DLL gracefully. No multi-threaded code allowed.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

int CInitDLL::ExitInstance()
// Any DLL termination goes here (WEP-like code).
return CWinApp::ExitInstance();

// Detach from property sheet window of Admin program then delete the CWnd we
// created in AdminDlgProc(). The reason we attach to the property sheet window
// of admin is so that MFC will give us Modal dialog boxes.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

if( m_pMainWnd)
delete m_pMainWnd;
m_pMainWnd = NULL;

// Make subclassing windows to controls with error checking a little easier.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CADialog::HrSubclassWindow(
int nID, // Id of a control in this dialog.
CWnd& Wnd) // Reference to MFC CWnd object to connect to Windows control.
CWnd* pWnd = GetDlgItem( nID);
if( !pWnd)
{ // Could not find id (%d) of control in dialog.

// Connect the windows control to a MFC CWnd derived object.
Wnd.SubclassWindow( pWnd->GetSafeHwnd());
return( NOERROR);

// Subclasses the dialog the first time in and always calls the MFC dialog proc
// to handle the message. When message == WM_INITDIALOG then lParam is a pointer
// to the CAdminDialog.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

LRESULT CALLBACK AdminDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

if( message == WM_INITDIALOG)
{ // First time using this dialog so subclass its window so that MFC
// code will work as expected.
CAdminDialog* pAdminDlg = (CAdminDialog*) lParam;
pAdminDlg->SubclassWindow( hDlg);

// We attach to the property sheet window of admin so that MFC will give us
// modal dialog boxes. We don't want to subclass this window because we
// would start receiving it's messages and we don't want that.
if( !AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd)
{ // We only need to do this once.
AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd = new CWnd;
AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd->Attach( GetParent( hDlg));

// Prepare to call MFC dialog proc to handle the message.
MSG msg;
msg.hwnd = hDlg;
msg.message = message;
msg.wParam = wParam;
msg.lParam = lParam;

return( AfxDlgProc( hDlg, message, wParam, lParam));

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Message map for CAdminDialog.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAdminDialog, CDialog)

// CONSTRUCTOR -- Records static information to be used later.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

UINT iddDialog, // The resource ID of your dialog.
UINT idsName, // The resource ID of the string containing the name
// used by admin for the tab of your property sheet.
LPSTR lpszBlobName)// Name of extension data blob.
: CADialog() // Construct our ancestor.
// Remember the caller's dialog, property sheet names, and extension blob name.
m_iddDialog = iddDialog;
m_idsName = idsName;

// Remember the blob name as a wide string. The pointer will
// be NULL if the derived class does not have extension data.
if( !lpszBlobName)
m_lpwszBlobName = NULL;
CHRESULT hr = HrStrAToStrW( lpszBlobName, &m_lpwszBlobName);
if( FAILED( hr));

// Initialize other member variables.
m_cExtData = 0;
m_lpbExtData = NULL;
m_cExtProps = 0;
m_lpExtProps = NULL;

// Add the "this" pointer of the dialog to a static list. We need to know
// about all dialogs so we can tell admin about them later.
m_DlgList.AddTail( (void*) this);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

MAPIFREEBUFFER( m_lpwszBlobName);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If the caller does not pass in the lpszCaption then use the title of the
// parent window for the default title of our message box.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

int CAdminDialog::MessageBox( LPCSTR lpszText, LPCSTR lpszCaption, UINT nType)
if( lpszCaption == NULL)
lpszCaption = m_sMsgBoxCaption;
return( CWnd::MessageBox( lpszText, lpszCaption, nType));

int CAdminDialog::MessageBox2( int IDText, int IDCaption, UINT nType)
CString MBText;
CString MBCaption;
int nSize = -1;
int nLen;

// try buffer size of 256, then larger size until entire string is retrieved
nSize += 256;
nLen = LoadStringA(IDText, MBText.GetBuffer(nSize), nSize+1);
} while (nLen == nSize);

if( IDCaption == 0)
MBCaption = m_sMsgBoxCaption;
nSize = -1;
nSize += 256;
nLen = LoadStringA( IDCaption, MBCaption.GetBuffer(nSize), nSize+1);
} while (nLen == nSize);

return( CWnd::MessageBox( MBText, MBCaption, nType));

// Use this function to create child dialog box templates. It will ensure that
// the correct language and fonts are used.
// To create the dialog use the default constructor (no parameters) and then use
// the CDialog::InitModalIndirect() function to initialize the dialog. Then you
// can call CDialog::DoModal() to process the dialog.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

const HGLOBAL CAdminDialog::LoadDialogTemplate( UINT iddDialog)
HGLOBAL hDlgTemplate = NULL;

if( m_pAdminFunctions->pfnLoadDialogResource( AfxGetInstanceHandle(),
iddDialog, GetLanguageId(), (LPBYTE*) &hDlgTemplate))
return( hDlgTemplate);
return( NULL);

// Loads a string resource by id and language
// and (A version) converts to the current ANSI code page.
// Note that strings are stored in blocks of 16, and the ID gives
// us the number of the block, and the offset into the block.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CAdminDialog::LoadStringA(UINT wID, LPSTR szBuf, int cchBuf)
UINT block, num;
int len = 0;
register UINT i;

DEBUGPUBLIC( "CAdminDialog::LoadStringA()\n");
CHRESULT hr = CHK_LoadStringA( wID, szBuf, cchBuf);
if( FAILED( hr))
return( 0 );

szBuf[0] = '\0';

block = (wID >> 4) + 1;// compute block number
num = wID & 0xf;// compute offset into block

hRC = FindResourceEx(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), RT_STRING, MAKEINTRESOURCE(block), GetLanguageId());
if (!hRC)
goto Error;

hgl = LoadResource(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), hRC);
if (!hgl)
goto Error;

str = (LPWSTR)LockResource(hgl);
if (!str)
goto Error;

// Move up block to string we want
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
str += *str + 1;

// convert the string to current code page
len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,
str + 1, *str,
szBuf, cchBuf - 1,

szBuf[min(cchBuf-1, *str)] = '\0';


if (hgl)
UnlockResource(hgl);// maybe not needed
FreeResource(hgl); // maybe not needed

return len;

int CAdminDialog::LoadStringW(UINT wID, LPWSTR wzBuf, int cchBuf)

UINT block, num;
int len = 0;
register UINT i;

DEBUGPUBLIC( "CAdminDialog::LoadStringW()\n");
CHRESULT hr = CHK_LoadStringW( wID, wzBuf, cchBuf);
if( FAILED( hr))
return( 0 );

wzBuf[0] = TEXT('\0');

block = (wID >> 4) + 1;// compute block number
num = wID & 0xf;// compute offset into block

hRC = FindResourceEx(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), RT_STRING, MAKEINTRESOURCE(block), GetLanguageId());
if (!hRC)
goto Error;

hgl = LoadResource(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), hRC);
if (!hgl)
goto Error;

str = (LPWSTR)LockResource(hgl);
if (str)
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
str += *str + 1;
wcsncpy(wzBuf, str + 1, min(cchBuf - 1, *str));

wzBuf[min(cchBuf-1, *str) ] = '\0';

len = *str + 1;


if (hgl)
UnlockResource(hgl);// maybe not needed
FreeResource(hgl); // maybe not needed

return len;

// Use this to get a binary extension data property.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

LPSBinary CAdminDialog::GetExtBinary(
ULONG iProp) // Index of property.
DEBUGPUBLIC( "CAdminDialog::GetExtBin()\n");
CHRESULT hr = CHK_HrExtData( iProp, PT_BINARY);
if( FAILED( hr))
return( NULL);

return( &m_lpExtProps[iProp].Value.bin);

// Use this to get a string extension data property.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

LPSTR CAdminDialog::GetExtString(
ULONG iProp) // Index of property.
DEBUGPUBLIC( "CAdminDialog::GetExtString()\n");
CHRESULT hr = CHK_HrExtData( iProp, PT_STRING8);
if( FAILED( hr))
return( NULL);

return( m_lpExtProps[iProp].Value.lpszA);

// Use this to get a long extension data property.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

LONG CAdminDialog::GetExtLong(
ULONG iProp) // Index of property.
DEBUGPUBLIC( "CAdminDialog::GetExtLong()\n");
CHRESULT hr = CHK_HrExtData( iProp, PT_LONG);
if( FAILED( hr))
return( -1);

return( m_lpExtProps[iProp].Value.l);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Use this to get a boolean extension data property.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL CAdminDialog::GetExtBool(
ULONG iProp) // Index of property.
DEBUGPUBLIC( "CAdminDialog::GetExtBool()\n");
CHRESULT hr = CHK_HrExtData( iProp, PT_BOOLEAN);
if( FAILED( hr))
return( FALSE);

return( m_lpExtProps[iProp].Value.b);

// Use this to get a system time extension data property.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

FILETIME CAdminDialog::GetExtSysTime(
ULONG iProp) // Index of property.
FILETIME ft = {0};

DEBUGPUBLIC( "CAdminDialog::GetExtSysTime()\n");
CHRESULT hr = CHK_HrExtData( iProp, PT_SYSTIME);
if( FAILED( hr))
return( ft);

return( m_lpExtProps[iProp].Value.ft);

// Use this to modify a binary extension data property. It will allocate more
// memory only if the new buffer is larger.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CAdminDialog::HrModExtBinary(
IN ULONG iProp, // Index of property
IN ULONG cb, // Count of new data bytes.
IN const LPBYTE lpNew) // New data bytes.
DEBUGPUBLIC( "CAdminDialog::HrModExtBin()\n");
CHRESULT hr = CHK_HrModExtBin( iProp, cb, lpNew);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);

// New binary data will be copied to this address.
LPBYTE lpb = m_lpExtProps[ iProp].Value.bin.lpb;

if( cb > m_lpExtProps[ iProp].Value.bin.cb)
{ // New binary data is too big so alloacate a new buffer to stick it in.
CHRESULT hr = MAPIAllocateMore( cb, m_lpExtProps, (LPVOID*) &lpb);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);

// Replace old buffer ptr to new one.
m_lpExtProps[ iProp].Value.bin.lpb = lpb;

// Copy new data to MAPI buffer.
memmove( lpb, lpNew, cb);
m_lpExtProps[ iProp].Value.bin.cb = cb;
return( NOERROR);

// Use this to modify a string extension data property. It will allocate more
// memory only if the new string is larger.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CAdminDialog::HrModExtString(
IN ULONG iProp, // Index of property
IN LPCSTR lpszNew) // New data string.
DEBUGPUBLIC( "CAdminDialog::HrModExtString()\n");
CHRESULT hr = CHK_HrModExtString( iProp, lpszNew);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);

// Size of original string.
ULONG cb = cbStrLenA( m_lpExtProps[ iProp].Value.lpszA);

// Size of new string.
ULONG cbNew = cbStrLenA( lpszNew);

// New binary data will be copied to this address.
LPSTR lpsz = m_lpExtProps[ iProp].Value.lpszA;

if( cbNew > cb)
{ // New binary data is too big so alloacate a new buffer to stick it in.
CHRESULT hr = MAPIAllocateMore( cbNew, m_lpExtProps, (LPVOID*) &lpsz);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);

// Replace old buffer ptr to new one.
m_lpExtProps[ iProp].Value.lpszA = lpsz;

// Copy new data to MAPI buffer.
memmove( lpsz, lpszNew, cbNew);
return( NOERROR);

// Use this to modify a long extension data property.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CAdminDialog::HrModExtLong(
IN ULONG iProp, // Index of property
IN LONG lNew) // New long data value.
DEBUGPUBLIC( "CAdminDialog::HrModExtLong()\n");
CHRESULT hr = CHK_HrExtData( iProp, PT_LONG);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);

// Copy new data to MAPI buffer.
m_lpExtProps[ iProp].Value.l = lNew;
return( NOERROR);

// Use this to modify a boolean extension data property.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CAdminDialog::HrModExtBool(
IN ULONG iProp, // Index of property
IN BOOL bNew) // New boolean data value.
DEBUGPUBLIC( "CAdminDialog::HrModExtBool()\n");
CHRESULT hr = CHK_HrExtData( iProp, PT_BOOLEAN);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);

// Copy new data to MAPI buffer.
m_lpExtProps[ iProp].Value.b = bNew;
return( NOERROR);

// Use this to modify a SysTime extension data property.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CAdminDialog::HrModExtSysTime(
IN ULONG iProp, // Index of property
IN FILETIME ftNew) // New boolean data value.
DEBUGPUBLIC( "CAdminDialog::HrModExtSysTime()\n");
CHRESULT hr = CHK_HrExtData( iProp, PT_SYSTIME);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);

// Copy new data to MAPI buffer.
m_lpExtProps[ iProp].Value.ft = ftNew;
return( NOERROR);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the extension data properties to an existing property value array. This
// can be used to create a blob for the first time. To do this initialized the
// lpExtProps array with just property types and no real data. Then use the
// HrMod...() functions to set the values.
// NOTE: Since this MUST be a MAPI allocated buffer, and since it is not as easy
// to initialize a MAPI allocated buffer as a static one, we copy the
// buffer the user passes in. Therefore the user will need to free their
// buffer if it is not a static one.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CAdminDialog::HrSetExtProps(
ULONG cExtProps, // Count of extension data properties.
LPSPropValue lpExtProps) // Array of properties to set extension data to.
DEBUGPUBLIC( "CAdminDialog::HrSetExtProps()\n");
CHRESULT hr = CHK_HrSetExtProps( cExtProps, lpExtProps);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);

// Free old extension properties and set to the new ones. We do not
// free the old blob pointer here because its existence signifies that
// we are not creating a new blob.
m_cExtProps = 0;

// Make sure that all property tags have a non zero property id. This is done
// because ScCountProps() does a validation to make sure all properties have a
// non zero id. This should be fixed in some future version of MAPI.
ULONG iProp = 0;
for( iProp = 0; iProp < cExtProps; iProp++)
if( PROP_ID( lpExtProps[ iProp].ulPropTag) == 0)
lpExtProps[ iProp].ulPropTag = PROP_TAG( PROP_TYPE( lpExtProps[ iProp].ulPropTag), 1);

// Count the bytes needed for the new property array.
ULONG cBytes = 0;
hr = ScCountProps( cExtProps, lpExtProps, &cBytes);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);

// Allocate a new buffer to hold the copied properties.
hr = MAPIAllocateBuffer( cBytes, (LPVOID*) &m_lpExtProps);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);
memset( m_lpExtProps, 0, cBytes);

// Copy the subscriber properties to the new buffer.
ULONG cBytesCopied = 0;
hr = ScCopyProps( cExtProps, lpExtProps, m_lpExtProps, &cBytesCopied);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);
ASSERTERROR( cBytes == cBytesCopied, "ScCountProps & ScCopyProps are inconsistent!");

// We completed this successfuly so set the count.
m_cExtProps = cExtProps;


return( NOERROR);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Loads the extension data into a buffer that is contained in this object. Use
// GetExtCount() and GetExtData() to get individual items. Use the HrMod...()
// functions to modify a property value.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CAdminDialog::HrLoadExtData()
m_cExtData = 0;

m_cExtProps = 0;

if( m_lpwszBlobName == NULL)
return( NOERROR);

// Determine the size of the buffer needed to hold the data.
UINT cTemp;
RC rc = m_pAdminFunctions->pfnGetObjectDataSize( GetSafeHwnd(), m_lpwszBlobName, &cTemp);

// Convert UINT to a ULONG.
m_cExtData = cTemp;

// Allocate a buffer to hold the extension data.
CHRESULT hr = MAPIAllocateBuffer( m_cExtData, (LPVOID*) &m_lpbExtData);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);

// Get the extension data.
rc = m_pAdminFunctions->pfnGetObjectData( GetSafeHwnd(), m_lpwszBlobName, m_lpbExtData, m_cExtData);
if( RC_FAILED(rc))

// Unpack the data into a MAPI style property value array.
hr = HrCfgUnpackData( m_cExtData, m_lpbExtData, NULL, &m_cExtProps, &m_lpExtProps);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);

return( NOERROR);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Saves the extension data that is held in a buffer contained in this object.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CAdminDialog::HrSaveExtData()
if( m_lpwszBlobName == NULL)
return( NOERROR);

if( m_cExtProps == 0 || !TEST_READ_PTR( m_lpExtProps, sizeof( SPropValue) * m_cExtProps))
return( E_FAIL);

// If we did not have extension blob data then we are creating a new blob.
BOOL bNew = (m_lpbExtData == NULL);
m_cExtData = 0;

// Pack the configuration data from a MAPI style property value array.
CHRESULT hr = HrCfgPackDataW( m_lpwszBlobName, m_cExtProps, m_lpExtProps, &m_cExtData, &m_lpbExtData);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);

// Set the extension data.
RC rc = m_pAdminFunctions->pfnSetObjectData( GetSafeHwnd(), m_lpbExtData, m_cExtData, bNew);
if( RC_FAILED(rc))

return( NOERROR);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add service to be tracked by Server Monitor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CAdminDialog::HrAddService(
IN LPSTR lpszServiceName) // SHORT name of the service.
// Not UNICODE, so convert to wide string.
CMAPIBuffer< LPWSTR> lpwszServiceName;
CHRESULT hr = HrStrAToStrW( lpszServiceName, &lpwszServiceName);
if( FAILED( hr))
return( hr);

if( !m_pAdminFunctions->pfnAddService( GetSafeHwnd(), lpwszServiceName))

return( NOERROR);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remove service to be tracked by Server Monitor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CAdminDialog::HrRemoveService(
IN LPSTR lpszServiceName) // SHORT name of the service.
// Not UNICODE, so convert to wide string.
CMAPIBuffer< LPWSTR> lpwszServiceName;
CHRESULT hr = HrStrAToStrW( lpszServiceName, &lpwszServiceName);
if( FAILED( hr))
return( hr);

if( !m_pAdminFunctions->pfnRemoveService( GetSafeHwnd(), lpwszServiceName))

return( NOERROR);

// You MUST release the array with FreeNameList.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL CAdminDialog::GetNameList(
OUT int* lpcNameList, // Ptr to number of WIDE strings in the array.
OUT LPWSTR** lppwszNameList) // Ptr to a ptr of WIDE string array.
BOOL fRes = m_pAdminFunctions->pfnGetNameList( GetSafeHwnd(), lpcNameList, lppwszNameList);
if( !fRes)

return( NOERROR);

// Set the name list.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL CAdminDialog::SetNameList(
IN int cNameList, // Number of WIDE strings in the array.
IN LPWSTR* lpwszNameList) // Ptr to a WIDE string array.
BOOL fRes = m_pAdminFunctions->pfnSetNameList( GetSafeHwnd(), cNameList, lpwszNameList);
if( !fRes )

return( NOERROR);

// Set the LCID we will use.

// Note that Exchange Admin could ask for any locale, but this dll typically only 
// supports a subset. This function checks to see if the dll has resources of the
// requested locale, and sets a default if not.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAdminDialog::SetLcid(LCID lcid)
EnumLangParams ELP;

// We're just concerned with the primary language
ELP.fFound = FALSE;

// Check that we support this language, use default if not
// This check works by walking the resource tree. It stops as soon as one resource with
// a matching language is found.
if (!EnumResourceTypes(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), (ENUMRESTYPEPROC) EnumResTypesCallback, (LONG) &ELP))
// Note: EnumResourceTypes returns false if one of the callbacks returns false
// (indicating that the search can be stopped)

// Default to English
if (ELP.fFound)
m_lcid = ELP.langRequested;

return; // We always succeed

// $--CAdminDialog::bInitSheet()------------------------------------------------
// This function initializes the property sheet info and returns it to ADMIN.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL CAdminDialog::bInitSheet( // RETURNS: TRUE if initialization OK
IN ADMIN_ObjectInfo* poi, // Server name & other DNs.
IN ULONG fFlags,
OUT ADMIN_SheetInfo** ppSheetInfo, // Property sheet description array
OUT UINT* pcsi, // Number of property sheets
OUT VOID** ppNotUsed) // Local data (NOT USED)
ASSERT_READ_PTR( poi, sizeof( ADMIN_ObjectInfo), "Admin sent us a bad pointer.");

// Remember these for later usage.
m_pAdminObjectInfo = poi;
m_bReadOnly = (fFlags & fxfReadOnly) > 0;

// Choose the language we will display
SetLcid( poi->lcid );

// Allocate memory for the property sheet info array.
*pcsi = m_DlgList.GetCount();
m_pSheetInfo = new ADMIN_SheetInfo[ *pcsi];
if( !m_pSheetInfo)
{ // Memory allocation error!
return( FALSE);

// Initialize Admin property sheet info array.
POSITION pos = m_DlgList.GetHeadPosition();
ADMIN_SheetInfo* pSheetInfo = m_pSheetInfo;
while( pos)
{ // Tell admin about all of the CAdminDialog derived objects that
// have been instantiated.
CAdminDialog* pAdminDlg = (CAdminDialog*) m_DlgList.GetNext( pos);

pSheetInfo->hInstance = AfxGetInstanceHandle();
pSheetInfo->iddDialog = pAdminDlg->m_iddDialog;
pSheetInfo->lpfnDlgProc = (DLGPROC) AdminDlgProc;
pSheetInfo->idsName = pAdminDlg->m_idsName;
pSheetInfo->lParam = (LPARAM) pAdminDlg;
pSheetInfo->langid = GetLanguageId();

pSheetInfo ++;

// Set return values.
*ppSheetInfo = m_pSheetInfo;
*ppNotUsed = NULL;

return( TRUE); // TRUE indicates success.

// $--CAdminDialog::DeinitSheet()-----------------------------------------------
// Admin calls this when the property sheet dialog box is about to be removed
// and after the OnDestroy() functions of the individual property page dialogs
// have been called.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CAdminDialog::DeinitSheet( // Returns nothing
IN VOID* pNotUsed) // Extension data.
delete m_pSheetInfo;
m_pSheetInfo = NULL;

// $--CAdminDialog::FindDlg()---------------------------------------------------
// Finds and returns a pointer to a CAdminDialog object using its dialog handle.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

CAdminDialog* CAdminDialog::FindDlg( HWND hDlg)
POSITION pos = m_DlgList.GetHeadPosition();
while( pos)
{ // Get pointer to next CAdminDialog object and see if its window
// handle matches the one we are looking for.
CAdminDialog* pAdminDlg = (CAdminDialog*) m_DlgList.GetNext( pos);
if( pAdminDlg->m_hWnd == hDlg)
return( pAdminDlg); // Found it!
return( NULL); // Not found.

// $--CAdminDialog::ADMIN_Initialize()------------------------------------------
// Helper function used to access private and protected members.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

VOID CAdminDialog::ADMIN_Initialize( // Returns nothing.
IN ADMIN_AdministratorConnections* pAdminConnections, // Global Administrator Connections
IN ADMIN_AdministratorFunction* pAdminFunctions) // Global admin function
if( m_pMAPISession != pAdminConnections->psesMapi)
{ // Add a reference to the admin's MAPI session.
m_pMAPISession = pAdminConnections->psesMapi;
m_pAddrBook = pAdminConnections->pab;
m_pABContainer = pAdminConnections->pabContainer;

m_pAdminFunctions = pAdminFunctions;

// $--CAdminDialog::OnInitDialog()----------------------------------------------
// Calls the admin function to set the icon and title for the property sheet.
// Make sure your derived classes OnInitDialog() calls this function.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL CAdminDialog::OnInitDialog()

// Get the title of the parent window to use as the default
// caption of our message boxes.
GetParent()->GetWindowText( m_sMsgBoxCaption);

// Set the icon and title for this dialog.
m_pAdminFunctions->pfnSetIcon( m_hWnd, IDC_ADMINICON);
m_pAdminFunctions->pfnSetTitle( m_hWnd, IDC_TITLE);

// Load the extension data if there is any.
CHRESULT hr = HrLoadExtData();
if( FAILED( hr));

return TRUE; // Return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control.

// This gets called when we receive a WM_CHILDACTIVATE message. This indicates
// that the property sheet has just been brought into focus.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

LONG CAdminDialog::OnChildActivate( UINT, LONG )
// Load the extension data if there is any.
CHRESULT hr = HrLoadExtData();
if( FAILED( hr));

// Call the user's function to refresh their dialog.

return( hr);

// A do nothing function so the user is not required to implement this function
// if they really don't need it.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CAdminDialog::Refresh()

// Displays a message box with a resource string for invalid entries. After
// the user presses OK the appropriate control gets focus.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CAdminDialog::InvalidEntry( int nResourceStrID, CWnd& wndCtrl)
CString sResourceString;
if( sResourceString.LoadString( nResourceStrID))
MessageBox2( nResourceStrID);
{ // The nResourceStrID must be bad, display a general
// purpose message and log the error.
MessageBoxA( "Invalid entry.");

// $--CAdminDialog::bSaveData()-------------------------------------------------
// Override this virtual function if you need to validate data when the property
// sheet changes, or when the Ok or Apply button is pressed. This is the appropriate
// place to check edit control values, list box selections etc.
// Default behavior is to do nothing but continue.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL CAdminDialog::bSaveData()
// Save the extension data if there is any.
CHRESULT hr = HrSaveExtData();
if( FAILED( hr))
return( FALSE);

return( TRUE);

// $--CAdminDialog::bCommitData()-----------------------------------------------
// Override this virtual function if you need to save data to permanent storage
// when the Ok or Apply button is pressed. (You can assume the data is good, because
// you should have checked it in the bSaveData() call.)
// Default behavior is to do nothing but continue.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL CAdminDialog::bCommitData()
return( TRUE);

// $--CAdminDialog::bHasHelp()--------------------------------------------------
// Override this virtual function if you supply help.
// Default behavior is NO help.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL CAdminDialog::bHasHelp()
MessageBox( "Help is not available for this property sheet.");
return( FALSE);

// $--CAdminDialog::DoHelp()----------------------------------------------------
// Override this virtual function if you supply help.
// Default behavior is to display a message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

VOID CAdminDialog::DoHelp()
MessageBox( "Help is not available for this property sheet.");

// $--bInitSheet()--------------------------------------------------------------
// This function initializes the property sheet info and returns it to admin.
// It uses the static member function since this one can NOT access the static
// member data.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL PASCAL bInitSheet( // RETURNS: TRUE if initialization OK
IN ADMIN_ObjectInfo* poi, // Computer name & DN.
IN ULONG fFlags,
OUT ADMIN_SheetInfo** ppSheetInfo, // Property sheet description array
OUT UINT* pcsi, // Number of property sheets
OUT VOID** ppNotUsed) // Local data

DEBUGPUBLIC( "bInitSheet()\n");
if( FAILED( CHK_bInitSheet( poi, fFlags, ppSheetInfo, pcsi, ppNotUsed)))
return( FALSE);

return( CAdminDialog::bInitSheet( poi, fFlags, ppSheetInfo, pcsi, ppNotUsed));

// $--DeinitSheet()-------------------------------------------------------------
// Admin calls this when the property sheet dialog box is about to be removed.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void PASCAL DeinitSheet( // Returns nothing
IN VOID* pNotUsed) // Extension data.

CAdminDialog::DeinitSheet( pNotUsed);

// $--bInstallExtension()-------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL PASCAL bInstallExtension(ADMIN_ObjectInfo * poi)

// $--bDeinstallExtension()-----------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL PASCAL bDeinstallExtension(ADMIN_ObjectInfo * poi)

// $--bSaveData()-----------------------------------------------------------
// Called by admin when the property sheet page loses focus.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL PASCAL bSaveData( // Returns: TRUE if successful.
IN VOID* pNotUsed, // Extension data for all sheets
IN HWND hDlg) // Window handle of the property sheet.

DEBUGPUBLIC( "bSaveData()\n");
if( FAILED( CHK_HrGeneral( pNotUsed, hDlg)))
return( FALSE);

CAdminDialog* pAdminDlg = CAdminDialog::FindDlg( hDlg);
if( !pAdminDlg)
return( FALSE);
return( pAdminDlg->bSaveData());

// $--bCommitData()-------------------------------------------------------------
// This function is called by admin when the user presses either the OK or the
// APPLY buttons.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL PASCAL bCommitData( // Returns: TRUE if successful.
IN VOID* pNotUsed, // Extension data.
IN HWND hDlg) // Handle of the property sheet to be committed.

DEBUGPUBLIC( "bCommitData()\n");
if( FAILED( CHK_HrGeneral( pNotUsed, hDlg)))
return( FALSE);

CAdminDialog* pAdminDlg = CAdminDialog::FindDlg( hDlg);
if( !pAdminDlg)
return( FALSE);
return( pAdminDlg->bCommitData());

// $--bHasHelp()----------------------------------------------------------------
// Called by admin to find out if we support help.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL PASCAL bHasHelp( // RETURNS: true if help is available.
IN VOID* pNotUsed, // Ext dll managed data area.
IN HWND hDlg) // Window handle of the property sheet.

DEBUGPUBLIC( "bHasHelp()\n");
if( FAILED( CHK_HrGeneral( pNotUsed, hDlg)))
return( FALSE);

CAdminDialog* pAdminDlg = CAdminDialog::FindDlg( hDlg);
if( !pAdminDlg)
return( FALSE);
return( pAdminDlg->bHasHelp());

// $--DoHelp()------------------------------------------------------------------
// Called by admin to displays help for the user.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

IN VOID* pNotUsed, // Ext dll managed data area.
IN HWND hDlg) // Window handle of the property sheet.

DEBUGPUBLIC( "DoHelp()\n");
if( FAILED( CHK_HrGeneral( pNotUsed, hDlg)))

CAdminDialog* pAdminDlg = CAdminDialog::FindDlg( hDlg);
if( !pAdminDlg)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: The admin program will keep a pointer to this. These are pointers to
// the functions that admin will want to access.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

ADMIN_ExtensionFunction extensionFunctions =
bShowPage, // This one can be defined in your dll code, otherwise it will come from ShowPage.CPP.
iStartPage, // This one can be defined in your dll code, otherwise it will come from StrtPage.CPP.

// $--ADMIN_Initialize()--------------------------------------------------------
// Exported function. This is the first function called by admin after the DLL
// has been initialized.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

extern "C" VOID PASCAL ADMIN_Initialize( // Returns nothing.
IN ADMIN_AdministratorConnections* pAdminConnections, // Global Administrator Connections
IN ADMIN_AdministratorFunction* pAdminFunctions, // Global admin function
OUT ADMIN_ExtensionFunction** ppExtensionFunction)// Global Extension function
DEBUGPUBLIC( "ADMIN_Initialize()\n");
if( FAILED( CHK_ADMIN_Initialize( pAdminConnections, pAdminFunctions, ppExtensionFunction)))

CAdminDialog::ADMIN_Initialize( pAdminConnections, pAdminFunctions);

// Tell admin where it can find the rest of our functions that it needs.
*ppExtensionFunction = &extensionFunctions;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Detemine what languages this dll supports

BOOL CALLBACK EnumResTypesCallback(HANDLE hModule,LPTSTR lpszType,LONG lParam)
PEnumLangParams pELP = (PEnumLangParams) lParam;

EnumResourceNames((HINSTANCE) hModule, lpszType, (ENUMRESNAMEPROC) EnumResNamesCallback, lParam);

if (pELP->fFound)
return FALSE;// terminates search
return TRUE;

BOOL CALLBACK EnumResNamesCallback(HANDLE hModule, LPCTSTR lpszType,
LPTSTR lpszName, LONG lParam)
PEnumLangParams pELP = (PEnumLangParams) lParam;

EnumResourceLanguages((HINSTANCE)hModule, lpszType, lpszName, (ENUMRESLANGPROC) fEnumLangProc,

if (pELP->fFound)
return FALSE;// terminates search
return TRUE;

BOOL CALLBACK fEnumLangProc(HANDLE hMod, LPCTSTR ptzType, LPCTSTR ptzName, WORD wLang, LONG lParam)
PEnumLangParams pELP = (PEnumLangParams) lParam;

if (wLang == pELP->langRequested)
pELP->fFound = TRUE;

if (pELP->fFound)
return FALSE;// terminates search
return TRUE;