// Linked list macros.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp., 1986-1996. All rights reserved.

#define _LLMACRO_H

// Single linked list manipulation macros.

// Linked lists maintained by these macros are assumed to look like this:
// ________ ________ ________
// | | | | | |
// | | | | | |
// list head ptr --->| head |--->| middle |--->| tail |---> NULL
// | | | ... | | |
// | | | | | |<----
// |________| |________| |________| /
// /
// list tail ptr -----------------------------------------------
// The macro parameters used are:
// np -node ptr for node being added, removed, etc.
// hd -list head ptr, as shown above
// tl -list tail ptr, as shown above

#define AddToSLLHead(np, hd, tl)\
if (!(hd))\
(tl)= (np);\
(np)->m_pNxt= (hd);\
(hd)= (np);\

#define AddToSLLTail(np, hd, tl)\
if (hd)\
(tl)->m_pNxt= (np);\
(tl)= (np);\
(hd) = (tl) = (np);\

#define RmFromSLLHead(np, hd, tl)\
(np)= (hd);\
(hd)= (hd)->m_pNxt;\
if (!(hd))\
(tl) = NULL;\

// Double linked list manipulation macros.

// Linked lists maintained by these macros are assumed to look like this:
// ________ ________ ________
// | | | | | |
// list head ptr --->| |--->| |--->| |---> NULL
// | head | | middle | | tail |
// ---| |<---| ... |<---| |<---
// / |________| |________| |________| /
// / /
// ---------------------------------------------
// The macro parameters used are:
// np -node ptr for node being added, removed, etc.
// lp -list head ptr, as shown above.
// pn -previous node ptr, points at node after which an insertion
//is to be done
// NOTE that care must be taken in using these macros in a conditional statement
// (if ... else) due to the potential impact of the braces in the macros on
// the logic of the conditional statement.

#defineAddToDLLHead(np, lp)\
if ((lp))\
(np)->m_pPrv= (lp)->m_pPrv;\
(lp)->m_pPrv= (np);\
(np)->m_pPrv= (np);\
(np)->m_pNxt = (lp);\
(lp)= (np);\

#defineAddToDLLTail(np, lp)\
(np)->m_pNxt= NULL;\
if ((lp))\
(np)->m_pPrv= (lp)->m_pPrv;\
(lp)->m_pPrv->m_pNxt= (np);\
(lp)->m_pPrv= (np);\
(np)->m_pPrv= (np);\
(lp)= (np);\

// InsertIntoDLL() assumes:
//lp != NULL
//pn != NULL
//pn is a node in lp

#defineInsertIntoDLL(np, lp, pn)\
if ((pn)->m_pNxt)\
(pn)->m_pNxt->m_pPrv= (np);\
(np)->m_pNxt= (pn)->m_pNxt;\
(np)->m_pNxt= NULL;\
(lp)->m_pPrv= (np);\
(pn)->m_pNxt= (np);\
(np)->m_pPrv= (pn);\

#defineRmFromDLL(np, lp)\
if ((np)->m_pNxt) \
(np)->m_pNxt->m_pPrv= (np)->m_pPrv;\
if ((np) == (lp))\
(lp)= (np)->m_pNxt;\
(np)->m_pPrv->m_pNxt= (np)->m_pNxt;\
if ((np) == (lp))\
(lp)= NULL;\
(np)->m_pPrv->m_pNxt= NULL;\
(lp)->m_pPrv= (np)->m_pPrv;\

#defineRmFromDLLHead(np, lp)\
(np) = (lp);\
if ((lp)->m_pNxt)\
(lp)->m_pNxt->m_pPrv= (lp)->m_pPrv;\
(lp)= (lp)->m_pNxt;\
(lp)= NULL;\

#endif// _LLMACRO_H