// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Helpers.h: Template Class that wraps MAPI buffers or interfaces so that you
// don't have to concern yourself with freeing or releasing them.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1996. All Rights Reserved.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef _HELPERS_H_
#define _HELPERS_H_

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Use this class to wrap a pointer to a mapi buffer. It will automaticly get
// freed when it goes out of scope. Use the instance of this just as you would
// its base type. Example:
// CMAPIBuffer< LPENTRYID> lpeid;
// HRESULT hr = HrMAPIFindDefaultMsgStore( m_pMAPISession, &cbeid, &lpeid);
// hr = m_pMAPISession->OpenMsgStore( 0, cbeid, lpeid, ...
// The intended use of this class is for declaring mapi buffer pointers on the
// stack or inside of another class or structure. There is NO value in creating
// an instance of this class on the heap with new(). It's sole purpose in life
// is to keep you from having to remember to free the buffer.
// If you need to reuse the pointer be sure to call MAPIFREEBUFFER before
// reusing it. Example:
// CMAPIBuffer< LPENTRYID> lpeid;
// HRESULT hr = HrMAPIFindDefaultMsgStore( m_pMAPISession, &cbeid, &lpeid);
// ... // Do some other work...
// hr = HrGetSomeOtherEID( &cbeid, &lpeid);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

template< class TYPE>
class CMAPIBuffer
CMAPIBuffer( TYPE ptr = NULL) { m_ptr = ptr;}
~CMAPIBuffer() { MAPIFREEBUFFER( m_ptr);}

// Returns a pointer to the TYPE by just specifying the object.
operator TYPE() {return( m_ptr);}

// Returns the address of the object correct for the base type.
TYPE* operator &() {return( &m_ptr);}

void operator =(LPVOID lpv) {m_ptr = (TYPE) lpv;}

TYPE m_ptr;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Use this class to wrap a pointer to a mapi interface. It is nearly identical
// to the above class except that it releases the interface pointer when the
// instance of the object goes out of scope.
// The intended use of this class is for declaring mapi interface pointers on the
// stack or inside of another class or structure. There is NO value in creating
// an instance of this class on the heap with new(). It's sole purpose in life
// is to keep you from having to remember to release the interface.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

template< class TYPE>
class CMAPIInterface
CMAPIInterface( TYPE ptr = NULL) { m_ptr = ptr;}
~CMAPIInterface() { ULRELEASE( m_ptr);}

// Returns a pointer to the TYPE by just specifying the object.
operator TYPE() {return( m_ptr);}

// Returns the address of the object correct for the base type.
TYPE* operator &() {return( &m_ptr);}

// Returns a pointer to the TYPE for -> operations.
TYPE operator ->() {return( m_ptr);}

void operator =(LPVOID lpv) {m_ptr = (TYPE) lpv;}

TYPE m_ptr;

// $--CMAPIIsInitialized--------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize MAPI using MAPIInitialize(). If it is successful then create an
// instance of this object which will uninitialize MAPI at destruction.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class CMAPIIsInitialized
~CMAPIIsInitialized() {MAPIUninitialize();}

// $--CMAPISession--------------------------------------------------------------
// Works just like CMAPIInterface but it also Logs off at destruction.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class CMAPISession : public CMAPIInterface< LPMAPISESSION>
// DESTRUCTOR logs off of the MAPI session and releases the session handle.
if( m_ptr)
m_ptr->Logoff( 0L, 0L, 0L);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#endif // _HELPERS_H_