// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// MAPIMsg.h: Wrapper class for a mapi message interface pointer.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1996. All Rights Reserved.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef _MAPIMSG_H_
#define _MAPIMSG_H_

#include "ErrCpp.h"

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A wrapper class to contain an interface to a mapi message. This contains the
// error checking and automatic release of the pointer upon destruction.
// Construct by passing a pointer to a mapi container (could be a folder), a
// count of bytes of the entry id, and the entry id.
// Test FAILED( m_hr) for validity of the object, and use m_pMsg to access
// the mapi message interface pointer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class CMAPIMessage
// CONSTRUCTOR: Opens the mapi message using a mapi container and does the
// appropriate error checking. Releases the object if it is not a MAPI_MESSAGE.
LPMAPICONTAINER pMAPIContainer, // Containter to use to open message.
ULONG cb, // Count of bytes in Entry Id.
LPENTRYID pEID, // Entry Id of message to open.
ULONG ulFlags = 0L); // MAPI_MODIFY is a likely one to pass in.

// DESTRUCTOR: Releases MAPI's IMessage interface pointer.
~CMAPIMessage() {ULRELEASE( m_pMsg);}

LPMESSAGE m_pMsg; // Pointer to MAPI's IMessage interface.
CHRESULT m_hr; // Contains the actual HRESULT from the OpenEntry().

// Returns a pointer to the MAPI Message.
operator LPMESSAGE() {return( m_pMsg);}

// Returns a pointer to the MAPI Message for -> operations.
LPMESSAGE operator ->() {return( m_pMsg);}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma message("Declaration of global objects for: " __FILE__)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#endif // _MAPIMSG_H_