* M S P N T F Y . C
* Code for doing internal cross-process notifications within the
* Sample Message Store provider.
* Copyright 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

#include "msp.h"
#include <stdarg.h>

/* INTERNAL Function prototypes. */

long STDAPICALLTYPE LSMSOQNotifCallback(LPVOID lpvContext, ULONG cNotif,
static void EmptyTable(LPTABLEDATA lptbl, PLMR plmr);
static HRESULT HrApplyOQNotifChanges(LPTABLEDATA lptbl, PONB ponbIn);
static HRESULT HrGetOutgoingNotificationKey(PIMS pims, LPNOTIFKEY * lppKey);
static HRESULT HrNotifyOnOutgoingQueue(PIMS pims, PEID peid, LPSRow prw,
ULONG ulTableEvent, FILETIME *pftBeforeUpdate);

long STDAPICALLTYPE LSMSTblNotifCallback(LPVOID lpvContext, ULONG cNotif,
HRESULT HrApplyTblNotifChanges(PIMS pims, PTNB ptnbIn);
static HRESULT HrGetTableNotificationKey(PIMS pims, LPNOTIFKEY * lppKey);

* EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS (called from outside this file).

* HrCreateOGQueueMutex
* Purpose
* Create the outgoing queue mutex, and return it to the caller.
* Arguments
* phQMutex: Pointer to the location to return the new mutex.
* Returns:
* HRESULT: Will return an error only if the CreateMutex call fails.
HRESULT HrCreateOGQueueMutex(HANDLE *phQMutex)
HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
HANDLE hMutex;

hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, szMutexName);

if (hMutex)
*phQMutex = hMutex;

#ifndef WIN16
TraceSz1("SampleMS: HrCreateOGQueueMutex: call to"
" CreateMutex failed (error %08lX)", GetLastError());

hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED);

DebugTraceResult(HrCreateOGQueueMutex, hr);
return hr;

* HrSetupPrivateNotifications
* Purpose
* Setup two private channels via the MAPI notification engine to
* tell other processes running against this store when 1) the
* outgoing queue changes and 2) when contents and hierarchy tables
* change. We communicate between the multiple client processes and
* the one spooler process. For the outgoing queue, we use a key that
* is the full pathname to the outgoing queue file. For the other
* tables, we use a unique 16-byte ID. Remember the connections so
* that we can Unsubscribe when we shutdown the store.
* Arguments
* pims: a pointer to the message store object.
* Side Effects
* Fills in the ulOQConn and ulTblConn members of pims.
* Returns
HRESULT HrSetupPrivateNotifications(PIMS pims)
ULONG ulOQConn = 0;
ULONG ulTblConn = 0;

/* Use the MAPI notification engine to tell myself */
/* (across processes) when to update outgoing queue. */

/* The key is the path to the disk cache of the outbound queue */
hr = HrGetOutgoingNotificationKey(pims, &lpKey);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

hr = HrAllocAdviseSink(&LSMSOQNotifCallback, (LPVOID) pims, &lpAdvise);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

hr = pims->psup->lpVtbl->Subscribe(pims->psup, lpKey,
fnevExtended, 0L, lpAdvise, &ulOQConn);

/* Always release; mapi will have addref'ed it during Subscribe */

if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

lpKey = NULL;

/* Now, setup notifications for the other tables. */

hr = HrGetTableNotificationKey(pims, &lpKey);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

hr = HrAllocAdviseSink(&LSMSTblNotifCallback, (LPVOID) pims, &lpAdvise);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

hr = pims->psup->lpVtbl->Subscribe(pims->psup, lpKey,
fnevExtended, 0L, lpAdvise, &ulTblConn);

/* Always release; mapi will have addref'ed it during Subscribe */

if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;


if (hr == hrSuccess)
/* Remember our use of the notification engine. */
pims->ulOQConn = ulOQConn;
pims->ulTblConn = ulTblConn;
else if (ulOQConn != 0)
(void) pims->psup->lpVtbl->Unsubscribe(pims->psup, ulOQConn);

DebugTraceResult(HrSetupPrivateNotifications, hr);
return hr;

* HrUpdateOutgoingQueue
* Purpose
* Updates the outgoing queue based on the information given. If the
* outgoing queue table is not open, or is out-of-date with respect to
* the outgoing queue file on disk, initializes the table. The function
* then applies the change requested to the table, writes the table on
* disk, and notifies other processes of the change.
* Arguments
* pims: A pointer to the message store object.
* pimsg: For a TABLE_ROW_ADDED event, a pointer to the message being
* added to the queue; otherwise, this parameter should be NULL.
* peid: For a TABLE_ROW_DELETED event, a pointer to the entryid of the
* message being deleted from the queue; otherwise, this parameter
* should be NULL.
* ulTableEvent: The type of update event: Either TABLE_ROW_ADDED or
* Returns
HRESULT HrUpdateOutgoingQueue(PIMS pims, PIMSG pimsg, PEID peid,
ULONG ulTableEvent)
HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
SRow srNewRow = {0, 0, NULL};
LPSRow prw;
BOOL fInMutex = FALSE;
FILETIME ftBeforeUpdate;

/* If the file mutex doesn't yet exist on this process, create it. */

if (pims->hOGQueueMutex == NULL)
hr = HrCreateOGQueueMutex(&pims->hOGQueueMutex);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

/* Get the file mutex so that we can use the file (and change it) */
/* without crossing paths with another process. */

WaitForSingleObject(pims->hOGQueueMutex, INFINITE);
fInMutex = TRUE;

/* This routine will open the outgoing queue table if it's not already */
/* open in this process, and will leave the opened copy around in pims. */

if (pims->lptblOutgoing == NULL)
hr = HrNewOutgoingTableData(pims);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

lptbl = pims->lptblOutgoing;
ftBeforeUpdate = pims->ftOGQueue;

if (ulTableEvent == TABLE_ROW_ADDED)
ULONG cValues;

AssertSz(pimsg, "A msg should be provided on an add");
AssertSz(peid == NULL, "No entryid should be provided on an add");

hr = pimsg->lpVtbl->GetProps(pimsg, (LPSPropTagArray) &sptaOutgoing,
0, /* ansi */
&cValues, &srNewRow.lpProps);

if (HR_FAILED(hr)) /* Ignore warnings from GetProps. */
goto exit;

srNewRow.cValues = cValues;

hr = lptbl->lpVtbl->HrModifyRow(lptbl, &srNewRow);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

prw = &srNewRow;
AssertSz(ulTableEvent == TABLE_ROW_DELETED,
"Bad event type received");
AssertSz(pimsg == NULL, "No msg should be provided on a delete");
AssertSz(peid, "An entryid should be provided on a delete");

/* remove it from the outgoing queue */
hr = HrRemoveRow(lptbl, peid);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

prw = NULL;

hr = HrWriteTableOnDisk(lptbl, (POBJ) pims, NULL, szOutgoingFileName);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

/* Update the last mod time of the table inside this process's */
/* message store object. */

hr = HrGetFileModTime(pims->szStorePath, szOutgoingFileName,
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

hr = HrNotifyOnOutgoingQueue(pims, peid, prw, ulTableEvent,

if (fInMutex)

LMFree(&pims->lmr, srNewRow.lpProps);

DebugTraceResult(HrUpdateOutgoingQueue, hr);
return hr;

* HrNewOutgoingTableData
* Purpose Checks the outgoing table data object in the message store.
* If there isn't one, creates it and initializes it from disk.
* If there is one, empties it, and re-initializes it from disk.
* Should be inside the outgoing queue mutex during this function.
* Parameters
* pims A pointer to the message store object.
* Side Effects
* Fills in the lptblOutgoing member of the pims.
* Updates pims->ftOGQueue with the last mod time of the
* outgoing queue file.
HRESULT HrNewOutgoingTableData(PIMS pims)
HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
LPTABLEDATA lptbl = pims->lptblOutgoing;
BOOL fTableCreated = FALSE;

if (!lptbl)
PINST pinst;
SCODE sc = S_OK;

/* The table doesn't exist. Create it. */

pinst = (PINST) PvGetInstanceGlobals();

if (pinst == NULL)
hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED);
goto exit;

sc = CreateTable((LPIID) &IID_IMAPITableData, pims->lmr.lpAllocBuf,
pims->lmr.lpAllocMore, pims->lmr.lpFreeBuf, pinst->lpmalloc,

if (sc != S_OK)
hr = ResultFromScode(sc);
goto exit;

fTableCreated = TRUE;
/* The table exists already. Delete all rows from it. */
EmptyTable(lptbl, &pims->lmr);

/* read the table in from disk */
/* outgoing queue tables can't be regenerated, so any error reading */
/* the table is fatal. We lose all messages in the OG queue if this */
/* function has an error. */

hr = HrReadTableFromDisk(lptbl, (POBJ) pims, NULL, OUTGOING_COLUMNS,
if (hr != hrSuccess)
TraceSz("SMS: Bad OG Queue data on disk.");
goto exit;

/* Verify that all messages in the table actually exist on disk. If */
/* not, remove the row(s) and re-write the table to disk. */
hr = HrSyncOutgoingTable(lptbl, pims);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

/* Save away the last mod time of the table inside this process's */
/* message store object. */

hr = HrGetFileModTime(pims->szStorePath, szOutgoingFileName,
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

pims->lptblOutgoing = lptbl;

if (hr != hrSuccess && fTableCreated)

DebugTraceResult(HrNewOutgoingTableData, hr);
return hr;

* INTERNAL Functions (called from within this file ONLY).

| |
| |

* LSMSTblNotifCallback
* Purpose
* Update the contents or hierarchy table associated with the folder eid
* passed across. We should receive a notification when the tabledata
* object needs to have a row added, deleted or modified. Calls
* ChangeTable after decoding the notification.
* Arguments
* lpvContext: A pointer to the message store object to use. We need
* to verify that the object is still valid before using it.
* cNotif: The number of notifications to process.
* lpNotif: A pointer to an array of NOTIFICATION structures.
* Returns
* LONG: Always returns 0.
long STDAPICALLTYPE LSMSTblNotifCallback(LPVOID lpvContext, ULONG cNotif,
PIMS pims = (PIMS) lpvContext;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
PTNB ptnb;

* Our code sends one extended notification at a time.
* The notification consists of the table event that occurred along with
* an object notification containing the entryids we need. We only use
* two of the entryids in the object notification. The ParentID fields
* refer to the parent folder of the table we need to update. The EntryID
* fields refer to the object that changed within the folder. The
* ulObjType field will be either MAPI_MESSAGE (for contents table
* changes) or MAPI_FOLDER (for hierarchy table changes). All other
* fields in the structure are unused and should be set to 0.
if (IMS_IsInvalid(pims)
|| cNotif != 1
|| (IsBadReadPtr(lpNotif, ((UINT) cNotif) * sizeof(NOTIFICATION)))
|| lpNotif->ulEventType != fnevExtended
|| lpNotif->info.ext.ulEvent != 0)
return 0;

ptnb = (PTNB) lpNotif->info.ext.pbEventParameters;

if (IsBadReadPtr(ptnb, CbNewTNB(0))
|| IsBadReadPtr(ptnb, CbTNB(ptnb)))
return 0;


hr = HrApplyTblNotifChanges(pims, ptnb);


if (hr != hrSuccess)
sc = GetScode(hr);

return sc;

* HrApplyTblNotifChanges
* Purpose
* This function relocates and validates the internal object notification
* passed in, and then calls ChangeTable to actually update any open tables
* within this process with the change given. The notification needs to be
* relocated because the pointers from the other process may not be valid
* on this process.
* Parameters
* pims: A pointer to the message store object.
* ptnbIn: A pointer to the table notification block (TNB) containing the
* data we need in order to update any open tables om this process.
* Returns: validation errors or hrSuccess.
HRESULT HrApplyTblNotifChanges(PIMS pims, PTNB ptnbIn)
HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
PTNB ptnb = NULL;

/* Allocate a new notification block, and copy the data over before */
/* relocation. */

hr = HrAlloc(CbNewTNB(ptnbIn->cbNtf), &ptnb);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto ret;

memcpy(ptnb, ptnbIn, (UINT) CbNewTNB(ptnbIn->cbNtf));

lpntf = (LPNOTIFICATION) ptnb->abNtf;

if (lpntf->ulEventType != fnevObjectModified)
TraceSz1("SMS: HrApplyTblNotifChanges: Bad ulEventType %08lX "
"received", lpntf->ulEventType);
hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED);
goto ret;

/* Relocate the notification into the address space of this process. */
/* We passed along the memory offset of the originating process to allow */
/* this code to work. Note that ScRelocNotifications currently only */
/* works from "bad" addresses to "good" addresses. The code assumes that */
/* pointers are "bad" inside the notification, and that after conversion, */
/* they are valid. */

sc = ScRelocNotifications(1, lpntf, ptnb->pvRef, (LPVOID) lpntf, &cb);
if (sc != S_OK)
hr = ResultFromScode(sc);
goto ret;

if (ptnb->cbNtf != cb)
hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED);
goto ret;

pon = (OBJECT_NOTIFICATION *) &(lpntf->info.obj);

if (pon->ulObjType != MAPI_MESSAGE && pon->ulObjType != MAPI_FOLDER)
TraceSz1("SMS: HrApplyTblNotifChanges: unexpected Object Type %08lX",
hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED);
goto ret;

if ( FIsInvalidEID(pon->cbParentID, (PEID) pon->lpParentID, pims)
|| !FIsFolder((PEID) pon->lpParentID))
TraceSz("SMS: HrApplyTblNotifChanges: invalid parent entryid");
hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED);
goto ret;

/* TABLE_CHANGED events don't require a lpEntryID, because multiple
* objects have changed. ChangeTable() simply validates all rows in
* the table against the files on disk.
if ( ptnb->ulTableEvent != TABLE_CHANGED
&& FIsInvalidEID(pon->cbEntryID, (PEID) pon->lpEntryID, pims))
TraceSz("SMS: HrApplyTblNotifChanges: invalid entryid");
hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED);
goto ret;

ChangeTable(pims, (PEID) pon->lpParentID, (PEID) pon->lpEntryID,
pon->ulObjType, ptnb->ulTableEvent, FALSE);


DebugTraceResult(HrApplyTblNotifChanges, hr);
return hr;

* HrSendNotif
* Purpose
* This function constructs and sends a notification to other active Sample
* Message Store processes open on this message store file. The notification
* describes a change (add, delete, or modify) to either a message (contents
* table) or folder (hierarchy table). The receiver will need to get two
* entryids, one for the parent folder of the changed object, and one for
* the changed object itself. The receiver also needs to know whether the
* changed object is a message or a folder, and what type of change occurred:
* add, delete, modify, or change (contents tables only).
* Parameters
* pims: Pointer to the message store object.
* peidParent: The entryid of the folder containing the table to update and
* the object that changed.
* peidObject: The entryid of the object that changed. May be NULL when
* sending a TABLE_CHANGED notification (contents tables only).
* TABLE_CHANGED (TABLE_CHANGED only works on contents tables).
* ulObjType: The type of object that changed. This implies the type of table
* to update. May be MAPI_MESSAGE (contents table) or MAPI_FOLDER
* (hierarchy table).
* Returns: Memory and disk errors or success.
HRESULT HrSendNotif(PIMS pims, PEID peidParent, PEID peidObject,
ULONG ulTableEvent, ULONG ulObjType)
HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
PTNB ptnb = NULL;
ULONG cbNtf;
ULONG cbOut;
ULONG ulFlags = 0;

/* Get the key */
hr = HrGetTableNotificationKey(pims, &lpKey);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto ret;

* Our code sends one extended notification at a time. The notification
* consists of the table event that occurred along with an object
* notification containing the entryids we need. We send the type of
* table event as part of our extended notification structure, and
* package the object notification always as "fnevObjectModified". We
* only use two of the entryids in the object notification. The ParentID
* fields refer to the parent folder of the table we need to update. The
* EntryID fields refer to the object that changed within the folder. The
* ulObjType field will be either MAPI_MESSAGE (for contents table
* changes) or MAPI_FOLDER (for hierarchy table changes). All other
* fields in the structure are unused and should be set to 0.
memset(&ntfTemp, 0, sizeof(NOTIFICATION));

/* We always send the same type of event here. This is enough to get the
* notification code to count and relocate what we send. We send the real
* table event in ptnb->ulTableEvent (see below).
ntfTemp.ulEventType = fnevObjectModified; = ulObjType; = (LPENTRYID) peidParent; = CbEID(peidParent);

if (ulTableEvent != TABLE_CHANGED)
{ = (LPENTRYID) peidObject; = CbEID(peidObject);

sc = ScCountNotifications(1, &ntfTemp, &cbNtf);
if (sc != S_OK)
hr = ResultFromScode(sc);
goto ret;

hr = HrAlloc(CbNewTNB(cbNtf), &ptnb);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto ret;

/* Here's where we send the table event. It's either TABLE_ROW_ADDED,
ptnb->ulTableEvent = ulTableEvent;
ptnb->cbNtf = cbNtf;

sc = ScCopyNotifications(1, &ntfTemp, (LPVOID) ptnb->abNtf, &cbOut);
if (sc != S_OK)
hr = ResultFromScode(sc);
goto ret;

AssertSz(cbOut == cbNtf, "ScCopyNotifications used a different # of bytes "
"than ScCountNotifications returned.");

/* Pass across the notification's memory offset so that the receiving */
/* process can relocate the notification to its address space. */
ptnb->pvRef = (LPVOID) ptnb->abNtf;

ntf.ulEventType = fnevExtended; = 0; = CbTNB(ptnb); = (LPBYTE) ptnb;

hr = pims->psup->lpVtbl->Notify(pims->psup, lpKey, 1, &ntf, &ulFlags);


DebugTraceResult(HrSendNotif, hr);
return hr;

* HrGetTableNotificationKey
* Purpose
* Generate and return the notification key that will allow cross-process
* notifications for changes to any contents or hierarchy tables within a
* store. The memory returned should be freed with FreeNull. This
* notification key needs to work for processes attached to this particular
* message store, and should only receive notifications having to do with
* changes to tables. The key contains the store guid (unique for this store)
* preceeded by a ULONG with 0x0000ABCD in it. Note that the choice of
* 0x0000ABCD is arbitrary. As long as the sender sends to the same key as
* the receiver listens to, and no unexpected sender sends to that key,
* we're fine.
* Parameters
* pims pointer to the message store object.
* lppKey pointer to the location to return the new key.
static HRESULT HrGetTableNotificationKey(PIMS pims, LPNOTIFKEY * lppKey)
HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
ULONG cb; /* number of bytes in the key */

/* allocate space for the key */
cb = sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(MAPIUID);
hr = HrAlloc(CbNewNOTIFKEY(cb), (PPV) &lpKey);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

*((ULONG *) &(lpKey->ab[0])) = 0x0000ABCD;
GetResourceUID(pims, (MAPIUID *) &(lpKey->ab[sizeof(ULONG)]));
lpKey->cb = cb;

if (HR_FAILED(hr))
lpKey = NULL;

*lppKey = lpKey;

DebugTraceResult(HrGetTableNotificationKey, hr);
return hr;

| |
| |

* LSMSOQNotifCallback
* Purpose
* Update the outgoing queue table associated with the process that
* the spooler is using. We should receive a notification when the
* tabledata object needs to have a row added or deleted. If the
* tabledata object exists on the message store object, then call
* HrModifyRow (when a row is added), or HrRemoveRow (when a row is
* deleted) to update the table appropriately.
* Arguments
* lpvContext: A pointer to the message store object to use. We need
* to verify that the object is still valid before using it.
* cNotif: The number of notifications to process.
* lpNotif: A pointer to an array of NOTIFICATION structures.
* Returns
* LONG: Always returns 0.
long STDAPICALLTYPE LSMSOQNotifCallback(LPVOID lpvContext, ULONG cNotif,
PIMS pims = (PIMS) lpvContext;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
FILETIME ftCurrent;
BOOL fInMutex = FALSE;
PONB ponb;

/* Our code sends one extended notification at a time. This */
/* extended notification contains two filetimes (the time */
/* before the outgoing queue file was modified, and the time after */
/* the change was made), and a standard notification with the change */
/* to apply to the table. It should be an fnevTableModified, and */
/* should be either TABLE_ROW_ADDED or TABLE_ROW_DELETED. If we ever */
/* receive anything other than this, the code must change. */
if (IMS_IsInvalid(pims)
|| cNotif != 1
|| (IsBadReadPtr(lpNotif, ((UINT) cNotif) * sizeof(NOTIFICATION)))
|| lpNotif->ulEventType != fnevExtended
|| lpNotif->info.ext.ulEvent != 0)
return 0;

ponb = (PONB) lpNotif->info.ext.pbEventParameters;

if (IsBadReadPtr(ponb, CbNewONB(0))
|| IsBadReadPtr(ponb, CbONB(ponb)))
return 0;


/* Check to see if the outgoing queue table data is open. If it isn't, */
/* there is nothing to do, because the current table will be read and */
/* initialized from disk when the spooler opens it. We're done. */

if (!pims->lptblOutgoing)
goto exit;

/* If the file mutex doesn't yet exist on this process, create it. */

if (pims->hOGQueueMutex == NULL)
hr = HrCreateOGQueueMutex(&pims->hOGQueueMutex);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

/* Get the file mutex so that we can use the file (and change it) */
/* without crossing paths with another process. */

WaitForSingleObject(pims->hOGQueueMutex, INFINITE);
fInMutex = TRUE;

/* Get time that the file was last modified */
hr = HrGetFileModTime(pims->szStorePath, szOutgoingFileName, &ftCurrent);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

/* If the time that this process last read the file is the same as */
/* the time that the file was last modified, then don't do anything */
/* because we already have all changes, including the one sent to us */
/* in this notification. This can happen because we picked up two */
/* changes at once, or because this process is actually the same */
/* process that sent the notification. */
if (CompareFileTime(&ftCurrent, &pims->ftOGQueue) == 0)
goto exit;

/* If the time that this process last read the file is the same as */
/* the time that the other process read the file, then we can simply */
/* apply the changes sent in the notification itself, and update our */
/* time to the time after update sent in the notification. */
/* If the times are different, or there is a problem applying the */
/* changes, then reconstruct the table from the on-disk copy. */

if ((CompareFileTime(&ponb->ftBeforeUpdate, &pims->ftOGQueue) == 0)
&& (HrApplyOQNotifChanges(pims->lptblOutgoing, ponb) == hrSuccess))
pims->ftOGQueue = ponb->ftAfterUpdate;
hr = HrNewOutgoingTableData(pims);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

if (fInMutex)


if (hr != hrSuccess)
sc = GetScode(hr);

return sc;

* EmptyTable
* Purpose
* Deletes all rows from the table data object given.
* Helper function for the outgoing queue table notification callback
* routine.
* Arguments
* lptbl: A pointer to the tabledata object to empty.
* plmr: A pointer to the linked memory routines.
* Returns
* void.
static void EmptyTable(LPTABLEDATA lptbl, PLMR plmr)
LPSRow lpsRow;
LPSPropValue pval;
LPSPropValue pvalMac;

while (TRUE)
/* Get the first row. Note that as we delete rows, this will */
/* keep giving us a new row. */

hr = lptbl->lpVtbl->HrEnumRow(lptbl, 0, &lpsRow);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
TraceSz1("Sample MS: EmptyTable: HrEnumRow failed with"
" sc == %s", SzDecodeScode(GetScode(hr)));

/* The table is empty when no row is returned */
if (!lpsRow)

/* find the entryid in the property value array */

pval = lpsRow->lpProps; 
pvalMac = pval + lpsRow->cValues;

for (; pval < pvalMac; ++pval)
if (pval->ulPropTag == PR_INSTANCE_KEY)

/* Every row should contain an inst key. It is the index property. */
if (pval == pvalMac)
TrapSz("No PR_INSTANCE_KEY found in the table row");

/* delete this row from the table */
hr = lptbl->lpVtbl->HrDeleteRow(lptbl, pval);

LMFree(plmr, lpsRow);
lpsRow = NULL;

if (hr != hrSuccess)
TraceSz1("Sample MS: EmptyTable: HrDeleteRow failed with"
" error %s", SzDecodeScode(GetScode(hr)));


* HrApplyOQNotifChanges
* Purpose
* Helper function of the notification callback routine. If the
* table on disk hasn't changed except for the notification given,
* then we can update the outgoing queue table data directly instead
* of re-reading the table from disk. This function modifies the
* table data directly by calling HrModifyRow (when a row is added),
* or HrRemoveRow (when a row is deleted).
* Note that we have to convert the notification inside the ONB so
* that the pointers are valid. Also note that we may NOT modify the
* notification data at all; therefore, we must copy the data before
* changing it.
* Arguments
* lptbl: a pointer to the table data object to update.
* ponbIn: a pointer to the ONB received in the callback.
* Returns
static HRESULT HrApplyOQNotifChanges(LPTABLEDATA lptbl, PONB ponbIn)
HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
PONB ponb = NULL;

/* Allocate a new notification block, and copy the data over before */
/* relocation. */

hr = HrAlloc(CbNewONB(ponbIn->cbNtf), &ponb);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

memcpy(ponb, ponbIn, (UINT) CbNewONB(ponbIn->cbNtf));

lpntf = (LPNOTIFICATION) ponb->abNtf;

/* Relocate the notification into the address space of this process. */
/* We passed along the memory offset of the originating process to allow */
/* this code to work. Note that ScRelocNotifications currently only */
/* works from "bad" addresses to "good" addresses. The code assumes that */
/* pointers are "bad" inside the notification, and that after conversion, */
/* they are valid. */

sc = ScRelocNotifications(1, lpntf, ponb->pvRef, (LPVOID) lpntf, &cb);
if (sc != S_OK)
hr = ResultFromScode(sc);
goto exit;

if (ponb->cbNtf != cb)
hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED);
goto exit;

/* We don't expect any events other than those for a table. */

if (lpntf->ulEventType != fnevTableModified)
TraceSz1("SMS: HrApplyOQNotifChanges: unexpected ulEventType %08lX",
hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED);
goto exit;

switch (lpntf->

/* delete the row from the table according to the index */
/* property value in the notification structure */
hr = lptbl->lpVtbl->HrDeleteRow(lptbl, &lpntf->;
if (hr != hrSuccess)
TraceSz1("SMS: HrApplyOQNotifChanges: HrDeleteRow returns sc == %s",
goto exit;


/* add the row to the table. We don't care where in the table */
/* it goes, because the row will be sorted by the spooler in */
/* its view anyway. */

hr = lptbl->lpVtbl->HrModifyRow(lptbl, &lpntf->;
if (hr != hrSuccess)
TraceSz1("SMS: HrApplyOQNotifChanges: HrModifyRow returns sc == %s",
goto exit;


/* We don't expect any other table events than the */
/* two above. */

TraceSz1("SMS: HrApplyOQNotifChanges: unexpected ulTableEvent %08lX",


DebugTraceResult(HrApplyOQNotifChanges, hr);
return hr;

* HrGetOutgoingNotificationKey
* Purpose return the nofication key for the outgoing queue
* memory should be freed with FreeNull
* The key we use contains the full pathname to the outgoing
* queue file on disk. This should be unique for the store
* that we're running against.
* Parameters
* pims the store whose outgoing queue is being referred to
* lppKey pointer to the key
static HRESULT HrGetOutgoingNotificationKey(PIMS pims, LPNOTIFKEY * lppKey)
HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
ULONG cb; /* number of bytes in the key */
LPSTR szPath = NULL; /* path to outgoing queue */

hr = HrGetTableName((POBJ) pims, NULL, szOutgoingFileName, &szPath);
if (HR_FAILED(hr))
goto exit;

/* allocate space for the key */
cb = Cbtszsize(szPath);
hr = HrAlloc(CbNewNOTIFKEY(cb), (PPV) &lpKey);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

lstrcpy(lpKey->ab, szPath);
lpKey->cb = cb;

if (HR_FAILED(hr))
lpKey = NULL;
*lppKey = lpKey;
return hr;

* HrNotifyOnOutgoingQueue
* Purpose
* Send out a notification that the Outgoing Queue has had a row added
* or deleted. Also send the filetime of the queue file before and after
* the modification.
* Parameters
* pims: A pointer to the message store object.
* peid: (For TABLE_ROW_DELETED) The entryid of the message in the
* queue that was deleted.
* prw: (For TABLE_ROW_ADDED) A pointer to the row of data added
* to the OG Queue.
* pftBeforeUpdate: A pointer to the filetime of the queue file before the
* update was performed.
static HRESULT HrNotifyOnOutgoingQueue(PIMS pims, PEID peid, LPSRow prw,
ULONG ulTableEvent, FILETIME *pftBeforeUpdate)
ULONG ulFlags = 0;
PONB ponb = NULL;
ULONG cbNtf;
ULONG cbOut;

/* get the key */
hr = HrGetOutgoingNotificationKey(pims, &lpKey);
if (HR_FAILED(hr))
goto exit;

/* Assemble the notification. */
ntfTemp.ulEventType = fnevTableModified; = ulTableEvent; = hrSuccess;

if (ulTableEvent == TABLE_ROW_DELETED)
/* Send across the index property for the row: PR_INSTANCE_KEY */ = PR_INSTANCE_KEY; = CbEID(peid); = (BYTE *) peid;
memset(&(, 0, sizeof(SPropValue)); = 0; = NULL;
AssertSz(ulTableEvent == TABLE_ROW_ADDED,
"Bad event type: about to send bogus internal notification");

memset(&(, 0, sizeof(SPropValue));
memset(&(, 0, sizeof(SPropValue)); = *prw;

sc = ScCountNotifications(1, &ntfTemp, &cbNtf);
if (sc != S_OK)
hr = ResultFromScode(sc);
goto exit;

hr = HrAlloc(CbNewONB(cbNtf), &ponb);
if (hr != hrSuccess)
goto exit;

ponb->cbNtf = cbNtf;

sc = ScCopyNotifications(1, &ntfTemp, (LPVOID) ponb->abNtf, &cbOut);
if (sc != S_OK)
hr = ResultFromScode(sc);
goto exit;

AssertSz(cbOut == cbNtf, "ScCopyNotifications used a different # of bytes "
"than ScCountNotifications returned.");

ponb->ftBeforeUpdate = *pftBeforeUpdate;
ponb->ftAfterUpdate = pims->ftOGQueue;

/* Pass across the notification's memory offset so that the receiving */
/* process can relocate the notification to its address space. */
ponb->pvRef = (LPVOID) ponb->abNtf;

ntf.ulEventType = fnevExtended; = 0; = CbONB(ponb); = (LPBYTE) ponb;

hr = pims->psup->lpVtbl->Notify(pims->psup, lpKey, 1, &ntf, &ulFlags);


DebugTraceResult(HrNotifyOnOutgoingQueue, hr);
return hr;