/* QuickCase:W KNB Version 1.00 */ 
#include "MAPIAPP.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mapi.h"
#define MAIN 1
#include "mapinit.h"

HANDLE hLibrary;

MapiMessage mmMapiMessage;

ULONG nMessageSize = 0x000004000;
lpMapiMessage FAR *lppMessage;
lpMapiMessage lpMessage;
char szSeedMessageID[512];
char szMessageID[512];
char szSubject[512];
char szNoteText[4096];

LPSTR lpszSeedMessageID = &szSeedMessageID[0];
LPSTR lpszMessageID = &szMessageID[0];

LPSTR pszSubject = &szSubject[0];
LPSTR pszNoteText = &szNoteText[0];
LPSTR pszDateReceived = "1991/03/23 12:00";
MapiRecipDesc rdOriginator = { 0L,MAPI_ORIG,(LPSTR)"ONE",NULL};

int iFindFirst= TRUE;

void InitMessage(lpMapiMessage pmmMessage)
pmmMessage->ulReserved = 0L;
pmmMessage->lpszSubject =pszSubject;
pmmMessage->lpszNoteText =pszNoteText;
pmmMessage->lpszMessageType = NULL;
pmmMessage->lpszDateReceived = pszDateReceived;
pmmMessage->flFlags = MAPI_UNREAD;
pmmMessage->lpOriginator = &rdOriginator;
pmmMessage->nRecipCount = 0L;
pmmMessage->lpRecips = NULL;
pmmMessage->nFileCount = 0L;
pmmMessage->lpFiles = NULL;


FUNCTION: OutOfMemory(void)

PURPOSE: Displays warning message

void OutOfMemory(void)

void mycpystr(char * npszStrg, LPSTR lpszStrg)
if (lpszStrg != NULL)
strcpy(npszStrg, lpszStrg);
*npszStrg = '\0';

/* */
/* Windows 3.0 Main Program Body */
/* */
/* The following routine is the Windows Main Program. The Main Program */
/* is executed when a program is selected from the Windows Control */
/* Panel or File Manager. The WinMain routine registers and creates */
/* the program's main window and initializes global objects. The */
/* WinMain routine also includes the applications message dispatch */
/* loop. Every window message destined for the main window or any */
/* subordinate windows is obtained, possibly translated, and */
/* dispatched to a window or dialog processing function. The dispatch */
/* loop is exited when a WM_QUIT message is obtained. Before exiting */
/* the WinMain routine should destroy any objects created and free */
/* memory and other resources. */
/* */

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
/* HANDLE hInstance; handle for this instance */
/* HANDLE hPrevInstance; handle for possible previous instances */
/* LPSTR lpszCmdLine; long pointer to exec command line */
/* int nCmdShow; Show code for main window display */

MSG msg; /* MSG structure to store your messages */
int nRc; /* return value from Register Classes */
long nWndunits; /* window units for size and location */
int nWndx; /* the x axis multiplier */
int nWndy; /* the y axis multiplier */
int nX; /* the resulting starting point (x, y) */
int nY;
int nWidth; /* the resulting width and height for this */
int nHeight; /* window */

strcpy(szAppName, "MAPIAPP");
hInst = hInstance;
/* register window classes if first instance of application */
if ((nRc = nCwRegisterClasses()) == -1)
/* registering one of the windows failed */
LoadString(hInst, IDS_ERR_REGISTER_CLASS, szString, sizeof(szString));
return nRc;

/* Create a device independant size and location */
nWndunits = GetDialogBaseUnits();
nWndx = LOWORD(nWndunits);
nWndy = HIWORD(nWndunits);
nX = ((60 * nWndx) / 4);
nY = ((60 * nWndy) / 8);
nWidth = ((197 * nWndx) / 4);
nHeight = ((138 * nWndy) / 8);

/* create application's Main window */
hWndMain = CreateWindow(
szAppName, /* Window class name */
GetStringRes (IDS_APP_TITLE), /* Window's title */
WS_CAPTION | /* Title and Min/Max */
WS_SYSMENU | /* Add system menu box */
WS_MINIMIZEBOX | /* Add minimize box */
WS_MAXIMIZEBOX | /* Add maximize box */
WS_BORDER | /* thin frame */
WS_CLIPCHILDREN | /* don't draw in child windows areas */
nX, nY, /* X, Y */
nWidth, nHeight, /* Width, Height of window */
NULL, /* Parent window's handle */
NULL, /* Default to Class Menu */
hInst, /* Instance of window */
NULL); /* Create struct for WM_CREATE */

if (InitMAPI() != 0)
return ERR_LOAD_LIB;


if(hWndMain == NULL)
LoadString(hInst, IDS_ERR_CREATE_WINDOW, szString, sizeof(szString));

EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_A_LOGOFF, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_S_MAIL, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_S_DOCUMENT, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_FINDFIRST, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_FINDNEXT, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_READ, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_DELETE, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);

ShowWindow(hWndMain, nCmdShow); /* display main window */

while(GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) /* Until WM_QUIT message */

/* Do clean up before exiting from the application */
return msg.wParam;
} /* End of WinMain */
/* */
/* Main Window Procedure */
/* */
/* This procedure provides service routines for the Windows events */
/* (messages) that Windows sends to the window, as well as the user */
/* initiated events (messages) that are generated when the user selects */
/* the action bar and pulldown menu controls or the corresponding */
/* keyboard accelerators. */
/* */
/* The SWITCH statement shown below distributes the window messages to */
/* the respective message service routines, which are set apart by the */
/* CASE statements. The window procedures must provide an appropriate */
/* service routine for its end user initiated messages, as well as the */
/* general Windows messages (ie. WM_CLOSE message). If a message is */
/* sent to this procedure for which there is no programmed CASE clause */
/* (i.e., no service routine), the message is defaulted to the */
/* DefWindowProc function, where it is handled by Windows */
/* */
/* For the end-user initiated messages, this procedure is concerned */
/* principally with the WM_COMMAND message. The menu control ID (or the */
/* corresponding accelerator ID) is communicated to this procedure in */
/* the first message parameter (wParam). The window procedure provides */
/* a major CASE statement for the WM_COMMAND message and a subordinate */
/* SWITCH statement to provide CASE clauses for the message service */
/* routines for the various menu item's, identified by their ID values. */
/* */
/* The message service routines for the individual menu items are the */
/* main work points in the program. These service routines contain the */
/* units of work performed when the end user select one of the menu */
/* controls. The required application response to a menu control is */
/* programmed in its associated CASE clause. The service routines may */
/* contain subroutine calls to separately compiled and libraried */
/* routines, in-line calls to subroutines to be embodied in this source */
/* code module, or program statements entered directly in the CASE */
/* clauses. Program control is switched to the appropriate service */
/* routine when Windows recognizes the end user event and sends a WM_COMMAND */
/* message to the window procedure. The service routine provides the */
/* appropriate application-specific response to the end user initiated */
/* event, then breaks to return control to the WinMain() routine which */
/* continues to service the message queue of the window(s). */
/* */

LONG FAR PASCAL WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
HMENU hMenu=0; /* handle for the menu */
HBITMAP hBitmap=0; /* handle for bitmaps */
HDC hDC; /* handle for the display device */
PAINTSTRUCT ps; /* holds PAINT information */
int nRc=0; /* return code */
FLAGS flFlag = 0L;
ULONG ulResult;
char szBuf[32*1024]; // Waste of stack space, but this is only a demo.
char szTmp[32*1024]; // Waste of stack space, but this is only a demo.

switch (Message) {
/* The Windows messages for action bar and pulldown menu items */
/* are processed here. */
/* The WM_COMMAND message contains the message ID in its first */
/* parameter (wParam). This routine is programmed to SWITCH on */
/* the #define values generated by CASE:W for the menu items */
/* in the application's header (*.H) file. The ID values have */
/* the format, IDM_itemname. The service routines for the */
/* various menu items follow the CASE statements up to the */
/* generated BREAK statements. */
switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
/* Place User Code to respond to the */
/* Menu Item Named "Log&In" here. */
ulResult = (*lpfnMAPILogon)(hWnd, NULL, NULL, flFlag, 0L, (LPLHANDLE)&hMAPISession);
if (ulResult == 0L) {
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_A_LOGOFF, MF_ENABLED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_S_MAIL, MF_ENABLED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_S_DOCUMENT, MF_ENABLED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_FINDFIRST, MF_ENABLED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_FINDNEXT, MF_ENABLED);

/* Place User Code to respond to the */
/* Menu Item Named "Log&Off" here. */
ulResult = (*lpfnMAPILogoff)(hMAPISession, hWnd, 0L, 0L);
if (ulResult == 0L) {
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_A_LOGOFF, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_S_MAIL, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_S_DOCUMENT, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_FINDFIRST, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_FINDNEXT, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_READ, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_DELETE, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);

case IDM_S_MAIL:
/* Place User Code to respond to the */
/* Menu Item Named "&Mail" here. */
ulResult = (*lpfnMAPISendMail)(hMAPISession, hWnd, &mmMapiMessage, flFlag, 0L);

/* Place User Code to respond to the */
/* Menu Item Named "&Document" here. */
ulResult = (*lpfnMAPISendDocuments)(hWnd, ";", "C:\\CONFIG.SYS", "CONFIG.SYS", 0L);

/* Place User Code to respond to the */
/* Menu Item Named "&Find Next" here. */
if (iFindFirst) {
*lpszSeedMessageID = '\0';
iFindFirst = FALSE;
else {
ulResult = (*lpfnMAPIFindNext)(hMAPISession, hWnd, NULL, lpszSeedMessageID, flFlag, 0L, lpszMessageID);
if (ulResult == 0L) {
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_FINDNEXT, MF_ENABLED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_READ, MF_ENABLED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_DELETE, MF_ENABLED);
else {
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_FINDNEXT, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_READ, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_DELETE, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);

case IDM_M_READ:
/* Place User Code to respond to the */
/* Menu Item Named "&Read" here. */

lppMessage= (lpMapiMessage FAR *) &lpMessage;
ulResult = (*lpfnMAPIReadMail)(hMAPISession, hWnd, lpszMessageID, flFlag, 0L, lppMessage);
if (ulResult == 0L) {
sprintf(szBuf, GetStringRes(IDS_FROM), szTmp);
sprintf(szBuf, GetStringRes(IDS_TO), szBuf,szTmp);
sprintf(szBuf, GetStringRes(IDS_DATE), szBuf,szTmp);
sprintf(szBuf, GetStringRes(IDS_SUBJECT), szBuf,szTmp);

MessageBox(hWnd,szBuf, GetStringRes(IDS_MESSAGE), MB_OK);
ulResult = lpfnMAPIFreeBuffer((LPVOID)lpMessage);

/* Place User Code to respond to the */
/* Menu Item Named "&Delete" here. */

ulResult = (*lpfnMAPIDeleteMail)(hMAPISession, hWnd, lpszMessageID, flFlag, 0l);
if (ulResult == 0L) {
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_READ, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(hWndMain), IDM_M_DELETE, MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);

return DefWindowProc(hWnd, Message, wParam, lParam);
if (ulResult != 0L) { /** oops **/

sprintf(szBuf, GetStringRes(IDS_RETURNED_ERROR), ulResult);
MessageBox(hWnd,szBuf, GetStringRes(IDS_FAILED),MB_OK);
else {
sprintf(szBuf, GetStringRes(IDS_GOOD_JOB));
MessageBox(hWnd,szBuf, GetStringRes(IDS_SUCCESS), MB_OK);
break; /* End of WM_COMMAND */

/* The WM_CREATE message is sent once to a window when the */
/* window is created. The window procedure for the new window */
/* receives this message after the window is created, but */
/* before the window becomes visible. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* */
/* lParam - Points to a CREATESTRUCT structure with */
/* the following form: */
/* */
/* typedef struct */
/* { */
/* LPSTR lpCreateParams; */
/* HANDLE hInst; */
/* HANDLE hMenu; */
/* HWND hwndParent; */
/* int cy; */
/* int cx; */
/* int y; */
/* int x; */
/* LONG style; */
/* LPSTR lpszName; */
/* LPSTR lpszClass; */
/* DWORD dwExStyle; */

break; /* End of WM_CREATE */

case WM_MOVE: /* code for moving the window */

case WM_SIZE: /* code for sizing client area */
/* wParam contains a code indicating the requested sizing */
/* lParam contains the new height and width of the client area */
break; /* End of WM_SIZE */

case WM_PAINT: /* code for the window's client area */
/* Obtain a handle to the device context */
/* BeginPaint will sends WM_ERASEBKGND if appropriate */
memset(&ps, 0x00, sizeof(PAINTSTRUCT));
hDC = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);

/* Included in case the background is not a pure color */

/* Application should draw on the client window using */
/* the GDI graphics and text functions. 'ps' the PAINTSTRUCT */
/* returned by BeginPaint contains a rectangle to the */
/* area that must be repainted. */

/* Inform Windows painting is complete */
EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
break; /* End of WM_PAINT */

case WM_CLOSE: /* close the window */
/* Destroy child windows, modeless dialogs, then, this window */
if (hWnd == hWndMain)
PostQuitMessage(0); /* Quit the application */

/* For any message for which you don't specifically provide a */
/* service routine, you should return the message to Windows */
/* for default message processing. */
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, Message, wParam, lParam);
return 0L;
} /* End of WndProc */

/* */
/* nCwRegisterClasses Function */
/* */
/* The following function registers all the classes of all the windows */
/* associated with this application. The function returns an error code */
/* if unsuccessful, otherwise it returns 0. */
/* */

int nCwRegisterClasses(void)
WNDCLASS wndclass; /* struct to define a window class */
memset(&wndclass, 0x00, sizeof(WNDCLASS));

/* load WNDCLASS with window's characteristics */ = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW;
wndclass.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
/* Extra storage for Class and Window objects */
wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0;
wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0;
wndclass.hInstance = hInst;
wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInst, "MAPIAPP");
wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
/* Create brush for erasing background */
wndclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1);
wndclass.lpszMenuName = szAppName; /* Menu Name is App Name */
wndclass.lpszClassName = szAppName; /* Class Name is App Name */
return -1;

} /* End of nCwRegisterClasses */

/* CwUnRegisterClasses Function */
/* */
/* Deletes any refrences to windows resources created for this */
/* application, frees memory, deletes instance, handles and does */
/* clean up prior to exiting the window */
/* */

void CwUnRegisterClasses(void)
WNDCLASS wndclass; /* struct to define a window class */
memset(&wndclass, 0x00, sizeof(WNDCLASS));

UnregisterClass(szAppName, hInst);
} /* End of CwUnRegisterClasses */

// FUNCTION: GetStringRes (int id INPUT ONLY)
// COMMENTS: Load the resource string with the ID given, and return a
// pointer to it. Notice that the buffer is common memory so
// the string must be used before this call is made a second time.

LPTSTR GetStringRes (int id)
static TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];

LoadString (GetModuleHandle (NULL), id, buffer, MAX_PATH);
return buffer;