//| ODBC System Administrator
//| This code is furnished on an as-is basis as part of the ODBC SDK and is
//| intended for example purposes only.
//| Title: ERRCHECK.H
//| This include file contains the definitions for the ERRCHECK.C module.
//| This module contains common error checking functions.
#ifndef errcheck_DEFS
#define errcheck_DEFS

#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "standard.h"
#include "sql.h"
#include "sqlext.h"
#include "child.h"

// Defines

#define PostError(str) \
DoPostError(str, __FILE__, __LINE__)

// Declare global variables
extern dCSEG(char) szErrTitle[];
extern dCSEG(char) szError[];
extern dCSEG(char) szOutOfMemory[];
extern dCSEG(char) szInvalidParms[];
extern dCSEG(char) szRegisterClassFailed[];

// Declare function prototypes
LPSTR GetSQLState(SWORD handletype, SQLHANDLE handle, SWORD *psMsgNum,
LPSTR szState, SDWORD FAR * pfNative, LPSTR szMessage);
void DoPostError(LPSTR szErr, LPSTR szFile, int cbLine);
void PrintErrors(CHILDINFO FAR * ci, SWORD handletype);
void PrintErrorsHwnd(HWND hwnd, SWORD handletype, SQLHANDLE handle);
void DisplayErrors(HWND hwnd, LPSTR title, SWORD handletype, SQLHANDLE handle);
