// Microsoft OLE DB Sample Provider
// (C) Copyright 1994 - 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// @doc
// @module ASSERTS.H | Assertion Routines
#ifndef _ASSERTS_H_
#define _ASSERTS_H_

// Global function prototypes -- helper stuff

// The assert and trace macros below calls these.
void OLEDB_Assert(LPSTR expression, LPSTR filename, long linenum);

void OLEDB_Trace(const char* format, ...);

// Debugging macros

// Ensure "DEBUG" is set if "_DEBUG" is set.
#ifdef _DEBUG
# ifndef DEBUG
# define DEBUG 1
# endif

// Ensure no previous versions of our macros.
#ifdef assert
# undef assert
#ifdef Assert
# undef Assert
#ifdef ASSERT
# undef ASSERT
#ifdef TRACE
# undef TRACE

#ifdef DEBUG
# define assert(x) { if ( ! (x) ) OLEDB_Assert( #x, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); }
# define Assert(x) assert(x)
# define ASSERT(x) assert(x)
# define VERIFY(x) assert(x)
# define TRACE OLEDB_Trace
# define DEBUGCODE(p) p
#else// DEBUG
# define assert(x) ((void)0)
# define Assert(x) ((void)0)
# define ASSERT(x) ((void)0)
# define VERIFY(x) ((void)(x))
# define TRACE OLEDB_Trace
inline void OLEDB_Trace( const char *format, ... ) { /* do nothing */ }
# define DEBUGCODE(p)
#endif// DEBUG
