Attribute VB_Name = "AMSample" 
' ActiveMovie OCX Sample Code
' Copyright (c) 1996 - 1997 Microsoft Corporation
' All Rights Reserved

Option Explicit

' Counters for Timer, PositionChange, and StateChange events.
Global g_cTimer As Long
Global g_cPositionChange As Long
Global g_cStateChange As Long

' Tracks file name extension and whether or not a file is currently open.
Global g_FileExtension As String
Global g_FileOpened As Boolean

Sub Main()

' Main entry point to ActiveMovie OCX Sample application.

' Load main form, position and show.
Load frmMain
With frmMain
.Top = Screen.Height * 0.05
.Left = Screen.Width * 0.05
.Visible = True
End With

' Load viewer form but don't show yet.
Load frmViewer
With frmViewer
.Visible = False
.Left = frmMain.Left + frmMain.Width
.Top = frmMain.Top
End With

' Initialize global variables.
g_FileOpened = False
g_FileExtension = ""

End Sub

Sub ResizeViewer()

' Resize form to dimensions of ActiveMovie control + nonclient region.
With frmViewer
.Visible = False
.Height = .ActiveMovie1.Height + (.Height - .ScaleHeight)
.Width = .ActiveMovie1.Width + (.Width - .ScaleWidth)
.Visible = True
End With

End Sub

Sub UpdateStatusBar()

' Update the main form status bar to show the current number of events.

With frmMain.StatusBar1
.Panels(1).Text = "Timer Events: " & g_cTimer
.Panels(2).Text = "State Changes: " & g_cStateChange
.Panels(3).Text = "Position Changes: " & g_cPositionChange
End With

End Sub