#include "fdfilter.h" 
#include "filter.h"

CGargle::CGargle( int nFreq, int nChannels, int nBytesPerSample )
m_nPhase = 0;
m_nGargleRate = 10;
m_nBytesPerSample = nBytesPerSample;
m_nSamplesPerSec = nFreq;
m_nChannels = nChannels;

//Below resutls in cl error C2600 - the compiler
//has already generated a default destructor due
//to the abstract delcaration of the CGargle class
// {
// }

// Copy the required information about the new format for the buffer
HRESULT CGargle::SetFormat( PWAVEFORMATEX pwfx )
if( NULL == pwfx )
return ResultFromScode( E_POINTER );

m_nSamplesPerSec = pwfx->nSamplesPerSec;
m_nChannels = pwfx->nChannels;
m_nBytesPerSample = pwfx->wBitsPerSample / 8;

return NOERROR;

// MessItAbout
// Mess the sound about by modulating it with a waveform.
// We know the frequency of the modulation (from the slider setting
// which we were told through our internal interface, IGargle, and
// which we stored in m_GargleRate). At the end of the call we
// record what part of the waveform we finished at in m_Phase and
// we resume at that point next time.
// Uses and updates m_Phase
// Uses m_SamplesPerSec, m_Channels, m_GargleRate, m_Shape
void CGargle::MessItAbout( PBYTE pbIn, DWORD cb, PBYTE pbOut )
// We know how many samples per sec and how
// many channels so we can calculate the modulation period in samples.

int Period = (m_nSamplesPerSec * m_nChannels) / m_nGargleRate;

while( cb > 0 ) {

// If m_Shape is 0 (triangle) then we multiply by a triangular waveform
// that runs 0..Period/2..0..Period/2..0... else by a square one that
// is either 0 or Period/2 (same maximum as the triangle) or zero.
// m_Phase is the number of samples from the start of the period.
// We keep this running from one call to the next,
// but if the period changes so as to make this more
// than Period then we reset to 0 with a bang. This may cause
// an audible click or pop (but, hey! it's only a sample!)
if( m_nPhase > Period )
m_nPhase = 0;

int M = m_nPhase; // m is what we modulate with

if( m_Shape == SHAPE_TRIANGLE ) { // Triangle
if( M > Period / 2 )
M = Period - M; // handle downslope
} else if( m_Shape == SHAPE_TRIANGLE ) { // Square wave
if( M <= Period / 2 )
M = Period / 2;
else M = 0;

if( m_nBytesPerSample == 1 ) {
// 8 bit sound uses 0..255 representing -128..127
// Any overflow, even by 1, would sound very bad.
// so we clip paranoically after modulating.
// I think it should never clip by more than 1
int i = *pbIn - 128; // sound sample, zero based
i = (i * M * 2) / Period; // modulate
if(i > 127) // clip
i = 127;
if(i < -128)
i = -128;

*pbOut = (unsigned char)(i + 128); // reset zero offset to 128

} else if( m_nBytesPerSample == 2 ) {
// 16 bit sound uses 16 bits properly (0 means 0)
// We still clip paranoically
short int *psi = (short int *)pbOut;
int i = *((short int *)pbIn); // in a register, we might hope
i = (i*M*2)/Period; // modulate
if(i > 32767)
i = 32767; // clip
if(i < -32768)
i = -32768;
*psi = (short)i;
++pbIn; // nudge it on another 8 bits here to get a 16 bit step
--cb; // and nudge the count too.
} else {
// DbgBreak("Too many bytes per sample");
// just leave it alone!
++pbIn; // move on 8 bits to next sound sample
} // MessItAbout

// Transform
HRESULT CGargle::Transform( PBYTE pbIn, int cbWrite, PBYTE pbOut )
// Actually transform the data
if( m_nSamplesPerSec && m_nChannels && m_nBytesPerSample )
MessItAbout( pbIn, cbWrite, pbOut );

return NOERROR;

} // Transform