// hook.c
// Source file for Keyboard Hook function and support procedures. Defines
// the following exported functions:
// InstallHook() - Installs/Removes keyboard hook for app's hotkeys
// KeyboardHook() - Keyboard Hook Procedure
// This file should go into a DLL.
// This file, although not officially containing DIB functions, is part
// of the DIBAPI.DLL because:
// 1) System-wide Hook Procedures in 3.1 need to be in a DLL, and
// 2) I didn't want the user to have 2 DLLs to worry about for WINCAP.
// Written by Microsoft Product Support Services, Developer Support.
// Copyright 1991-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

#define STRICT // enable strict type checking

#include <windows.h>
#include "wincap.h"

// Globals for this module

extern HWND ghWndMain; // Handle to main window -- used to post msgs

static HHOOK hHook; // A handle to our installed hook
static BOOL bHookInstalled; // TRUE if hook has been installed

// External variables

extern HANDLE ghDLLInst; // Handle to the DLL's instance. Set in DllMain.

// Local function. Although this function is exported from our DLL (Windows
// needs to call it directly), no other app needs to call this, so we can
// just prototype it here.

LRESULT CALLBACK KeyboardHook (int nCode, WORD wParam, DWORD lParam );

// InstallHook()
// Installs/Removes Filter function for the WH_KEYBOARD hook.
// Parameters:
// HWND hWnd Handle to main window to receive posted messages. See
// KeyboardHook() for more info on how it works.
// BOOL bCode TRUE to hook, FALSE to unhook
// Returns:
// 1 if successful, 0 if not.

int APIENTRY InstallHook (HWND hWnd, BOOL bCode )

int nReturn = 1;

ghWndMain = hWnd; // Store app's window handle in DLL global variable

// Make sure that we are installing/removing in the proper order

if (bCode == bHookInstalled)
return 0;

if (bCode)
hHook = (HHOOK)SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD,(HOOKPROC)KeyboardHook,
ghDLLInst, 0);

if (!hHook)
return 0;

bHookInstalled = TRUE;
nReturn = UnhookWindowsHookEx(hHook);
bHookInstalled = FALSE;
return nReturn;

// KeyboardHook()
// This is the Keyboard Hook function which windows will call every
// time it gets a keyboard message. In this function, we check to
// see if the key pressed was Ctrl+Alt+F[8,9,10], and if it is, we post
// the proper message to our main window which will do the right
// thing.
// Note that the window handle that we post from was set by a call to
// InstallHook() above.
// Parameters/return value:
// Standard 3.1 KeyboardProc. See docs for "KeyboardProc".

LRESULT CALLBACK KeyboardHook (int nCode, WORD wParam, DWORD lParam )

if ( nCode >= 0 )

// Check to see if it's a key we're looking for

if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0 && GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0)
switch (wParam)

// MENUITEM "&Active Window \aCtrl+Shift+F9", IDM_ACTIVEWINDOW
// MENUITEM "&Desktop\aCtrl+Shift+F10", IDM_DESKTOP

case VK_F9:
if (HIWORD(lParam) & 0x8000)
return 1;

case VK_F10:

if (HIWORD(lParam) & 0x8000)
PostMessage(ghWndMain, WM_COMMAND, IDM_DESKTOP, 0L);
return 1;

// If we haven't returned 1 by the time we get here, then we
// need to pass on the message to CallNextHookEx.
return (int)CallNextHookEx(hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);