* (c) Copyright 1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* 1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation
* Please refer to OpenGL/readme.txt for additional information

#include "glos.h"

#include <GL/gl.h>

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "point.hxx"

// Change this back to inline
Point Point::rotate_abouty(GLfloat c, GLfloat s)
val.pt[0] = c*pt[0] + s*pt[2];
val.pt[1] = pt[1];
val.pt[2] = -s*pt[0] + c*pt[2];
return val;

void Point::refract_self(Point light, Point N, GLfloat I)
GLfloat t;
Point dlight;

dlight = refract_direction(light, N, I);
t = -pt[2] / dlight.pt[2];
pt[0] = pt[0] + dlight.pt[0]*t;
pt[1] = pt[1] + dlight.pt[1]*t;
pt[2] = 0;

Point Point::refract_direction(Point light, Point N, GLfloat I)
GLfloat cos1, sin1, cos2, sin2, m;
GLfloat dlight[3], dN[3], axis[3];

/* dlight = (light - *this).unit() * -1.0; */
dlight[0] = pt[0] - light.pt[0];
dlight[1] = pt[1] - light.pt[1];
dlight[2] = pt[2] - light.pt[2];
m = (GLfloat)sqrt((double)(dlight[0]*dlight[0] + dlight[1]*dlight[1] + dlight[2]*dlight[2]));
dlight[0] /= m;
dlight[1] /= m;
dlight[2] /= m;

// dN = N * -1.0;
dN[0] = -N.pt[0];
dN[1] = -N.pt[1];
dN[2] = -N.pt[2];

// cos1 = dN.dot(dlight);
cos1 = dN[0]*dlight[0] + dN[1]*dlight[1] + dN[2]*dlight[2];

if (1.0 - cos1*cos1 < point_fudge) {
val = dN;
return val;

// axis = ((dN * dlight) * dN).unit();
val.pt[0] = dN[1]*dlight[2] - dlight[1]*dN[2];
val.pt[1] = dN[2]*dlight[0] - dlight[2]*dN[0];
val.pt[2] = dN[0]*dlight[1] - dN[1]*dlight[0];
axis[0] = val.pt[1]*dN[2] - dN[1]*val.pt[2];
axis[1] = val.pt[2]*dN[0] - dN[2]*val.pt[0];
axis[2] = val.pt[0]*dN[1] - val.pt[1]*dN[0];
m = (GLfloat)sqrt((double)(axis[0]*axis[0] + axis[1]*axis[1] + axis[2]*axis[2]));
axis[0] /= m;
axis[1] /= m;
axis[2] /= m;

if (axis[0]*axis[0] > point_fudge)
sin1 = (dlight[0] - dN[0] * cos1) / axis[0];
else if (axis[1]*axis[1] > point_fudge)
sin1 = (dlight[1] - dN[1] * cos1) / axis[1];
else sin1 = dlight[2] - dN[2] * cos1;

sin2 = sin1 / I;
cos2 = (sin1*sin1 < 1.0) ? (GLfloat)sqrt((double)(1.0 - sin2*sin2)) : (GLfloat)0;

dlight[0] = dN[0]*cos2 + axis[0]*sin2;
dlight[1] = dN[1]*cos2 + axis[1]*sin2;
dlight[2] = dN[2]*cos2 + axis[2]*sin2;

/* I'm not sure this is quite legal */
if (dlight[2] > 0.0) dlight[2] = -dlight[2];

val = dlight;

return val;

void Point::print()
print("%f %f %f\n");

void Point::print(const char *format)
//printf(format, this->pt[0], this->pt[1], this->pt[2], 1.0);