* Module Name: node.cxx
* Pipes node array
* Copyright 1995 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>

#include "sspipes.h"
#include "node.h"

* NODE_ARRAY constructor

nodes = NULL; // allocated on Resize

numNodes.x = 0;
numNodes.y = 0;
numNodes.z = 0;

* NODE_ARRAY destructor

if( nodes )
delete nodes;

* Resize

NODE_ARRAY::Resize( IPOINT3D *pNewSize )
if( (numNodes.x == pNewSize->x) &&
(numNodes.y == pNewSize->y) &&
(numNodes.z == pNewSize->z) )

numNodes = *pNewSize;

int elemCount = numNodes.x * numNodes.y * numNodes.z ;

if( nodes )
delete nodes;

nodes = new Node[elemCount];

SS_ASSERT( nodes, "NODE_ARRAY::Resize : can't alloc nodes\n" );

// Reset the node states to empty

int i;
Node *pNode = nodes;
for( i = 0; i < elemCount; i++, pNode++ )

// precalculate direction offsets between nodes for speed
nodeDirInc[PLUS_X] = 1;
nodeDirInc[MINUS_X] = -1;
nodeDirInc[PLUS_Y] = numNodes.x;
nodeDirInc[MINUS_Y] = - nodeDirInc[PLUS_Y];
nodeDirInc[PLUS_Z] = numNodes.x * numNodes.y;
nodeDirInc[MINUS_Z] = - nodeDirInc[PLUS_Z];

* Reset

NODE_ARRAY::Reset( )
int i;
Node *pNode = nodes;

// Reset the node states to empty
for( i = 0; i < (numNodes.x)*(numNodes.y)*(numNodes.z); i++, pNode++ )

* GetNodeCount

NODE_ARRAY::GetNodeCount( IPOINT3D *count )
*count = numNodes;

* ChooseRandomDirection
* Choose randomnly among the possible directions. The likelyhood of going
* straight is controlled by weighting it.

NODE_ARRAY::ChooseRandomDirection( IPOINT3D *pos, int dir, int weightStraight )
Node *nNode[NUM_DIRS];
int numEmpty, newDir;
int choice;
Node *straightNode = NULL;
int emptyDirs[NUM_DIRS];

SS_ASSERT( (dir >= 0) && (dir < NUM_DIRS),
"NODE_ARRAY::ChooseRandomDirection: invalid dir\n" );

// Get the neigbouring nodes
GetNeighbours( pos, nNode );

// Get node in straight direction if necessary
if( weightStraight && nNode[dir] && nNode[dir]->IsEmpty() ) {
straightNode = nNode[dir];
// if maximum weight, choose and return
if( weightStraight == MAX_WEIGHT_STRAIGHT ) {
return dir;
} else
weightStraight = 0;

// Get directions of possible turns
numEmpty = GetEmptyTurnNeighbours( nNode, emptyDirs, dir );

// Make a random choice
if( (choice = (weightStraight + numEmpty)) == 0 )
return DIR_NONE;
choice = ss_iRand( choice );

if( choice < weightStraight ) {
return dir;
} else {
// choose one of the turns
newDir = emptyDirs[choice - weightStraight];
return newDir;

* ChoosePreferredDirection
* Choose randomnly from one of the supplied preferred directions. If none
* of these are available, then try and choose any empty direction

NODE_ARRAY::ChoosePreferredDirection( IPOINT3D *pos, int dir, int *prefDirs,
int nPrefDirs )
Node *nNode[NUM_DIRS];
int numEmpty, newDir;
int emptyDirs[NUM_DIRS];
int *pEmptyPrefDirs;
int i, j;

SS_ASSERT( (dir >= 0) && (dir < NUM_DIRS),
"NODE_ARRAY::ChoosePreferredDirection : invalid dir\n" );

// Get the neigbouring nodes
GetNeighbours( pos, nNode );

// Create list of directions that are both preferred and empty

pEmptyPrefDirs = emptyDirs;
numEmpty = 0;

for( i = 0, j = 0; (i < NUM_DIRS) && (j < nPrefDirs); i++ ) {
if( i == *prefDirs ) {
if( nNode[i] && nNode[i]->IsEmpty() ) {
// add it to list
*pEmptyPrefDirs++ = i;

// if no empty preferred dirs, then any empty dirs become preferred

if( !numEmpty ) {
numEmpty = GetEmptyNeighbours( nNode, emptyDirs );
if( numEmpty == 0 )
return DIR_NONE;

// Pick a random dir from the empty set

newDir = emptyDirs[ss_iRand( numEmpty )];
return newDir;

* FindClearestDirection
* Finds the direction with the most empty nodes in a line 'searchRadius'
* long. Does not mark any nodes as taken.

NODE_ARRAY::FindClearestDirection( IPOINT3D *pos )
static Node *neighbNode[NUM_DIRS];
static int emptyDirs[NUM_DIRS];
int nEmpty, newDir;
int maxEmpty = 0;
int searchRadius = 3;
int count = 0;
int i;

// Get ptrs to neighbour nodes

GetNeighbours( pos, neighbNode );

// find empty nodes in each direction

for( i = 0; i < NUM_DIRS; i ++ ) {
if( neighbNode[i] && neighbNode[i]->IsEmpty() )
// find number of contiguous empty nodes along this direction
nEmpty = GetEmptyNeighboursAlongDir( pos, i, searchRadius );
if( nEmpty > maxEmpty ) {
// we have a new winner
count = 0;
maxEmpty = nEmpty;
emptyDirs[count++] = i;
else if( nEmpty == maxEmpty ) {
// tied with current max
emptyDirs[count++] = i;

if( count == 0 )
return DIR_NONE;

// randomnly choose a direction
newDir = emptyDirs[ss_iRand( count )];

return newDir;
* ChooseNewTurnDirection
* Choose a direction to turn
* This requires finding a pair of nodes to turn through. The first node
* is in the direction of the turn from the current node, and the second node
* is at right angles to this at the end position. The prim will not draw
* through the first node, but may sweep close to it, so we have to mark it
* as taken.
* - if next node is free, but there are no turns available, return
* DIR_STRAIGHT, so the caller can decide what to do in this case
* - The turn possibilities are based on the orientation of the current xc, with
* 4 relative directions to seek turns in.

NODE_ARRAY::ChooseNewTurnDirection( IPOINT3D *pos, int dir )
int turns[NUM_DIRS], nTurns;
IPOINT3D nextPos;
int newDir;
Node *nextNode;

SS_ASSERT( (dir >= 0) && (dir < NUM_DIRS),
"NODE_ARRAY::ChooseNewTurnDirection : invalid dir\n" );

// First, check if next node along current dir is empty

if( ! GetNextNodePos( pos, &nextPos, dir ) )
return DIR_NONE; // node out of bounds or not empty

// Ok, the next node is free - check the 4 possible turns from here

nTurns = GetBestPossibleTurns( &nextPos, dir, turns );
if( nTurns == 0 )
return DIR_STRAIGHT; // nowhere to turn, but could go straight

// randomnly choose one of the possible turns
newDir = turns[ ss_iRand( nTurns ) ];

SS_ASSERT( (newDir >= 0) && (newDir < NUM_DIRS),
"NODE_ARRAY::ChooseNewTurnDirection : invalid newDir\n" );

// mark taken nodes

nextNode = GetNode( &nextPos );

nextNode = GetNextNode( &nextPos, newDir );

return newDir;

* GetBestPossibleTurns
* From supplied direction and position, figure out which of 4 possible
* directions are best to turn in.
* Turns that have the greatest number of empty nodes after the turn are the
* best, since a pipe is less likely to hit a dead end in this case.
* - We only check as far as 'searchRadius' nodes along each dir.
* - Return direction indices of best possible turns in turnDirs, and return
* count of these turns in fuction return value.

NODE_ARRAY::GetBestPossibleTurns( IPOINT3D *pos, int dir, int *turnDirs )
Node *neighbNode[NUM_DIRS]; // ptrs to 6 neighbour nodes
int i, count = 0;
int nEmpty, maxEmpty = 0;
int searchRadius = 2;

SS_ASSERT( (dir >= 0) && (dir < NUM_DIRS),
"NODE_ARRAY::GetBestPossibleTurns : invalid dir\n" );

GetNeighbours( pos, neighbNode );

switch( dir ) {
case PLUS_X:
case MINUS_X:
check[PLUS_X] = FALSE;
check[MINUS_X] = FALSE;
case PLUS_Y:
case MINUS_Y:
check[PLUS_Y] = FALSE;
check[MINUS_Y] = FALSE;
case PLUS_Z:
case MINUS_Z:
check[PLUS_Z] = FALSE;
check[MINUS_Z] = FALSE;

// check approppriate directions
for( i = 0; i < NUM_DIRS; i ++ ) {
if( check[i] && neighbNode[i] && neighbNode[i]->IsEmpty() )
// find number of contiguous empty nodes along this direction
nEmpty = GetEmptyNeighboursAlongDir( pos, i, searchRadius );
if( nEmpty > maxEmpty ) {
// we have a new winner
count = 0;
maxEmpty = nEmpty;
turnDirs[count++] = i;
else if( nEmpty == maxEmpty ) {
// tied with current max
turnDirs[count++] = i;

return count;

* GetNeighbours
* Get neigbour nodes relative to supplied position
* - get addresses of the neigbour nodes,
* and put them in supplied matrix
* - boundary hits are returned as NULL

NODE_ARRAY::GetNeighbours( IPOINT3D *pos, Node **nNode )
Node *centerNode = GetNode( pos );

nNode[PLUS_X] = pos->x == (numNodes.x - 1) ? NULL :
centerNode + nodeDirInc[PLUS_X];
nNode[PLUS_Y] = pos->y == (numNodes.y - 1) ? NULL :
centerNode + nodeDirInc[PLUS_Y];
nNode[PLUS_Z] = pos->z == (numNodes.z - 1) ? NULL :
centerNode + nodeDirInc[PLUS_Z];

nNode[MINUS_X] = pos->x == 0 ? NULL : centerNode + nodeDirInc[MINUS_X];
nNode[MINUS_Y] = pos->y == 0 ? NULL : centerNode + nodeDirInc[MINUS_Y];
nNode[MINUS_Z] = pos->z == 0 ? NULL : centerNode + nodeDirInc[MINUS_Z];

* NodeVisited
* Mark the node as non-empty

NODE_ARRAY::NodeVisited( IPOINT3D *pos )
(GetNode( pos ))->MarkAsTaken();

* GetNode
* Get ptr to node from position

Node *
NODE_ARRAY::GetNode( IPOINT3D *pos )
return nodes +
pos->x +
pos->y * numNodes.x +
pos->z * numNodes.x * numNodes.y;

* GetNextNode
* Get ptr to next node from pos and dir

Node *
NODE_ARRAY::GetNextNode( IPOINT3D *pos, int dir )
Node *curNode = GetNode( pos );

SS_ASSERT( (dir >= 0) && (dir < NUM_DIRS),
"NODE_ARRAY::GetNextNode : invalid dir\n" );

switch( dir ) {
case PLUS_X:
return( pos->x == (numNodes.x - 1) ? NULL :
curNode + nodeDirInc[PLUS_X]);
case MINUS_X:
return( pos->x == 0 ? NULL :
curNode + nodeDirInc[MINUS_X]);
case PLUS_Y:
return( pos->y == (numNodes.y - 1) ? NULL :
curNode + nodeDirInc[PLUS_Y]);
case MINUS_Y:
return( pos->y == 0 ? NULL :
curNode + nodeDirInc[MINUS_Y]);
case PLUS_Z:
return( pos->z == (numNodes.z - 1) ? NULL :
curNode + nodeDirInc[PLUS_Z]);
case MINUS_Z:
return( pos->z == 0 ? NULL :
curNode + nodeDirInc[MINUS_Z]);
return NULL;

* GetNextNodePos
* Get position of next node from curPos and lastDir
* Returns FALSE if boundary hit or node empty

NODE_ARRAY::GetNextNodePos( IPOINT3D *curPos, IPOINT3D *nextPos, int dir )
static Node *neighbNode[NUM_DIRS]; // ptrs to 6 neighbour nodes

SS_ASSERT( (dir >= 0) && (dir < NUM_DIRS),
"NODE_ARRAY::GetNextNodePos : invalid dir\n" );

// don't need to get all neighbours, just one in next direction
GetNeighbours( curPos, neighbNode );

*nextPos = *curPos;

// bail if boundary hit or node not empty
if( (neighbNode[dir] == NULL) || !neighbNode[dir]->IsEmpty() )
return FALSE;

switch( dir ) {
case PLUS_X:
nextPos->x = curPos->x + 1;

case MINUS_X:
nextPos->x = curPos->x - 1;

case PLUS_Y:
nextPos->y = curPos->y + 1;

case MINUS_Y:
nextPos->y = curPos->y - 1;

case PLUS_Z:
nextPos->z = curPos->z + 1;

case MINUS_Z:
nextPos->z = curPos->z - 1;

return TRUE;

* GetEmptyNeighbours()
* - get list of direction indices of empty node neighbours,
* and put them in supplied matrix
* - return number of empty node neighbours

NODE_ARRAY::GetEmptyNeighbours( Node **nNode, int *nEmpty )
int i, count = 0;

for( i = 0; i < NUM_DIRS; i ++ ) {
if( nNode[i] && nNode[i]->IsEmpty() )
nEmpty[count++] = i;
return count;

* GetEmptyTurnNeighbours()
* - get list of direction indices of empty node neighbours,
* and put them in supplied matrix
* - don't include going straight
* - return number of empty node neighbours

NODE_ARRAY::GetEmptyTurnNeighbours( Node **nNode, int *nEmpty, int lastDir )
int i, count = 0;

for( i = 0; i < NUM_DIRS; i ++ ) {
if( nNode[i] && nNode[i]->IsEmpty() ) {
if( i == lastDir )
nEmpty[count++] = i;
return count;

* GetEmptyNeighboursAlongDir
* Sort of like above, but just gets one neigbour according to supplied dir
* Given a position and direction, find out how many contiguous empty nodes
* there are in that direction.
* - Can limit search with searchRadius parameter
* - Return contiguous empty node count

NODE_ARRAY::GetEmptyNeighboursAlongDir( IPOINT3D *pos, int dir,
int searchRadius )
Node *curNode = GetNode( pos );
int nodeStride;
int maxSearch;
int count = 0;

SS_ASSERT( (dir >= 0) && (dir < NUM_DIRS),
"NODE_ARRAY::GetEmptyNeighboursAlongDir : invalid dir\n" );

nodeStride = nodeDirInc[dir];

switch( dir ) {
case PLUS_X:
maxSearch = numNodes.x - pos->x - 1;
case MINUS_X:
maxSearch = pos->x;
case PLUS_Y:
maxSearch = numNodes.y - pos->y - 1;
case MINUS_Y:
maxSearch = pos->y;
case PLUS_Z:
maxSearch = numNodes.z - pos->z - 1;
case MINUS_Z:
maxSearch = pos->z;

if( searchRadius > maxSearch )
searchRadius = maxSearch;

if( !searchRadius )
return 0;

while( searchRadius-- ) {
curNode += nodeStride;
if( ! curNode->IsEmpty() )
return count;
return count;

* FindRandomEmptyNode
* - Search for an empty node to start drawing
* - Return position of empty node in supplied pos ptr
* - Returns FALSE if couldn't find a node
* - Marks node as taken (mf: renam fn to ChooseEmptyNode ?

// If random search takes longer than twice the total number
// of nodes, give up the random search. There may not be any
// empty nodes.


NODE_ARRAY::FindRandomEmptyNode( IPOINT3D *pos )
int infLoopDetect = 0;

while( TRUE ) {

// Pick a random node.

pos->x = ss_iRand( numNodes.x );
pos->y = ss_iRand( numNodes.y );
pos->z = ss_iRand( numNodes.z );

// If its empty, we're done.

if( GetNode(pos)->IsEmpty() ) {
NodeVisited( pos );
return TRUE;
} else {
// Watch out for infinite loops! After trying for
// awhile, give up on the random search and look
// for the first empty node.

if ( infLoopDetect++ > INFINITE_LOOP ) {

// Search for first empty node.

for ( pos->x = 0; pos->x < numNodes.x; pos->x++ )
for ( pos->y = 0; pos->y < numNodes.y; pos->y++ )
for ( pos->z = 0; pos->z < numNodes.z; pos->z++ )
if( GetNode(pos)->IsEmpty() ) {
NodeVisited( pos );
return TRUE;

// There are no more empty nodes.
// Reset the pipes and exit.

return FALSE;

* FindRandomEmptyNode2D
* - Like FindRandomEmptyNode, but limits search to a 2d plane of the supplied
* box.

#define MIN_VAL 1
#define MAX_VAL 0

NODE_ARRAY::FindRandomEmptyNode2D( IPOINT3D *pos, int plane, int *box )
int *newx, *newy;
int *xDim, *yDim;

switch( plane ) {
case PLUS_X:
case MINUS_X:
pos->x = box[plane];
newx = &pos->z;
newy = &pos->y;
xDim = &box[PLUS_Z];
yDim = &box[PLUS_Y];
case PLUS_Y:
case MINUS_Y:
pos->y = box[plane];
newx = &pos->x;
newy = &pos->z;
xDim = &box[PLUS_X];
yDim = &box[PLUS_Z];
case PLUS_Z:
case MINUS_Z:
newx = &pos->x;
newy = &pos->y;
pos->z = box[plane];
xDim = &box[PLUS_X];
yDim = &box[PLUS_Y];

int infLoop = 2 * (xDim[MAX_VAL] - xDim[MIN_VAL] + 1) *
(yDim[MAX_VAL] - yDim[MIN_VAL] + 1);
int infLoopDetect = 0;

while( TRUE ) {

// Pick a random node.

*newx = ss_iRand2( xDim[MIN_VAL], xDim[MAX_VAL] );
*newy = ss_iRand2( yDim[MIN_VAL], yDim[MAX_VAL] );

// If its empty, we're done.

if( GetNode(pos)->IsEmpty() ) {
NodeVisited( pos );
return TRUE;
} else {
// Watch out for infinite loops! After trying for
// awhile, give up on the random search and look
// for the first empty node.

if ( ++infLoopDetect > infLoop ) {

// Do linear search for first empty node.

for ( *newx = xDim[MIN_VAL]; *newx <= xDim[MAX_VAL]; (*newx)++ )
for ( *newy = yDim[MIN_VAL]; *newy <= yDim[MAX_VAL]; (*newy)++ )
if( GetNode(pos)->IsEmpty() ) {
NodeVisited( pos );
return TRUE;

// There are no empty nodes in this plane.
return FALSE;

* TakeClosestEmptyNode
* - Search for an empty node closest to supplied node position
* - Returns FALSE if couldn't find a node
* - Marks node as taken
* - not completely opimized - if when dilating the box, a side gets
* clamped against the node array, this side will continue to be searched

static void
DilateBox( int *box, IPOINT3D *bounds );

NODE_ARRAY::TakeClosestEmptyNode( IPOINT3D *newPos, IPOINT3D *pos )
static int searchRadius = SS_MAX( numNodes.x, numNodes.y ) / 3;

// easy out
if( GetNode(pos)->IsEmpty() ) {
NodeVisited( pos );
*newPos = *pos;
return TRUE;

int box[NUM_DIRS] = {pos->x, pos->x, pos->y, pos->y, pos->z, pos->z};
int clip[NUM_DIRS] = {0};

// do a random search on successively larger search boxes
for( int i = 0; i < searchRadius; i++ ) {
// Increase box size
DilateBox( box, &numNodes );
// start looking in random 2D face of the box
int dir = ss_iRand( NUM_DIRS );
for( int j = 0; j < NUM_DIRS; j++, dir = (++dir == NUM_DIRS) ? 0 : dir ) {
if( FindRandomEmptyNode2D( newPos, dir, box ) )
return TRUE;

// nothing nearby - grab a random one
return FindRandomEmptyNode( newPos );

* DilateBox
* - Increase box radius without exceeding bounds

static void
DilateBox( int *box, IPOINT3D *bounds )
int *min = (int *) &box[MINUS_X];
int *max = (int *) &box[PLUS_X];
int *boundMax = (int *) bounds;
// boundMin always 0

for( int i = 0; i < 3; i ++, min+=2, max+=2, boundMax++ ) {
if( *min > 0 )
if( *max < (*boundMax - 1) )