HeadDump: requests the default HTML document from the server and prints
along with HTTP headers.
Microsoft Corporation (C). Leon Braginski.

This sample demonstrates how to create and submit HTTP
request. Sample requests the default HTML document from the
server and then display it along with the HTTP transaction headers.
This sample also allows to access password protected pages. It
checks for HTTP server response code and it is "401 Access Denied"
it asks password and user name and then resubmit request.

This sample features:
- SSL/PCT support
- NTLM Authentication (when IE 3.0 or above is installed)
- Basic Authentication
- Generating stadart user name/password UI to get user credentials.
- Getting user name and passwors without UI
- getting any document of any MIME type
- translation of Internet error codes to the extended error messeges
- ability to save remote object to a local file (when no local file
specify output goes to STDOUT).

headdump.exe -h host [-o object] [-p proxy] [-u] [-s] [-?] [-f file]
-h host is a HTTP server such as
-p proxy is optional proxy, in form: http://proxy:80
-o object is optional document to GET, in form: /foobar.htm
-u use this flag to bring user name and password UI (optional)
-f save remote object as local file (optional)
-? get help
-s use SSL (optional)

To get help on command line parameters:
C:> headdump.exe -?

Note that HeadDump can also invoke ISAPI dll or CGI like this:
C:> headdump.exe -s -o /scripts/myisapi.dll

Since sample generates large output, you may want to pipe to more:
C:> headdump.exe -s -o /scripts/myisapi.dll | more

To save remote HTML object as file:
C:> headdump.exe -s -o /exe_files/foo.exe -f foo.exe